35,406 research outputs found

    The role of syntactic dependencies in compositional distributional semantics

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    This article provides a preliminary semantic framework for Dependency Grammar in which lexical words are semantically defined as contextual distributions (sets of contexts) while syntactic dependencies are compositional operations on word distributions. More precisely, any syntactic dependency uses the contextual distribution of the dependent word to restrict the distribution of the head, and makes use of the contextual distribution of the head to restrict that of the dependent word. The interpretation of composite expressions and sentences, which are analyzed as a tree of binary dependencies, is performed by restricting the contexts of words dependency by dependency in a left-to-right incremental way. Consequently, the meaning of the whole composite expression or sentence is not a single representation, but a list of contextualized senses, namely the restricted distributions of its constituent (lexical) words. We report the results of two large-scale corpus-based experiments on two different natural language processing applications: paraphrasing and compositional translationThis work is funded by Project TELPARES, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FFI2014-51978-C2-1-R), and the program “Ayuda Fundación BBVA a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2016”S

    Towards an implementable dependency grammar

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    The aim of this paper is to define a dependency grammar framework which is both linguistically motivated and computationally parsable. See the demo at http://www.conexor.fi/analysers.html#testingComment: 10 page

    Concurrent Lexicalized Dependency Parsing: The ParseTalk Model

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    A grammar model for concurrent, object-oriented natural language parsing is introduced. Complete lexical distribution of grammatical knowledge is achieved building upon the head-oriented notions of valency and dependency, while inheritance mechanisms are used to capture lexical generalizations. The underlying concurrent computation model relies upon the actor paradigm. We consider message passing protocols for establishing dependency relations and ambiguity handling.Comment: 90kB, 7pages Postscrip

    Interaction Grammars

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    Interaction Grammar (IG) is a grammatical formalism based on the notion of polarity. Polarities express the resource sensitivity of natural languages by modelling the distinction between saturated and unsaturated syntactic structures. Syntactic composition is represented as a chemical reaction guided by the saturation of polarities. It is expressed in a model-theoretic framework where grammars are constraint systems using the notion of tree description and parsing appears as a process of building tree description models satisfying criteria of saturation and minimality

    Separating Dependency from Constituency in a Tree Rewriting System

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    In this paper we present a new tree-rewriting formalism called Link-Sharing Tree Adjoining Grammar (LSTAG) which is a variant of synchronous TAGs. Using LSTAG we define an approach towards coordination where linguistic dependency is distinguished from the notion of constituency. Such an approach towards coordination that explicitly distinguishes dependencies from constituency gives a better formal understanding of its representation when compared to previous approaches that use tree-rewriting systems which conflate the two issues.Comment: 7 pages, 6 Postscript figures, uses fullname.st

    Message-Passing Protocols for Real-World Parsing -- An Object-Oriented Model and its Preliminary Evaluation

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    We argue for a performance-based design of natural language grammars and their associated parsers in order to meet the constraints imposed by real-world NLP. Our approach incorporates declarative and procedural knowledge about language and language use within an object-oriented specification framework. We discuss several message-passing protocols for parsing and provide reasons for sacrificing completeness of the parse in favor of efficiency based on a preliminary empirical evaluation.Comment: 12 pages, uses epsfig.st