66 research outputs found

    A formally verified device authentication protocol using Casper/FDR

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    For communication in Next Generation Networks, highly-developed mobile devices will enable users to store and manage a lot of credentials on their terminals. Furthermore, these terminals will represent and act on behalf of users when accessing different networks and connecting to a wide variety of services. In this situation, it is essential for users to trust their terminals and for all transactions using them to be secure. This paper analyses a number of the Authentication and Key Agreement protocols between the users and mobile terminals, then proposes a novel device authentication protocol. The proposed protocol is analysed and verified using a formal methods approach based on Casper/FDR compiler

    A Survey on Authentication and Key Agreement Protocols in Heterogeneous Networks

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    Unlike current closed systems such as 2nd and 3rd generations where the core network is controlled by a sole network operator, multiple network operators will coexist and manage the core network in Next Generation Networks (NGNs). This open architecture and the collaboration between different network operators will support ubiquitous connectivity and thus enhances users' experience. However, this brings to the fore certain security issues which must be addressed, the most important of which is the initial Authentication and Key Agreement (AKA) to identify and authorize mobile nodes on these various networks. This paper looks at how existing research efforts the HOKEY WG, Mobile Ethernet and 3GPP frameworks respond to this new environment and provide security mechanisms. The analysis shows that most of the research had realized the openness of the core network and tried to deal with it using different methods. These methods will be extensively analysed in order to highlight their strengths and weaknesses

    An integrated approach to QoS and security in future mobile networks using the Y-Comm framework

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    Future networks will comprise a wide variety of wireless networks. Users will expect to be always connected from anywhere and at any time as connections will be switched to available networks using vertical handover techniques. However, different networks have different Qualities-of-Service (QoS) so a QoS framework is needed to help applications and services deal with this new environment. In addition, since these networks must work together, future mobile systems will have an open, instead of the currently closed, architecture. Therefore new mechanisms will be needed to protect users, servers and network infrastructure. This means that future mobile networks will have to integrate communications, mobility, quality-of-service and security. However, in order to achieve this integration without affecting the flexibility of future networks, there is a need for novel methods that address QoS and security in a targeted manner within specific situations. Also, there is a need for a communication framework wherein these methods along with the communication and handover mechanisms could be integrated together. Therefore, this research uses the Y-Comm framework, which is a communication architecture to support vertical handover in Next Generations Networks, as an example of future communication frameworks that integrate QoS, security, communication and mobility mechanisms. Within the context of Y-Comm, research has been conducted to address QoS and security in heterogeneous networks. To preserve the flexibility of future network, the research in this thesis proposes the concept of Targeted Models to address security and QoS in specific scenarios: to address the QoS issue, a new QoS framework is introduced in this thesis, which will define targeted QoS models that will provide QoS in different situations such as connection initiation and in the case of handover. Similarly, to deal with the security side, targeted security models are proposed to address security in situations like connection initiation and handover. To define the targeted models and map them to actual network entities, research has been conducted to define a potential structure for future networks along with the main operational entities. The cooperation among these entities will define the targeted models. Furthermore, in order to specify the security protocols used by the targeted security models, an Authentication and Key Agreement framework is introduced to address security at different levels such as network and service levels. The underlying protocols of the Authentication and Key Agreement protocol are verified using Casper/FDR, which is a well-known, formal methods- based tool. The research also investigates potential methods to implement the proposed security protocols. To enable the implementation of some of the targeted security models, the research also proposes major enhancements to the current addressing, naming and location systems

    A formally verified AKA protocol for vertical handover in heterogeneous environments using Casper/FDR

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    Next generation networks will comprise different wireless networks including cellular technologies, WLAN and indoor technologies. To support these heterogeneous environments, there is a need to consider a new design of the network infrastructure. Furthermore, this heterogeneous environment implies that future devices will need to roam between different networks using vertical handover techniques. When a mobile user moves into a new foreign network, data confidentiality and mutual authentication between the user and the network are vital issues in this heterogeneous environment. This article deals with these issues by first examining the implication of moving towards an open architecture, and then looking at how current approaches such as the 3GPP, HOKEY and mobile ethernet respond to the new environment while trying to address the security issue. The results indicate that a new authentication and key agreement protocol is required to secure handover in this environment. Casper/FDR, is used in the analysis and development of the protocol. The proposed protocol has been proven to be successful in this heterogeneous environment

    A novel security protocol for resolving addresses in the location/ID split architecture

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    The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) is a routing architecture that provides new semantics for IP addressing. In order to simplify routing operations and improve scalability in future Internet, the LISP uses two different numbering spaces to separate the device identifier from its location. In other words, the LISP separates the 'where' and the 'who' in networking and uses a mapping system to couple the location and identifier. This paper analyses the security and functionality of the LISP mapping procedure using a formal methods approach based on Casper/FDR tool. The analysis points out several security issues in the protocol such as the lack of data confidentiality and mutual authentication. The paper addresses these issues and proposes changes that are compatible with the implementation of the LISP

    Securing address registration in location/ID split protocol using ID-based cryptography

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    The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) is a routing architecture that provides new semantics for IP addressing. In order to simplify routing operations and improve scalability in future Internet, the LISP separates the device identity from its location using two different numbering spaces. The LISP also, introduces a mapping system to match the two spaces. In the initial stage, each LISP-capable router needs to register with a Map Server, this is known as the Registration stage. However, this stage is vulnerable to masquerading and content poisoning attacks. Therefore, a new security method for protecting the LISP Registration stage is presented in this paper. The proposed method uses the ID-Based Cryptography (IBC) which allows the mapping system to authenticate the source of the data. The proposal has been verified using formal methods approach based on the well-developed Casper/FDR tool

    A secure over-the-air programming scheme in wireless sensor networks

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    Over-The-Air dissemination of code updates in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have been researchers’ point of interest in past a few years and more importantly security challenges toward remote propagation of code update have taken the majority of efforts in this context. Many security models have been proposed to establish a balance between the energy consumption and security strengthen with having their concentration on constraint nature of WSN nodes. For authentication purposes most of them have used Merkle-Hash-Tree to avoid using multiple public cryptography operations. These models mostly have assumed an environment in which security has to be in a standard level and therefore they have not investigated the tree structure for mission-critical situations in which security has to be in maximum possible extent (e.g. military zones). Two major problems have been identified in Merkle Tree structure which is used in Seluge scheme, including: 1) an exponential growth in number of overhead packets when block size of hash algorithm used in design is increased. 2) Limitation of using hash algorithms with larger block size of 11 bytes when payload size is set to 72 bytes. Then several existing security models are investigated for possible vulnerabilities and a set of countermeasures correspondingly named Security Model Requirements (SMR) is provided. After concentrating on Seluge’s design, a new secure Over-The-Air Programming (OTAP) scheme named Seluge++ is proposed that complies with SMR and replaces the use of inefficient Merkle Tree with a novel method

    Formal Verification of Security Protocol Implementations: A Survey

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    Automated formal verification of security protocols has been mostly focused on analyzing high-level abstract models which, however, are significantly different from real protocol implementations written in programming languages. Recently, some researchers have started investigating techniques that bring automated formal proofs closer to real implementations. This paper surveys these attempts, focusing on approaches that target the application code that implements protocol logic, rather than the libraries that implement cryptography. According to these approaches, libraries are assumed to correctly implement some models. The aim is to derive formal proofs that, under this assumption, give assurance about the application code that implements the protocol logic. The two main approaches of model extraction and code generation are presented, along with the main techniques adopted for each approac