5 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing the Selection of an Adaptive Learning Technology within University and K-12

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    Technology continues to shape the landscape of higher education, universities and K-12, therefore, need to design programs that accommodate the diverse needs of their students. As universities and K-12 consider pathways for meeting these needs, it will be fundamental that consideration is given to sound pedagogical principles for teaching and learning within these changing landscapes. This position paper reports on the key principles and factors influencing the selection of an adaptive learning system within universities. An extensive literature review demonstrates the benefits when an adaptive learning system gives equal consideration to technology and pedagogical issues

    Factors Influencing the Selection of an Adaptive Learning Technology within University and K-12

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    Technology continues to shape the landscape of higher education, universities and K-12, therefore, need to design programs that accommodate the diverse needs of their students. As universities and K-12 consider pathways for meeting these needs, it will be fundamental that consideration is given to sound pedagogical principles for teaching and learning within these changing landscapes. This position paper reports on the key principles and factors influencing the selection of an adaptive learning system within universities. An extensive literature review demonstrates the benefits when an adaptive learning system gives equal consideration to technology and pedagogical issues

    Intelligent e-Learning Systems: An Educational Paradigm Shift

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    Learning is the long process of transforming information as well as experience into knowledge, skills, attitude and behaviors. To make up the wide gap between the demand of increasing higher education and comparatively limited resources, more and more educational institutes are looking into instructional technology. Use of online resources not only reduces the cost of education but also meet the needs of society. Intelligent e-learning has become one of the important channels to reach out to students exceeding geographic boundaries. Besides this, the characteristics of e-learning have complicated the process of education, and have brought challenges to both instructors and students. This paper will focus on the discussion of different discipline of intelligent e-learning like scaffolding based e-learning, personalized e-learning, confidence based e-learning, intelligent tutoring system, etc. to illuminate the educational paradigm shift in intelligent e-learning system

    The PP&S100 Project: Process Control as an Information System Instance

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    The Project PP&S100, Problem Posing & Solving, is part of a set of initiatives promoted by the General Directorate of the Italian Ministry of Education, Research and University, for supporting the many innovations that have recently affected curricula at the upper secondary level. Main goals of the project include strengthening computer science culture and enhancing its role as a scientific discipline; founding education processes on logics, mathematics and computer science weaved together to pursue an interdisciplinary scenario, building a culture of "problem posing and solving" by investing across a broad disciplinary group of subjects, ensuring growth of computer science based training of trainers and practicing activities within specific social networks and virtual learning environment to share learning materials, teaching supplies, mentoring and self-evaluation. This work presents a hierarchical conceptual model for "Computational Thinking" assumed by PP&S100, formalized according to the outcomes shown by information systems courses held at the Politecnico di Torino and validated using Process Control as an information system instanc

    A framework to support social-collaborative personalized e-learning

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    We propose a comprehensive framework to support the personalization and adaptivity of courses in e-learning environments where the traditional activity of individual study is augmented by social-collaborative and group based educational activities. The framework aims to get its pedagogical significance from the Vygotskij Theory; it points out a minimal set of requirements to meet, in order to allow its implementations based on modules possibly constituted by independent e-learning software systems, all collaborating under a common interface. © 2013 Springer-Verlag