6 research outputs found

    Materialized View Replacement using Markovs Analysis

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    Materialized view is used in large data centric applications to expedite query processing. The efficiency of materialized view depends on degree of result found against the queries over the existing materialized views. Materialized views are constructed following different methodologies. Thus the efficacy of the materialized views depends on the methodology based on which these are formed. Construction of materialized views are often time consuming and moreover after a certain time the performance of the materialized views degrade when the nature of queries change. In this situation either new materialized views could be constructed from scratch or the existing views could be upgraded. Fresh construction of materialized views has higher time complexity hence the modification of the existing views is a better solution.Modification process of materialized view is classified under materialized view maintenance scheme. Materialized view maintenance is a continuous process and the system could be tuned to ensure a constant rate of performance. If a materialized view construction process is not supported by materialized view maintenance scheme that system would suffer from performance degradation. In this paper a new materialized view maintenance scheme is proposed using markovs analysis to ensure consistent performance. Markovs analysis is chosen here to predict steady state probability over initial probability

    Optimized cost effective approach for selection of materialized views in data warehousing

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    A data warehouse efficiently processes a given set of queries by utilizing the multiple materialized views. Owing to the constraint on space and maintenance cost, the materialization of all views is unfeasible. One of the critical decisions involved in the process of designing a data warehouse for optimal efficiency, is the materialized views selection. The primary goal of data warehousing is to select a suitable set of views that minimizes the total cost associated with the materialized views. In this paper, we have presented a framework, an optimized version of our previous work, for the selection of views to materialize, for a given storage space constraints, which intends to achieve the best combination of good query response, low query processing cost and low view maintenance cost. All the cost metrics associated with the materialized views selection that comprise the query execution frequencies, base-relation update frequencies, query access costs, view maintenance costs and the system's storage space constraints are considered by this framework. This framework optimizes the maintenance, storage and query processing cost as it selects the most cost effective views to materialize. Thus, an efficient data warehousing system is the outcome.Facultad de Informátic

    Using Fuzzy Linguistic Representations to Provide Explanatory Semantics for Data Warehouses

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    A data warehouse integrates large amounts of extracted and summarized data from multiple sources for direct querying and analysis. While it provides decision makers with easy access to such historical and aggregate data, the real meaning of the data has been ignored. For example, "whether a total sales amount 1,000 items indicates a good or bad sales performance" is still unclear. From the decision makers' point of view, the semantics rather than raw numbers which convey the meaning of the data is very important. In this paper, we explore the use of fuzzy technology to provide this semantics for the summarizations and aggregates developed in data warehousing systems. A three layered data warehouse semantic model, consisting of quantitative (numerical) summarization, qualitative (categorical) summarization, and quantifier summarization, is proposed for capturing and explicating the semantics of warehoused data. Based on the model, several algebraic operators are defined. We also extend the SQL language to allow for flexible queries against such enhanced data warehouses

    Mining Query Plans for Finding Candidate Queries and Sub-Queries for Materialized Views in BI Systems Without Cube Generation

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    Materialized views are important for optimizing Business Intelligence (BI) systems when they are designed without data cubes. Selecting candidate queries from large number of queries for materialized views is a challenging task. Most of the work done in the past involves finding out frequent queries from the past workload and creating materialized views from such queries by either manually analyzing workload or using approximate string matching algorithms using query text. Most of the existing methods suggest complete queries but ignore query components such as sub queries for creation of materialized views. This paper presents a novel method to determine on which queries and query components materialized views can be created to optimize aggregate and join queries by mining database of query execution plans which are in the form of binary trees. The proposed algorithm showed significant improvement in terms of more number of optimized queries because it is using the execution plan tree of the query as a basis of selection of query to be optimized using materialized views rather than choosing query text which is used by traditional methods. For selecting a correct set of queries to be optimized using materialized views, the paper proposes efficient specialized frequent tree component mining algorithm with novel heuristics to prune search space. These frequent components are used to determine the possible set of candidate queries for creation of materialized views. Experimentation on standard, real and synthetic data sets, and also the theoretical basis, proved that the proposed method is able to optimize a large number of queries with less number of materialized views and showed a significant improvement in performance compared to traditional methods

    A novel algorithm with IM-LSI index for incremental maintenance of materialized view

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    The ability to afford decision makers with both accurate and timely consolidated information as well as rapid query response times is the fundamental requirement for the success of a Data Warehouse. To provide fast access, a data warehouse stores materialized views of the sources of its data. As a result, a data warehouse needs to be maintained to keep its contents consistent with the contents of its data sources. Incremental maintenance is generally regarded as a more efficient way to maintain materialized views in a data warehouse The view has to be maintained to reflect the updates done against the base relations stored at the various distributed data sources. The proposed approach contains two modules namely, materialized view selection(MVS) and maintenance of materialized view. (MMV). In recent times, several algorithms have been proposed for keeping the views up-to-date in response to the changes in the source data. Therefore, we present an improved algorithm for MVS and MMV using IM-LSI(Itemset Mining using Latent Semantic Index) algorithm. selection of views to materialize using the IM(Itemset Mining) algorithm method to overcome the problem resulting from conventional view selection algorithms and then we consider the maintenance of materialized views using LSI. For the justification of the proposed algorithm, we reveal the experimental results in which both time and space costs better than conventional algorithms.Facultad de Informátic