716 research outputs found

    Server-Aided Revocable Predicate Encryption: Formalization and Lattice-Based Instantiation

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    Efficient user revocation is a necessary but challenging problem in many multi-user cryptosystems. Among known approaches, server-aided revocation yields a promising solution, because it allows to outsource the major workloads of system users to a computationally powerful third party, called the server, whose only requirement is to carry out the computations correctly. Such a revocation mechanism was considered in the settings of identity-based encryption and attribute-based encryption by Qin et al. (ESORICS 2015) and Cui et al. (ESORICS 2016), respectively. In this work, we consider the server-aided revocation mechanism in the more elaborate setting of predicate encryption (PE). The latter, introduced by Katz, Sahai, and Waters (EUROCRYPT 2008), provides fine-grained and role-based access to encrypted data and can be viewed as a generalization of identity-based and attribute-based encryption. Our contribution is two-fold. First, we formalize the model of server-aided revocable predicate encryption (SR-PE), with rigorous definitions and security notions. Our model can be seen as a non-trivial adaptation of Cui et al.'s work into the PE context. Second, we put forward a lattice-based instantiation of SR-PE. The scheme employs the PE scheme of Agrawal, Freeman and Vaikuntanathan (ASIACRYPT 2011) and the complete subtree method of Naor, Naor, and Lotspiech (CRYPTO 2001) as the two main ingredients, which work smoothly together thanks to a few additional techniques. Our scheme is proven secure in the standard model (in a selective manner), based on the hardness of the Learning With Errors (LWE) problem.Comment: 24 page

    Anonymous and Adaptively Secure Revocable IBE with Constant Size Public Parameters

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    In Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) systems, key revocation is non-trivial. This is because a user's identity is itself a public key. Moreover, the private key corresponding to the identity needs to be obtained from a trusted key authority through an authenticated and secrecy protected channel. So far, there exist only a very small number of revocable IBE (RIBE) schemes that support non-interactive key revocation, in the sense that the user is not required to interact with the key authority or some kind of trusted hardware to renew her private key without changing her public key (or identity). These schemes are either proven to be only selectively secure or have public parameters which grow linearly in a given security parameter. In this paper, we present two constructions of non-interactive RIBE that satisfy all the following three attractive properties: (i) proven to be adaptively secure under the Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) and the Decisional Linear (DLIN) assumptions; (ii) have constant-size public parameters; and (iii) preserve the anonymity of ciphertexts---a property that has not yet been achieved in all the current schemes

    Contributions to Identity-Based Broadcast Encryption and Its Anonymity

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    Broadcast encryption was introduced to improve the efficiency of encryption when a message should be sent to or shared with a group of users. Only the legitimate users chosen in the encryption phase are able to retrieve the message. The primary challenge in construction a broadcast encryption scheme is to achieve collusion resistance such that the unchosen users learn nothing about the content of the encrypted message even they collude

    Attribute-based encryption for cloud computing access control: A survey

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    National Research Foundation (NRF) Singapore; AXA Research Fun

    A brief review of revocable ID-based public key cryptosystem

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    SummaryThe design of ID-based cryptography has received much attention from researchers. However, how to revoke the misbehaviour/compromised user in ID-based public key cryptosystem becomes an important research issue. Recently, Tseng and Tsai proposed a novel public key cryptosystem called revocable ID-based public key cryptosystem (RIBE) to solve the revocation problem. Later on, numerous research papers based on the Tseng-Tsai key RIBE were proposed. In this paper, we brief review Tseng and Tsai's RIBE. We hope this review can help the readers to understand the Tseng and Tsai's revocable ID-based public key cryptosystem

    Secure data sharing in cloud and IoT by leveraging attribute-based encryption and blockchain

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    “Data sharing is very important to enable different types of cloud and IoT-based services. For example, organizations migrate their data to the cloud and share it with employees and customers in order to enjoy better fault-tolerance, high-availability, and scalability offered by the cloud. Wearable devices such as smart watch share user’s activity, location, and health data (e.g., heart rate, ECG) with the service provider for smart analytic. However, data can be sensitive, and the cloud and IoT service providers cannot be fully trusted with maintaining the security, privacy, and confidentiality of the data. Hence, new schemes and protocols are required to enable secure data sharing in the cloud and IoT. This work outlines our research contribution towards secure data sharing in the cloud and IoT. For secure data sharing in the cloud, this work proposes several novel attribute-based encryption schemes. The core contributions to this end are efficient revocation, prevention of collusion attacks, and multi-group support. On the other hand, for secure data sharing in IoT, a permissioned blockchain-based access control system has been proposed. The system can be used to enforce fine-grained access control on IoT data where the access control decision is made by the blockchain-based on the consensus of the participating nodes”--Abstract, page iv

    Mergeable and revocable identity-based encryption

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    Identity-based encryption (IBE) has been extensively studied and widely used in various applications since Boneh and Franklin proposed the first practical scheme based on pairing. In that seminal work, it has also been pointed out that providing an efficient revocation mechanism for IBE is essential. Hence, revocable identity-based encryption (RIBE) has been proposed in the literature to offer an efficient revocation mechanism. In contrast to revocation, another issue that will also occur in practice is to combine two or multiple IBE systems into one system, e.g., due to the merge of the departments or companies. However, this issue has not been formally studied in the literature and the naive solution of creating a completely new system is inefficient. In order to efficiently address this problem, in this paper we propose the notion of mergeable and revocable identity-based encryption (MRIBE). Our scheme provides the first solution to efficiently revoke users and merge multiple IBE systems into a single system. The proposed scheme also has several nice features: when two systems are merged, there is no secure channel needed for the purpose of updating user private keys; and the size of the user private key remains unchanged when multiple systems are merged. We also propose a new security model for MRIBE, which is an extension of the security model for RIBE, and prove that the proposed scheme is semantically secure without random oracles

    Efficient Revocable ID-Based Signature With Cloud Revocation Server

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    Over the last few years, identity-based cryptosystem (IBC) has attracted widespread attention because it avoids the high overheads associated with public key certificate management. However, an unsolved but critical issue about IBC is how to revoke a misbehaving user. There are some revocable identity-based encryption schemes that have been proposed recently, but little work on the revocation problem of identity-based signature has been undertaken so far. One approach for revocation in identity-based settings is to update users\u27 private keys periodically, which is usually done by the key generation center (KGC). But with this approach, the load on the KGC will increase quickly when the number of users increases. In this paper, we propose an efficient revocable identity-based signature (RIBS) scheme in which the revocation functionality is outsourced to a cloud revocation server (CRS). In our proposed approach, most of the computations needed during key-updates are offloaded to the CRS. We describe the new framework and the security model for the RIBS scheme with CRS and we prove that the proposed scheme is existentially unforgeable against adaptively chosen messages and identity attacks in the random oracle model. Furthermore, we monstrate that our scheme outperforms previous IBS schemes in terms of lower computation and communication costs

    Hybrid Publicly Verifiable Computation

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    Publicly Verifiable Outsourced Computation (PVC) allows weak devices to delegate com-putations to more powerful servers, and to verify the correctness of results. Delegation and verification rely only on public parameters, and thus PVC lends itself to large multi-user systems where entities need not be registered. In such settings, individual user requirements may be diverse and cannot be realised with current PVC solutions. In this paper, we in-troduce Hybrid PVC (HPVC) which, with a single setup stage, provides a flexible solution to outsourced computation supporting multiple modes: (i) standard PVC, (ii) PVC with cryptographically enforced access control policies restricting the servers that may perform a given computation, and (iii) a reversed model of PVC which we call Verifiable Delegable Computation (VDC) where data is held remotely by servers. Entities may dynamically play the role of delegators or servers as required
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