629,131 research outputs found

    Real-time propagators at finite temperature and chemical potential

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    We derive a form of spectral representations for all bosonic and fermionic propagators in the real-time formulation of field theory at finite temperature and chemical potential. Besides being simple and symmetrical between the bosonic and the fermionic types, these representations depend explicitly on analytic functions only. This last property allows a simple evaluation of loop integrals in the energy variables over propagators in this form, even in presence of chemical potentials, which is not possible over their conventional form

    New knotted solutions of Maxwell's equations

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    In this note we have further developed the study of topologically non-trivial solutions of vacuum electrodynamics. We have discovered a novel method of generating such solutions by applying conformal transformations with complex parameters on known solutions expressed in terms of Bateman's variables. This has enabled us to get a wide class of solutions from the basic configuration like constant electromagnetic fields and plane-waves. We have introduced a covariant formulation of the Bateman's construction and discussed the conserved charges associated with the conformal group as well as a set of four types of conserved helicities. We have also given a formulation in terms of quaternions. This led to a simple map between the electromagnetic knotted and linked solutions into flat connections of SU(2)SU(2) gauge theory. We have computed the corresponding CS charge in a class of solutions and it takes integer values.Comment: version accepted for publication in J. Phys. A. minor changes: references added, new figure added, typos correcte

    Bosons, fermions and anyons in the plane, and supersymmetry

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    Universal vector wave equations allowing for a unified description of anyons, and also of usual bosons and fermions in the plane are proposed. The existence of two essentially different types of anyons, based on unitary and also on non-unitary infinite-dimensional half-bounded representations of the (2+1)D Lorentz algebra is revealed. Those associated with non-unitary representations interpolate between bosons and fermions. The extended formulation of the theory includes the previously known Jackiw-Nair (JN) and Majorana-Dirac (MD) descriptions of anyons as particular cases, and allows us to compose bosons and fermions from entangled anyons. The theory admits a simple supersymmetric generalization, in which the JN and MD systems are unified in N=1 and N=2 supermultiplets. Two different non-relativistic limits of the theory are investigated. The usual one generalizes Levy-Leblond's spin 1/2 theory to arbitrary spin, as well as to anyons. The second, "Jackiw-Nair" limit (that corresponds to Inonu-Wigner contraction with both anyon spin and light velocity going to infinity), is generalized to boson/fermion fields and interpolating anyons. The resulting exotic Galilei symmetry is studied in both the non-supersymmetric and the supersymmetric cases.Comment: 54 pages. Typos corrected, refs updated. Published versio

    Greatest HITs: Higher Inductive Types in Coinductive Definitions via Induction under Clocks

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    Guarded recursion is a powerful modal approach to recursion that can be seen as an abstract form of step-indexing. It is currently used extensively in separation logic to model programming languages with advanced features by solving domain equations also with negative occurrences. In its multi-clocked version, guarded recursion can also be used to program with and reason about coinductive types, encoding the productivity condition required for recursive definitions in types. This paper presents the first type theory combining multi-clocked guarded recursion with the features of Cubical Type Theory, as well as a denotational semantics. Using the combination of Higher Inductive Types (HITs) and guarded recursion allows for simple programming and reasoning about coinductive types that are traditionally hard to represent in type theory, such as the type of finitely branching labelled transition systems. For example, our results imply that bisimilarity for these imply path equality, and so proofs can be transported along bisimilarity proofs. Among our technical contributions is a new principle of induction under clocks. This allows universal quantification over clocks to commute with HITs up to equivalence of types, and is crucial for the encoding of coinductive types. Such commutativity requirements have been formulated for inductive types as axioms in previous type theories with multi-clocked guarded recursion, but our present formulation as an induction principle allows for the formulation of general computation rules.Comment: 29 page

    Inflation, Symmetry, and B-Modes

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    We examine the role of using symmetry and effective field theory in inflationary model building. We describe the standard formulation of starting with an approximate shift symmetry for a scalar field, and then introducing corrections systematically in order to maintain control over the inflationary potential. We find that this leads to models in good agreement with recent data. On the other hand, there are attempts in the literature to deviate from this paradigm by invoking other symmetries and corrections. In particular: in a suite of recent papers, several authors have made the claim that standard Einstein gravity with a cosmological constant and a massless scalar carries conformal symmetry. They further claim that such a theory carries another hidden symmetry; a global SO(1,1) symmetry. By deforming around the global SO(1,1) symmetry, they are able to produce a range of inflationary models with asymptotically flat potentials, whose flatness is claimed to be protected by these symmetries. These models tend to give rise to B-modes with small amplitude. Here we explain that these authors are merely introducing a redundancy into the description, not an actual conformal symmetry. Furthermore, we explain that the only real (global) symmetry in these models is not at all hidden, but is completely manifest when expressed in the Einstein frame; it is in fact the shift symmetry of a scalar field. When analyzed systematically as an effective field theory, deformations do not generally produce asymptotically flat potentials and small B-modes, but other types of potentials with B-modes of appreciable amplitude. Such simple models typically also produce the observed red spectral index, Gaussian fluctuations, etc. In short: simple models of inflation, organized by expanding around a shift symmetry, are in excellent agreement with recent data.Comment: 9 pages in double column format. V2: Updated to coincide with version published in Physics Letters