43 research outputs found

    A Constructive Framework for Galois Connections

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    Abstract interpretation-based static analyses rely on abstract domains of program properties, such as intervals or congruences for integer variables. Galois connections (GCs) between posets provide the most widespread and useful formal tool for mathematically specifying abstract domains. Recently, Darais and Van Horn [2016] put forward a notion of constructive Galois connection for unordered sets (rather than posets), which allows to define abstract domains in a so-called mechanized and calculational proof style and therefore enables the use of proof assistants like Coq and Agda for automatically extracting verified algorithms of static analysis. We show here that constructive GCs are isomorphic, in a precise and comprehensive meaning including sound abstract functions, to so-called partitioning GCs--an already known class of GCs which allows to cast standard set partitions as an abstract domain. Darais and Van Horn [2016] also provide a notion of constructive GC for posets, which we prove to be isomorphic to plain GCs and therefore lose their constructive attribute. Drawing on these findings, we put forward and advocate the use of purely partitioning GCs, a novel class of constructive abstract domains for a mechanized approach to abstract interpretation. We show that this class of abstract domains allows us to represent a set partition with more flexibility while retaining a constructive approach to Galois connections

    Sparsity Preserving Algorithms for Octagons

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    Known algorithms for manipulating octagons do not preserve their sparsity, leading typically to quadratic or cubic time and space complexities even if no relation among variables is known when they are all bounded. In this paper, we present new algorithms, which use and return octagons represented as weakly closed difference bound matrices, preserve the sparsity of their input and have better performance in the case their inputs are sparse. We prove that these algorithms are as precise as the known ones

    A Verified Certificate Checker for Finite-Precision Error Bounds in Coq and HOL4

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    Being able to soundly estimate roundoff errors of finite-precision computations is important for many applications in embedded systems and scientific computing. Due to the discrepancy between continuous reals and discrete finite-precision values, automated static analysis tools are highly valuable to estimate roundoff errors. The results, however, are only as correct as the implementations of the static analysis tools. This paper presents a formally verified and modular tool which fully automatically checks the correctness of finite-precision roundoff error bounds encoded in a certificate. We present implementations of certificate generation and checking for both Coq and HOL4 and evaluate it on a number of examples from the literature. The experiments use both in-logic evaluation of Coq and HOL4, and execution of extracted code outside of the logics: we benchmark Coq extracted unverified OCaml code and a CakeML-generated verified binary

    On Sound Relative Error Bounds for Floating-Point Arithmetic

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    State-of-the-art static analysis tools for verifying finite-precision code compute worst-case absolute error bounds on numerical errors. These are, however, often not a good estimate of accuracy as they do not take into account the magnitude of the computed values. Relative errors, which compute errors relative to the value's magnitude, are thus preferable. While today's tools do report relative error bounds, these are merely computed via absolute errors and thus not necessarily tight or more informative. Furthermore, whenever the computed value is close to zero on part of the domain, the tools do not report any relative error estimate at all. Surprisingly, the quality of relative error bounds computed by today's tools has not been systematically studied or reported to date. In this paper, we investigate how state-of-the-art static techniques for computing sound absolute error bounds can be used, extended and combined for the computation of relative errors. Our experiments on a standard benchmark set show that computing relative errors directly, as opposed to via absolute errors, is often beneficial and can provide error estimates up to six orders of magnitude tighter, i.e. more accurate. We also show that interval subdivision, another commonly used technique to reduce over-approximations, has less benefit when computing relative errors directly, but it can help to alleviate the effects of the inherent issue of relative error estimates close to zero

    Differentially Testing Soundness and Precision of Program Analyzers

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    In the last decades, numerous program analyzers have been developed both by academia and industry. Despite their abundance however, there is currently no systematic way of comparing the effectiveness of different analyzers on arbitrary code. In this paper, we present the first automated technique for differentially testing soundness and precision of program analyzers. We used our technique to compare six mature, state-of-the art analyzers on tens of thousands of automatically generated benchmarks. Our technique detected soundness and precision issues in most analyzers, and we evaluated the implications of these issues to both designers and users of program analyzers

    User Interaction Models for Disambiguation in Programming by Example

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    Programming by Examples (PBE) has the potential to revolutionize end-user programming by enabling end users, most of whom are non-programmers, to create small scripts for automating repetitive tasks. However, examples, though often easy to provide, are an ambiguous specification of the user's intent. Because of that, a key impedance in adoption of PBE systems is the lack of user confidence in the correctness of the program that was synthesized by the system. We present two novel user interaction models that communicate actionable information to the user to help resolve ambiguity in the examples. One of these models allows the user to effectively navigate between the huge set of programs that are consistent with the examples provided by the user. The other model uses active learning to ask directed example-based questions to the user on the test input data over which the user intends to run the synthesized program. Our user studies show that each of these models significantly reduces the number of errors in the performed task without any difference in completion time. Moreover, both models are perceived as useful, and the proactive active-learning based model has a slightly higher preference regarding the users' confidence in the result

    Polyhedral Approximation of Multivariate Polynomials using Handelman's Theorem

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    International audienceConvex polyhedra are commonly used in the static analysis of programs to represent over-approximations of sets of reachable states of numerical program variables. When the analyzed programs contain nonlinear instructions, they do not directly map to standard polyhedral operations: some kind of linearization is needed. Convex polyhe-dra are also used in satisfiability modulo theory solvers which combine a propositional satisfiability solver with a fast emptiness check for polyhedra. Existing decision procedures become expensive when nonlinear constraints are involved: a fast procedure to ensure emptiness of systems of nonlinear constraints is needed. We present a new linearization algorithm based on Handelman's representation of positive polynomials. Given a polyhedron and a polynomial (in)equality, we compute a polyhedron enclosing their intersection as the solution of a parametric linear programming problem. To get a scalable algorithm, we provide several heuristics that guide the construction of the Handelman's representation. To ensure the correctness of our polyhedral approximation , our Ocaml implementation generates certificates verified by a checker certified in Coq