5 research outputs found

    Massive open online courses (MOOCS): systematic literature review in Malaysian higher education

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    This study provided a systematic and organized review of 32 studies regarding using of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in Ma-laysian higher education from 2012 to 2017. This paper conducted an analysis of studies dedicated of using (MOOCs) for learning on the basis of certain dimensions namely, journal, country, author, year of publication, research methods, type of respondents, the models, and the theories. The findings obtained revealed that the interest on the topic has shown an increasing trend over recent years that it has ultimately become a well-known topic for academic research in the future. Nevertheless, to boost and enhance the using (MOOCs) for learning, it is important that future studies apply considerable use of theoretical and methodological approaches like the qualitative methods to examine the factors it will encourage students to use (MOOCs)

    MOOCs in Omani Higher Education Institutions: Use and Popularity

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    Due to the rapid influence of technology on the teaching-learning process, both instructors and students alike are expected to keep abreast of the perpetual developments in the field of education. The introduction of Massive Open Online Courses (Henceforth MOOCs), as one form of e-learning, has made skyrocketing changes in the manner and availability of education provided to mass numbers of learners all the world, including Arab countries. The use of MOOCs in Oman is relatively new, and thus it appears to be unbeknown to a large segment of undergraduate students. The study beforehand, therefore, is meant to explore Omani undergraduate students’ awareness of MOOCs both locally and globally via the use a self-administered questionnaire targeting three main academic institutions in Oman with a total number of 306 participants. In-depth scrutiny of the obtained data evidently shows that unfamiliarity of MOOCs among Omani undergraduate students is significantly high, a fact reflected in the high percentage of those oblivious of its existence (88.89%) as opposed to those (11.11 %) who are familiar with MOOCs. Lack of publicity of these platforms in the Omani academic institutions and the academic community in general, among several other reasons, stand behind such unawareness of these platforms

    A Review of MOOCs Implementation in Malaysian Higher Education System

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    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) is a present technological innovation of teaching and learning in the modern higher education landscape. MOOCs have reformed the manner of instructional delivery by the educators as well as the way learners acquire their knowledge. For this reason, this study explores the definitions of MOOCs, its characteristics, benefits as well as drawbacks and MOOCs practices in Malaysia. We also look into the assessments and grading practices in MOOCs as well as factors affecting learners’ readiness to MOOCs. Lastly, we discussed some suggestion and future directions for achieving a successful MOOCs implementation in higher education settings. From all the studies done in the recent years, we can perceive that Malaysia has taken the latest step in modernizing the method of instructional delivery in higher learning institutions through the implementation of MOOCs. Although at the moment, MOOCs in Malaysia uses its own mold by blending the traditional classroom setting with only 30 percent of MOOCs used as the online instructional approach, it still encourages learners to adapt with self-directed learning and exploring various ICT tools, inspires the educators to develop updated instructional skills and provide opportunity of lifelong learning experiences to diverse learners’ backgrounds. These lifelong learning practices offer open and flexible education for the entire population, either formally or informally. Recently, Malaysian MOOCs are seen progressing towards providing professional development and training courses in future that goes beyond the need of higher education and university students

    Virtual Learning Environment “Moodle”. A closer look at its implementation

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    Esta ponencia se enmarca dentro la categoría “Enfoques lúdicos y aprendizaje activo en diversos saberes y disciplinas” establecida por la Universidad Industrial de Santander y el Grupo de Aplicación de Lúdicas como Estrategia de Enseñanza Aprendizaje GALEA – para el V Encuentro de la Red IDDEAL capítulo 2016; en específico en el punto sobre aprendizaje activo de diversos saberes y disciplinas. El avance de la tecnología aplicada a la educación, es una nueva manera para la formación profesional, que tiene como finalidad el desarrollo y fomento del aprendizaje autónomo y regulado por parte de los estudiantes. El objetivo de la siguiente investigación es conocer las ventajas que brinda los ambientes de aprendizaje virtual con el uso de plataformas libres, como Moodle la cual se fundamenta en la pedagogía constructivista social, logrando una experiencia educativa de mayor estímulo y efectividad por medio de herramientas de comunicación establecidos por los Sistemas de Gestión de Aprendizaje o LMS (Learning Management System). Los resultados obtenidos demuestran el impacto positivo que ha tenido este tipo de plataformas, tanto en docentes como en estudiantes, además de las ventajas que le brinda a quienes no tienen facilidades de acceder a las aulas de clase de forma presencial.This paper is framed inside the category "Ludic approaches and active learning in diverse knowledge and disciplines" established by the Industrial University of Santander and the Group of application of leisure as a strategy of teaching learning GALEA - to the V meeting of the network IDDEAL chapter 2016; specific point about active learning of diverse knowledge and disciplines. The advancement of technology applied to education, is a new way for professional training, which aims at the development and promotion of regulated and autonomous learning by students. The objective of this research is to know the advantages afforded learning environments virtual using free platforms like Moodle, which is based on the social constructivist pedagogy, achieving an educational experience of more stimulus and effectiveness through communication tools established by the learning management system or LMS (Learning Management System). The results obtained demonstrate the positive impact that has had this type of platforms, both teachers and students, in addition to the advantages afforded to not have those facilities access classrooms class in person.Pregrad

    YABAL-A : compatibilidad entre licencias Creative Commons y cálculo de licencias de obras derivadas

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    Esta tesis trata sobre la adopción del uso de licencias libres, más específicamente sobre las licencias Creative Commons. En particular aborda la reutilización de obras y la problemática subyacente que esto acarrea, entre las cuales se encuentra: la incompatibilidad entre distintas licencias Creative Commons, la posibilidad de determinar la licencia de una obra derivada y la referenciación de las obras insumos y créditos de las obras derivadas. En concreto se analiza el caso de la Universidad de la República (Uruguay), que ofrece recursos bajo licencias Creative Commons, por medio de sistemas montados sobre: DSpace, WordPress, Moodle, Moodle-Hub y Pumukit. Se realizaron evaluaciones de las aplicaciones que soportan estos sistemas y otras herramientas de software para ver las funcionalidades que brindan para el uso de licencias Creative Commons. Se realiza durante el trabajo un relevamiento de herramientas, en el cual no se detecta ninguna que permita resolver los problemas (de manera total y completa) que surgen del uso de licencias. Por lo cual es un aporte central de este trabajo la propuesta de una solución integral que permite determinar la compatibilidad entre licencias, el cálculo automático de la licencia y el despliegue de los créditos de una obra derivada. También se desarrolla una aplicación y un módulo en lenguaje PHP que brindan una solución concreta para estos problemas