5 research outputs found

    Biomedical Information Extraction: Mining Disease Associated Genes from Literature

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    Disease associated gene discovery is a critical step to realize the future of personalized medicine. However empirical and clinical validation of disease associated genes are time consuming and expensive. In silico discovery of disease associated genes from literature is therefore becoming the first essential step for biomarker discovery to support hypothesis formulation and decision making. Completion of human genome project and advent of high-throughput technology have produced tremendous amount of data, which results in exponential growing of biomedical knowledge deposited in literature database. The sheer quantity of unexplored information causes information overflow for biomedical researchers, and poses big challenge for informatics researchers to address user's information extraction needs. This thesis focused on mining disease associated genes from PubMed literature database using machine learning and graph theory based information extraction (IE) methods. Mining disease associated genes is not trivial and requires pipelines of information extraction steps and methods. Beginning from named entity recognition (NER), the author introduced semantic concept type into feature space for conditional random fields machine learning and demonstrated the effectiveness of the concept feature for disease NER. The effects of domain specific POS tagging, domain specific dictionaries, and named entity encoding scheme on NER performance were also explored. Experimental results show that by combining knowledge base with concept feature space, it can significantly improve the overall disease NER performance. It has also shown that shallow linguistic features of global and local word sequence context can be used with string kernel based supporting vector machine (SVM) for efficient disease-gene relation extraction. Lastly, the disease-associated gene network was constructed by utilizing concept co-occurrence matrix computed from disease focused document collection, and subjected to systematic topology analysis. The gene network was then merged with a seed-gene expanded network to form heterogeneous disease-gene network. The author identified and prioritized disease-associated genes by graph centrality measurements. This novel approach provides a new mean for disease associated gene extraction from large corpora.Ph.D., Information Studies -- Drexel University, 201

    Theory and Applications for Advanced Text Mining

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    Due to the growth of computer technologies and web technologies, we can easily collect and store large amounts of text data. We can believe that the data include useful knowledge. Text mining techniques have been studied aggressively in order to extract the knowledge from the data since late 1990s. Even if many important techniques have been developed, the text mining research field continues to expand for the needs arising from various application fields. This book is composed of 9 chapters introducing advanced text mining techniques. They are various techniques from relation extraction to under or less resourced language. I believe that this book will give new knowledge in the text mining field and help many readers open their new research fields

    Development of a hepatitis C virus knowledgebase with computational prediction of functional hypothesis of therapeutic relevance

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDTo ameliorate Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) therapeutic and diagnostic challenges requires robust intervention strategies, including approaches that leverage the plethora of rich data published in biomedical literature to gain greater understanding of HCV pathobiological mechanisms. The multitudes of metadata originating from HCV clinical trials as well as low and high-throughput experiments embedded in text corpora can be mined as data sources for the implementation of HCV-specific resources. HCV-customized resources may support the generation of worthy and testable hypothesis and reveal potential research clues to augment the pursuit of efficient diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. This research thesis report the development of two freely available HCV-specific web-based resources: (i) Dragon Exploratory System on Hepatitis C Virus (DESHCV) accessible via http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/DESHCV/ or http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/deshcv/ and(ii) Hepatitis C Virus Protein Interaction Database (HCVpro) accessible via http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/hcvpro/ or http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/hcvpro/.DESHCV is a text mining system implemented using named concept recognition and cooccurrence based approaches to computationally analyze about 32, 000 HCV related abstracts obtained from PubMed. As part of DESHCV development, the pre-constructed dictionaries of the Dragon Exploratory System (DES) were enriched with HCV biomedical concepts, including HCV proteins, name variants and symbols to enable HCV knowledge specific exploration. The DESHCV query inputs consist of user-defined keywords, phrases and concepts. DESHCV is therefore an information extraction tool that enables users to computationally generate association between concepts and support the prediction of potential hypothesis with diagnostic and therapeutic relevance.Additionally, users can retrieve a list of abstracts containing tagged concepts that can be used to overcome the herculean task of manual biocuration. DESHCV has been used to simulate previously reported thalidomide-chronic hepatitis C hypothesis and also to model a potentially novel thalidomide-amantadine hypothesis.HCVpro is a relational knowledgebase dedicated to housing experimentally detected HCV-HCV and HCV-human protein interaction information obtained from other databases and curated from biomedical journal articles. Additionally, the database contains consolidated biological information consisting of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) related genes, comprehensive reviews on HCV biology and drug development,functional genomics and molecular biology data, and cross-referenced links to canonical pathways and other essential biomedical databases. Users can retrieve enriched information including interaction metadata from HCVpro by using protein identifiers,gene chromosomal locations, experiment types used in detecting the interactions, PubMed IDs of journal articles reporting the interactions, annotated protein interaction IDs from external databases, and via “string searches”. The utility of HCVpro has been demonstrated by harnessing integrated data to suggest putative baseline clues that seem to support current diagnostic exploratory efforts directed towards vimentin. Furthermore,eight genes comprising of ACLY, AZGP1, DDX3X, FGG, H19, SIAH1, SERPING1 and THBS1 have been recommended for possible investigation to evaluate their diagnostic potential. The data archived in HCVpro can be utilized to support protein-protein interaction network-based candidate HCC gene prioritization for possible validation by experimental biologists

    Development of a Hepatitis C Virus knowledgebase with computational prediction of functional hypothesis of therapeutic relevance

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    Philosophiae Doctor - PhDTo ameliorate Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) therapeutic and diagnostic challenges requires robust intervention strategies, including approaches that leverage the plethora of rich data published in biomedical literature to gain greater understanding of HCV pathobiological mechanisms. The multitudes of metadata originating from HCV clinical trials as well as low and high-throughput experiments embedded in text corpora can be mined as data sources for the implementation of HCV-specific resources. HCV-customized resources may support the generation of worthy and testable hypothesis and reveal potential research clues to augment the pursuit of efficient diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. This research thesis report the development of two freely available HCV-specific web-based resources: (i) Dragon Exploratory System on Hepatitis C Virus (DESHCV) accessible via http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/DESHCV/ or http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/deshcv/ and (ii) Hepatitis C Virus Protein Interaction Database (HCVpro) accessible via http://apps.sanbi.ac.za/hcvpro/ or http://cbrc.kaust.edu.sa/hcvpro/. DESHCV is a text mining system implemented using named concept recognition and cooccurrence based approaches to computationally analyze about 32, 000 HCV related abstracts obtained from PubMed. As part of DESHCV development, the pre-constructed dictionaries of the Dragon Exploratory System (DES) were enriched with HCV biomedical concepts, including HCV proteins, name variants and symbols to enable HCV knowledge specific exploration. The DESHCV query inputs consist of user-defined keywords, phrases and concepts. DESHCV is therefore an information extraction tool that enables users to computationally generate association between concepts and support the prediction of potential hypothesis with diagnostic and therapeutic relevance. Additionally, users can retrieve a list of abstracts containing tagged concepts that can be used to overcome the herculean task of manual biocuration. DESHCV has been used to simulate previously reported thalidomide-chronic hepatitis C hypothesis and also to model a potentially novel thalidomide-amantadine hypothesis. HCVpro is a relational knowledgebase dedicated to housing experimentally detected HCV-HCV and HCV-human protein interaction information obtained from other databases and curated from biomedical journal articles. Additionally, the database contains consolidated biological information consisting of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) related genes, comprehensive reviews on HCV biology and drug development, functional genomics and molecular biology data, and cross-referenced links to canonical pathways and other essential biomedical databases. Users can retrieve enriched information including interaction metadata from HCVpro by using protein identifiers, gene chromosomal locations, experiment types used in detecting the interactions, PubMed IDs of journal articles reporting the interactions, annotated protein interaction IDs from external databases, and via “string searches”. The utility of HCVpro has been demonstrated by harnessing integrated data to suggest putative baseline clues that seem to support current diagnostic exploratory efforts directed towards vimentin. Furthermore, eight genes comprising of ACLY, AZGP1, DDX3X, FGG, H19, SIAH1, SERPING1 and THBS1 have been recommended for possible investigation to evaluate their diagnostic potential. The data archived in HCVpro can be utilized to support protein-protein interaction network-based candidate HCC gene prioritization for possible validation by experimental biologists.South Afric