198,962 research outputs found

    A framework for evaluating complex networks measurements

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    A good deal of current research in complex networks involves the characterization and/or classification of the topological properties of given structures, which has motivated several respective measurements. This letter proposes a framework for evaluating the quality of complex network measurements in terms of their effective resolution, degree of degeneracy and discriminability. The potential of the suggested approach is illustrated with respect to comparing the characterization of several model and real-world networks by using concentric and symmetry measurements. The results indicate a markedly superior performance for the latter type of mapping

    Complex Network Approach to the Statistical Features of the Sunspot Series

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    Complex network approaches have been recently developed as an alternative framework to study the statistical features of time-series data. We perform a visibility-graph analysis on both the daily and monthly sunspot series. Based on the data, we propose two ways to construct the network: one is from the original observable measurements and the other is from a negative-inverse-transformed series. The degree distribution of the derived networks for the strong maxima has clear non-Gaussian properties, while the degree distribution for minima is bimodal. The long-term variation of the cycles is reflected by hubs in the network which span relatively large time intervals. Based on standard network structural measures, we propose to characterize the long-term correlations by waiting times between two subsequent events. The persistence range of the solar cycles has been identified over 15\,--\,1000 days by a power-law regime with scaling exponent Ī³=2.04\gamma = 2.04 of the occurrence time of the two subsequent and successive strong minima. In contrast, a persistent trend is not present in the maximal numbers, although maxima do have significant deviations from an exponential form. Our results suggest some new insights for evaluating existing models. The power-law regime suggested by the waiting times does indicate that there are some level of predictable patterns in the minima.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures. Solar Physics, 201

    Bayesian interpolation

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    Although Bayesian analysis has been in use since Laplace, the Bayesian method of model-comparison has only recently been developed in depth. In this paper, the Bayesian approach to regularization and model-comparison is demonstrated by studying the inference problem of interpolating noisy data. The concepts and methods described are quite general and can be applied to many other data modeling problems. Regularizing constants are set by examining their posterior probability distribution. Alternative regularizers (priors) and alternative basis sets are objectively compared by evaluating the evidence for them. ā€œOccam's razorā€ is automatically embodied by this process. The way in which Bayes infers the values of regularizing constants and noise levels has an elegant interpretation in terms of the effective number of parameters determined by the data set. This framework is due to Gull and Skilling

    On Risk Evaluation and Control of Distributed Multi-Agent Systems

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    In this paper, we deal with risk evaluation and risk-averse optimization of complex distributed systems with general risk functionals. We postulate a novel set of axioms for the functionals evaluating the total risk of the system. We derive a dual representation for the systemic risk measures and propose a way to construct non-trivial families of measures by using either a collection of linear scalarizations or non-linear risk aggregation. The new framework facilitates risk-averse sequential decision-making by distributed methods. The proposed approach is compared theoretically and numerically to some of the systemic risk measurements in the existing literature. We formulate a two-stage decision problem with monotropic structure and systemic measure of risk. The structure is typical for distributed systems arising in energy networks, robotics, and other practical situations. A distributed decomposition method for solving the two-stage problem is proposed and it is applied to a problem arising in communication networks. We have used this problem to compare the methods of systemic risk evaluation. We show that the proposed risk aggregation leads to less conservative risk evaluation and results in a substantially better solution of the problem at hand as compared to an aggregation of the risk of individual agents and other methods
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