153 research outputs found

    Secure and {\sl Practical} Identity-Based Encryption

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    In this paper, we present a variant of Waters' Identity-Based Encryption scheme with a much smaller public-key size (only a few kilobytes). We show that this variant is semantically secure against passive adversaries in the standard model.\smallskip In essence, the new scheme divides Waters' public key size by a factor ā„“\ell at the cost of (negligibly) reducing security by ā„“\ell bits. Therefore, our construction settles an open question asked by Waters and constitutes the first fully secure {\sl practical} Identity-Based Encryption schem

    Treasure Island Security framework : A Generic Security Framework for public clouds

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    In this thesis we introduce a generic security framework for public clouds called Treasure Island Security framework that is designed to address the issues related to cloud computing security and specifically key-management in untrusted domains. Nowadays many cloud structure and services are provided but as an inevitable concomitant to these new products, security issues increase rapidly. Availability, integrity of data, lack of trust, confidentiality as well as security issues are also of great importance to cloud computing users; they may be more skeptical of the cloud services when they feel that they might lose the control over their data or the structures that the cloud provided for them. ƂĀ Ć‚Ā Because of deferred control of data from customers to cloud providers and unknown number of third parties in between, it is almost impossible to apply traditional security methods. We present our security framework, with distributed key and sequential addressing in a simple abstract mode with a master server and adequate number of chunk servers. We assume a fixed chunk size model for large files and sequentially distribution file system with 4 separated key to decrypt/encrypt file. After reviewing the process, we analyze the Distributed Key and Sequentially Addressing Distributed file system and it's Security Risk Model. The focus of this thesis is on increasing security in untrusted domain especially in the cloud key management in public cloud. We discuss cryptographic approaches in key-management and suggest a novel cryptographic method for public cloud's key-management system based on forward-secure public key encryption, which supports a non-interactive publicly verifiable secret sharing scheme through a tree access structure. We believe that Treasure Island Security Framework can provide an increased secure environment in untrusted domains, like public cloud, in which users can securely reconstruct their secret-keys (e.g. lost passphrases). Finally, we discuss the advantages and benefits of Cloud Computing Security Framework with Distributed Key and Sequentially Addressing Distributed file system and cryptographic approaches and how it helps to improve the security levels in cloud systems.ƂĀ Ć‚Ā M.S

    Identity Based Encryption and Data Self Destruction in Cloud Computing

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    When it comes to storing data, cloud storage is rapidly turning into the procedure for choice. Cloud storage is quickly becoming the strategy for decision. Putting away files remotely instead of by locally boasts an array of preferences for both home and professional clients. Cloud storage means ā€œthe storage of data online in the cloudā€, however, the cloud storage is not completely trusted. Whether the data put away on cloud are in place or not turns into a significant concern of the clients also access control becomes a difficult job, particularly when we share data on cloud servers. To tackle this issue outsourcing Revocable IBE scheme for efficient key generation and key updating process is introduce. Also to improve the efficiency of cloud server in terms of storage new secure data self-destructing system in cloud computing is used. In this system, each cipher text (encrypted file) is labeled with a time interval. If the attributes associated with the cipher text satisfy the keyā€™s access structure and both the time instant is in the allowed time interval then the cipher text is decrypted. After a user-specified end time the data at cloud server will be securely self-destructe

    Forward-secure hierarchical predicate encryption

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    Secrecy of decryption keys is an important pre-requisite for security of any encryption scheme and compromised private keys must be immediately replaced. \emph{Forward Security (FS)}, introduced to Public Key Encryption (PKE) by Canetti, Halevi, and Katz (Eurocrypt 2003), reduces damage from compromised keys by guaranteeing confidentiality of messages that were encrypted prior to the compromise event. The FS property was also shown to be achievable in (Hierarchical) Identity-Based Encryption (HIBE) by Yao, Fazio, Dodis, and Lysyanskaya (ACM CCS 2004). Yet, for emerging encryption techniques, offering flexible access control to encrypted data, by means of functional relationships between ciphertexts and decryption keys, FS protection was not known to exist.\smallskip In this paper we introduce FS to the powerful setting of \emph{Hierarchical Predicate Encryption (HPE)}, proposed by Okamoto and Takashima (Asiacrypt 2009). Anticipated applications of FS-HPE schemes can be found in searchable encryption and in fully private communication. Considering the dependencies amongst the concepts, our FS-HPE scheme implies forward-secure flavors of Predicate Encryption and (Hierarchical) Attribute-Based Encryption.\smallskip Our FS-HPE scheme guarantees forward security for plaintexts and for attributes that are hidden in HPE ciphertexts. It further allows delegation of decrypting abilities at any point in time, independent of FS time evolution. It realizes zero-inner-product predicates and is proven adaptively secure under standard assumptions. As the ``cross-product" approach taken in FS-HIBE is not directly applicable to the HPE setting, our construction resorts to techniques that are specific to existing HPE schemes and extends them with what can be seen as a reminiscent of binary tree encryption from FS-PKE

    Vuvuzela: scalable private messaging resistant to traffic analysis

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    Private messaging over the Internet has proven challenging to implement, because even if message data is encrypted, it is difficult to hide metadata about who is communicating in the face of traffic analysis. Systems that offer strong privacy guarantees, such as Dissent [36], scale to only several thousand clients, because they use techniques with superlinear cost in the number of clients (e.g., each client broadcasts their message to all other clients). On the other hand, scalable systems, such as Tor, do not protect against traffic analysis, making them ineffective in an era of pervasive network monitoring. Vuvuzela is a new scalable messaging system that offers strong privacy guarantees, hiding both message data and metadata. Vuvuzela is secure against adversaries that observe and tamper with all network traffic, and that control all nodes except for one server. Vuvuzela's key insight is to minimize the number of variables observable by an attacker, and to use differential privacy techniques to add noise to all observable variables in a way that provably hides information about which users are communicating. Vuvuzela has a linear cost in the number of clients, and experiments show that it can achieve a throughput of 68,000 messages per second for 1 million users with a 37-second end-to-end latency on commodity servers.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1053143)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award CNS-1413920

    A brief review of revocable ID-based public key cryptosystem

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    SummaryThe design of ID-based cryptography has received much attention from researchers. However, how to revoke the misbehaviour/compromised user in ID-based public key cryptosystem becomes an important research issue. Recently, Tseng and Tsai proposed a novel public key cryptosystem called revocable ID-based public key cryptosystem (RIBE) to solve the revocation problem. Later on, numerous research papers based on the Tseng-Tsai key RIBE were proposed. In this paper, we brief review Tseng and Tsai's RIBE. We hope this review can help the readers to understand the Tseng and Tsai's revocable ID-based public key cryptosystem

    Post-Quantum Public-key Authenticated Searchable Encryption with Forward Security: General Construction, Implementation, and Applications

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    Public-key encryption with keyword search was first proposed by Boneh et al. (EUROCRYPT 2004), achieving the ability to search for ciphertext files. Nevertheless, this scheme is vulnerable to inside keyword guessing attacks (IKGA). Public-key authenticated encryption with keyword search (PAEKS), introduced by Huang et al. (Inf. Sci. 2017), on the other hand, is secure against IKGA. Nonetheless, it is susceptible to quantum computing attacks. Liu et al. and Cheng et al. addressed this problem by reducing to the lattice hardness (AsiaCCS 2022, ESORICS 2022). Furthermore, several scholars pointed out that the threat of secret key exposure delegates a severe and realistic concern, potentially leading to privacy disclosure (EUROCRYPT 2003, Compt. J. 2022). As a result, research focusing on mitigating key exposure and resisting quantum attacks for the PAEKS primitive is significant and far-reaching. In this work, we present the first instantiation of post-quantum PAEKS primitive that is forward-secure and does not require trusted authorities, mitigating the secret key exposure while ensuring quantum-safe properties. We extended the scheme of Liu et al. (AsiaCCS 2022), and proposed a novel post-quantum PAEKS construction, namely FS-PAEKS. To begin with, we introduce the binary tree structure to represent the time periods, along with a lattice basis extension algorithm, and SamplePre algorithm to obtain the post-quantum one-way secret key evolution, allowing users to update their secret keys periodically. Furthermore, our scheme is proven to be IND-CKA, IND-IKGA, and IND-Multi-CKA in the quantum setting. In addition, we also compare the security of our primitive in terms of computational complexity and communication overhead with other top-tier schemes and provide implementation details of the ciphertext generation and test algorithms. The proposed FS-PAEKS is more efficient than the FS-PEKS scheme (IEEE TDSC 2021). Lastly, we demonstrate three potential application scenarios of FS-PAEKS

    A New Forward Secure Signature Scheme

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    In this paper, we present two forward secure signature schemes based on gap Diffie-Hellman groups and prove these schemes to be secure in the sense of slightly stronger security notion than that by Bellare and Miner in the random oracle model. Both schemes use the same key update strategy as the encryption scheme presented by Canetti, Halevi and Katz. Hence, our schemes outperform the previous tree-based forward secure signature scheme by Bellare and Miner in the key generation and key update time, which are only constant in the number of time periods. Specifically, we describe a straightforward scheme following from the encryption scheme, and then improve its efficiency for signature verification algorithm which needs only 3 pairing computations independent of the total time periods
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