6 research outputs found

    A Formal Specification of the Horus Modeling Language Using FDMM

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    In this paper we show how a modeling language from the area of business process engineering can be formally specified using meta modeling concepts. This serves as a basis for the implementation on an industry-scale meta modeling platform. For this purpose we revert to the Horus modeling method and the FDMM formalism that has recently been introduced to formally describe meta models and models. Subsequently we report on the implementation of the modeling language on the ADOxx meta modeling platform and discuss the lessons learned by the application of this approach

    Supporting Knowledge Elicitation and Analysis for Business Process Improvement through a Modeling Tool

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    Business Process Improvement (BPI) is a high priority topic for modern enterprises. However, due to the distributed knowledge, conducting BPI projects has become challenging in times of inter-organizational business networks. For supporting the elicitation, analysis, and sharing of knowledge by practitioners, we describe how semi-formally described domain knowledge on BPI and knowledge on problem-solving techniques is transformed into an implementation-oriented representation in the form of a modeling tool. Thus, we revert to the FDMM formalism (Formalism for Describing ADOxx Meta Models and Models) that permits to bridge the gap between semi-formal meta models and those that are executable on the ADOxx meta modeling platform


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    In times of globalization, new technologies and high market transparency, companies search for ways to raise the efficiency of their business processes and achieve long-term customer relationships. Therefore enterprises are strongly devoted to business process improvement (BPI) initiatives. However, in times of globally spanning inter-organizational business processes, conducting BPI initiatives is particularly challenging du to the necessary diverse and distributed knowledge. Successful BPI projects require the participation of a variety of employees who are directly involved in a business process. The employees have tacit process knowledge that needs to be transformed into explicit knowledge to derive improvement opportunities in a BPI project. To reach this, a set of easy to understand and well-structured BPI techniqus is required to encourage employees to participate in corresponding initiatives. Further, the codification of the results gained in such initiatives is decisive to enable their proper documentation, communication and processing. \ \ The paper at hand introduces a BPI roadmap for coordinating the structured use of BPI techniqus in a project. The roadmap is based upon a set of formal conceptual model types for codifying the results generated by each techniqu. In addition, reports are specified that process the model information and facilitate the communication and documentation of the results. The presented approach thus contributes to the systematic transformation of employees´ tacit process knowledge to explicit knowledge in the course of BPI initiatives. By applying the roadmap in a use case, its benefits for BPI initiatives are illustrated.

    Ingénierie dirigée par les modèles d'un pilotage robuste de la prise en charge médicamenteuse

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    L’un des principaux défis des établissements hospitaliers aujourd’hui est de maitriser les risques liés aux erreurs médicamenteuses au cours de la Prise En Charge Médicamenteuse (PECM) du patient. Afin d’accompagner les professionnels de santé dans cette voie, il existe plusieurs méthodes de gestion des risques et une culture attenante. L’utilisation de certaines d’entre elles est recommandée par la Haute Autorité de Santé, nous citons la méthode ALARM (Association of Litigation And Risk Management). Son analyse par la théorie et par la pratique nous a permis de dresser un constat de ses limites. En effet, ni elle, ni les autres méthodes connues ne qualifie la dynamique du risque, pas plus que l’explication fine des contextes générateurs de ce dernier. Pour progresser vers une approche plus performante, nous préconisons l’emploi d’une approche de gestion intégrée des risques et des processus métier. Dans cette optique, notre recherche vise à améliorer la méthode BPRIM (Business Process-Risk management – Integrated Method) mise au point par les travaux de thèse de M. A Sienou. Cette amélioration consiste à : (1) enrichir le méta-modèle de BPRIM, le langage de modélisation et les diagrammes associés ; (2) intégrer des techniques de navigation pour assurer la cohérence entre ces diagrammes ; et (3) intégrer des algorithmes de vérification de modèles, d’analyse, d’évaluation et de cartographie des risques. Notre travail a donné naissance à un logiciel de modélisation, appelé AdoBPRIM, la mettant en oeuvre à partir de techniques d’ingénierie dirigée par les modèles et en suivant une méthode de développement agile. Pour montrer l’utilité et les apports de l’approche proposée, nous l’avons mise à l’épreuve sur un cas d’études réel avec des professionnels qualifiés dans un établissement de santé. Cette étude a permis de positionner notre cadre intitulé e-BPRIM par rapport à la pratique en cours sur des réunions de retour d’expériences faisant suite à des évènements indésirables. Et ainsi de vérifier le bien-fondé de l’application de notre approche et de mesurer la valeur de l’idée de recourir à un emploi plus intensif de modèles du système

    A Development Method for the Conceptual Design of Multi-View Modeling Tools with an Emphasis on Consistency Requirements

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    The main objective of this thesis is to bridge the gap between modeling method experts on the one side and tool developers on the other. More precisely, the focus is on the specification of requirements for multi-view modeling tools. In this regard, the thesis introduces a methodological approach that supports the specification of conceptual designs for multi-view modeling tools in a stepwise manner: the MuVieMoT approach. MuVieMoT utilizes generic multi-view modeling concepts and the model-driven engineering paradigm to establish an overarching specification of multi-view modeling tools with an emphasis on consistency requirements. The approach builds on and extends the theoretical foundation of metamodeling and multi-view modeling: generic multi-view modeling concepts, integrated multi-view modeling approaches, and possibilities for formalized modeling method specifications. Applicability and utility of MuVieMoT are evaluated using an illustrative scenario, therefore specifying a conceptual design for a multi-view modeling tool for the Semantic Object Model enterprise modeling method. The thesis moreover introduces the MuVieMoT modeling environment, enabling the efficient application of the approach as well as the model-driven development of initial multi-view modeling tools based on the conceptual models created with MuVieMoT. Consequently, the approach fosters an intersubjective and unambiguous understanding of the tool requirements between method experts and tool developers