4 research outputs found

    Secrecy Logic: Protoalgebraic S-Secrecy Logics

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    In recent work the notion of a secrecy logic S over a given deductive system S was introduced. Secrecy logics capture the essential features of structures that are used in performing secrecy-preserving reasoning in practical applications. More precisely, they model knowledge bases that consist of information, part of which is considered known to the user and part of which is to remain secret from the user. S-secrecy structures serve as the models of secrecy logics. Several of the universal algebraic and model theoretic properties of the class of S-secrecy structures of a given S-secrecy logic have already been studied. In this paper, our goal is to show how techniques from the theory of abstract alge-braic logic may be used to analyze the structure of a secrecy logic and draw conclusions about its algebraic character. In particular, the notion of a protoalgebraic S-secrecy logic is introduced and several characterizing properties are provided. The relationship between protoalgebraic S-secrecy logics and the protoalgebraicity of their underlying deductive systems is also investigated

    Reasoning in Description Logic Ontologies for Privacy Management

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    A rise in the number of ontologies that are integrated and distributed in numerous application systems may provide the users to access the ontologies with different privileges and purposes. In this situation, preserving confidential information from possible unauthorized disclosures becomes a critical requirement. For instance, in the clinical sciences, unauthorized disclosures of medical information do not only threaten the system but also, most importantly, the patient data. Motivated by this situation, this thesis initially investigates a privacy problem, called the identity problem, where the identity of (anonymous) objects stored in Description Logic ontologies can be revealed or not. Then, we consider this problem in the context of role-based access control to ontologies and extend it to the problem asking if the identity belongs to a set of known individuals of cardinality smaller than the number k. If it is the case that some confidential information of persons, such as their identity, their relationships or their other properties, can be deduced from an ontology, which implies that some privacy policy is not fulfilled, then one needs to repair this ontology such that the modified one complies with the policies and preserves the information from the original ontology as much as possible. The repair mechanism we provide is called gentle repair and performed via axiom weakening instead of axiom deletion which was commonly used in classical approaches of ontology repair. However, policy compliance itself is not enough if there is a possible attacker that can obtain relevant information from other sources, which together with the modified ontology still violates the privacy policies. Safety property is proposed to alleviate this issue and we investigate this in the context of privacy-preserving ontology publishing. Inference procedures to solve those privacy problems and additional investigations on the complexity of the procedures, as well as the worst-case complexity of the problems, become the main contributions of this thesis.:1. Introduction 1.1 Description Logics 1.2 Detecting Privacy Breaches in Information System 1.3 Repairing Information Systems 1.4 Privacy-Preserving Data Publishing 1.5 Outline and Contribution of the Thesis 2. Preliminaries 2.1 Description Logic ALC 2.1.1 Reasoning in ALC Ontologies 2.1.2 Relationship with First-Order Logic 2.1.3. Fragments of ALC 2.2 Description Logic EL 2.3 The Complexity of Reasoning Problems in DLs 3. The Identity Problem and Its Variants in Description Logic Ontologies 3.1 The Identity Problem 3.1.1 Description Logics with Equality Power 3.1.2 The Complexity of the Identity Problem 3.2 The View-Based Identity Problem 3.3 The k-Hiding Problem 3.3.1 Upper Bounds 3.3.2 Lower Bound 4. Repairing Description Logic Ontologies 4.1 Repairing Ontologies 4.2 Gentle Repairs 4.3 Weakening Relations 4.4 Weakening Relations for EL Axioms 4.4.1 Generalizing the Right-Hand Sides of GCIs 4.4.2 Syntactic Generalizations 4.5 Weakening Relations for ALC Axioms 4.5.1 Generalizations and Specializations in ALC w.r.t. Role Depth 4.5.2 Syntactical Generalizations and Specializations in ALC 5. Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing for EL Instance Stores 5.1 Formalizing Sensitive Information in EL Instance Stores 5.2 Computing Optimal Compliant Generalizations 5.3 Computing Optimal Safe^{\exists} Generalizations 5.4 Deciding Optimality^{\exists} in EL Instance Stores 5.5 Characterizing Safety^{\forall} 5.6 Optimal P-safe^{\forall} Generalizations 5.7 Characterizing Safety^{\forall\exists} and Optimality^{\forall\exists} 6. Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing for EL ABoxes 6.1 Logical Entailments in EL ABoxes with Anonymous Individuals 6.2 Anonymizing EL ABoxes 6.3 Formalizing Sensitive Information in EL ABoxes 6.4 Compliance and Safety for EL ABoxes 6.5 Optimal Anonymizers 7. Conclusion 7.1 Main Results 7.2 Future Work Bibliograph

    A formal model of data privacy

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    Information systems support data privacy by constraining user’s access to public views and thereby hiding the non-public underlying data. The privacy problem is to prove that none of the private data can be inferred from the information which is made public. We present a formal definition of the privacy problem which is based on the notion of certain answer. Then we investigate the privacy problem in the contexts of relational databases and ontology based information systems