2,489 research outputs found

    Segmentation of articular cartilage and early osteoarthritis based on the fuzzy soft thresholding approach driven by modified evolutionary ABC optimization and local statistical aggregation

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    Articular cartilage assessment, with the aim of the cartilage loss identification, is a crucial task for the clinical practice of orthopedics. Conventional software (SW) instruments allow for just a visualization of the knee structure, without post processing, offering objective cartilage modeling. In this paper, we propose the multiregional segmentation method, having ambitions to bring a mathematical model reflecting the physiological cartilage morphological structure and spots, corresponding with the early cartilage loss, which is poorly recognizable by the naked eye from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The proposed segmentation model is composed from two pixel's classification parts. Firstly, the image histogram is decomposed by using a sequence of the triangular fuzzy membership functions, when their localization is driven by the modified artificial bee colony (ABC) optimization algorithm, utilizing a random sequence of considered solutions based on the real cartilage features. In the second part of the segmentation model, the original pixel's membership in a respective segmentation class may be modified by using the local statistical aggregation, taking into account the spatial relationships regarding adjacent pixels. By this way, the image noise and artefacts, which are commonly presented in the MR images, may be identified and eliminated. This fact makes the model robust and sensitive with regards to distorting signals. We analyzed the proposed model on the 2D spatial MR image records. We show different MR clinical cases for the articular cartilage segmentation, with identification of the cartilage loss. In the final part of the analysis, we compared our model performance against the selected conventional methods in application on the MR image records being corrupted by additive image noise.Web of Science117art. no. 86

    DroTrack: High-speed Drone-based Object Tracking Under Uncertainty

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    We present DroTrack, a high-speed visual single-object tracking framework for drone-captured video sequences. Most of the existing object tracking methods are designed to tackle well-known challenges, such as occlusion and cluttered backgrounds. The complex motion of drones, i.e., multiple degrees of freedom in three-dimensional space, causes high uncertainty. The uncertainty problem leads to inaccurate location predictions and fuzziness in scale estimations. DroTrack solves such issues by discovering the dependency between object representation and motion geometry. We implement an effective object segmentation based on Fuzzy C Means (FCM). We incorporate the spatial information into the membership function to cluster the most discriminative segments. We then enhance the object segmentation by using a pre-trained Convolution Neural Network (CNN) model. DroTrack also leverages the geometrical angular motion to estimate a reliable object scale. We discuss the experimental results and performance evaluation using two datasets of 51,462 drone-captured frames. The combination of the FCM segmentation and the angular scaling increased DroTrack precision by up to 9%9\% and decreased the centre location error by 162162 pixels on average. DroTrack outperforms all the high-speed trackers and achieves comparable results in comparison to deep learning trackers. DroTrack offers high frame rates up to 1000 frame per second (fps) with the best location precision, more than a set of state-of-the-art real-time trackers.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figures, FUZZ-IEEE 202

    Dental X-ray Image Segmentation using Gaussian Kernel-Based in Conditional Spatial Fuzzy C-means

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    Dental X-ray image segmentation is a difficult task because of intensity inhomogeneities among various regions, low image quality due to noise and low contrast errors of data scanning. In this paper, we proposed a new conditional spatial fuzzy C-means algorithm with Gaussian kernel function to facilitate dental X-ray image segmentation. The Gaussian kernel function is used as an objective function of conditional spatial fuzzy C-means algorithm to substitute the Euclidian distance. Performance evaluation of the proposed algorithm was carried on dental X-ray from different teeth of some panoramic radiographs. The average of false negative fraction (FNF) and false positive fraction (TPF) values using proposed algorithm better than conditional spatial fuzzy C-means algorithm but vise versa for true positive volume fraction (FPF) value. The segmentation result of the proposed algorithm effectively recognizes tooth region as main part of the dental X-ray image

    Improvements on coronal hole detection in SDO/AIA images using supervised classification

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    We demonstrate the use of machine learning algorithms in combination with segmentation techniques in order to distinguish coronal holes and filaments in SDO/AIA EUV images of the Sun. Based on two coronal hole detection techniques (intensity-based thresholding, SPoCA), we prepared data sets of manually labeled coronal hole and filament channel regions present on the Sun during the time range 2011 - 2013. By mapping the extracted regions from EUV observations onto HMI line-of-sight magnetograms we also include their magnetic characteristics. We computed shape measures from the segmented binary maps as well as first order and second order texture statistics from the segmented regions in the EUV images and magnetograms. These attributes were used for data mining investigations to identify the most performant rule to differentiate between coronal holes and filament channels. We applied several classifiers, namely Support Vector Machine, Linear Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, and Random Forest and found that all classification rules achieve good results in general, with linear SVM providing the best performances (with a true skill statistic of ~0.90). Additional information from magnetic field data systematically improves the performance across all four classifiers for the SPoCA detection. Since the calculation is inexpensive in computing time, this approach is well suited for applications on real-time data. This study demonstrates how a machine learning approach may help improve upon an unsupervised feature extraction method.Comment: in press for SWS

    Mahalanobis Fuzzy C-Means Clustering with Spatial Information for Image Segmentation

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    Algoritma segmentasi Fuzzy C-Means dapat diimplementasikan pada segmentasi citra berdasarkan jarak mahalanobis; Namun, metode ini hanya perlu mempertimbangkan situasi ruang warna, bukan sistem ketetanggaan citra. itu adalah efek proses deteksi tepi yang tidak berjalan dengan baik dan menghasilkan akurasi yang kurang dalam hasil segmentasi. Pada artikel ini, kami mengusulkan metode baru untuk segmentasi citra dengan Mahalanobis fuzzy C-means Spatial information (MFCMS). Metode yang diusulkan menggabungkan ruang fitur dan citra informasi lingkungan (informasi spasial) untuk meningkatkan akurasi hasil segmentasi pada citra. MFCMS terdiri dari dua Langkah, modul histogram threshold untuk langkah pertama dan modul MFCMS untuk langkah kedua. Modul Threshold Histogram digunakan untuk mendapatkan kondisi inisialisasi MFCMS untuk centroid cluster dan jumlah centroid. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode ini memberikan kinerja segmentasi yang lebih baik daripada kesalahan klasifikasi (ME) dan kesalahan area latar depan relatif (RAE) masing-masing sebesar 1,61 dan 3,48