Identity Based Encryption and Data Self Destruction in Cloud Computing


When it comes to storing data, cloud storage is rapidly turning into the procedure for choice. Cloud storage is quickly becoming the strategy for decision. Putting away files remotely instead of by locally boasts an array of preferences for both home and professional clients. Cloud storage means “the storage of data online in the cloud”, however, the cloud storage is not completely trusted. Whether the data put away on cloud are in place or not turns into a significant concern of the clients also access control becomes a difficult job, particularly when we share data on cloud servers. To tackle this issue outsourcing Revocable IBE scheme for efficient key generation and key updating process is introduce. Also to improve the efficiency of cloud server in terms of storage new secure data self-destructing system in cloud computing is used. In this system, each cipher text (encrypted file) is labeled with a time interval. If the attributes associated with the cipher text satisfy the key’s access structure and both the time instant is in the allowed time interval then the cipher text is decrypted. After a user-specified end time the data at cloud server will be securely self-destructe

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