955 research outputs found

    Cloudlet computing : recent advances, taxonomy, and challenges

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    A cloudlet is an emerging computing paradigm that is designed to meet the requirements and expectations of the Internet of things (IoT) and tackle the conventional limitations of a cloud (e.g., high latency). The idea is to bring computing resources (i.e., storage and processing) to the edge of a network. This article presents a taxonomy of cloudlet applications, outlines cloudlet utilities, and describes recent advances, challenges, and future research directions. Based on the literature, a unique taxonomy of cloudlet applications is designed. Moreover, a cloudlet computation offloading application for augmenting resource-constrained IoT devices, handling compute-intensive tasks, and minimizing the energy consumption of related devices is explored. This study also highlights the viability of cloudlets to support smart systems and applications, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, and applications that require high-quality service. Finally, the role of cloudlets in emergency situations, hostile conditions, and in the technological integration of future applications and services is elaborated in detail. © 2013 IEEE

    Deep neural networks in the cloud: Review, applications, challenges and research directions

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) are currently being deployed as machine learning technology in a wide range of important real-world applications. DNNs consist of a huge number of parameters that require millions of floating-point operations (FLOPs) to be executed both in learning and prediction modes. A more effective method is to implement DNNs in a cloud computing system equipped with centralized servers and data storage sub-systems with high-speed and high-performance computing capabilities. This paper presents an up-to-date survey on current state-of-the-art deployed DNNs for cloud computing. Various DNN complexities associated with different architectures are presented and discussed alongside the necessities of using cloud computing. We also present an extensive overview of different cloud computing platforms for the deployment of DNNs and discuss them in detail. Moreover, DNN applications already deployed in cloud computing systems are reviewed to demonstrate the advantages of using cloud computing for DNNs. The paper emphasizes the challenges of deploying DNNs in cloud computing systems and provides guidance on enhancing current and new deployments.The EGIA project (KK-2022/00119The Consolidated Research Group MATHMODE (IT1456-22

    Leveraging social media, big data, and smart technologies for intercultural communication and effective leadership: Empirical study at the Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of social media, big data, and smart technology on intercultural communication and effective leadership inside the Ministry of digital & entrepreneurship. The main objective was to investigate the influence of these technical elements on organizational behavior and the efficacy of leadership within the particular setting of a government ministry dedicated to digital economy and entrepreneurship. In order to accomplish this goal, a thorough empirical inquiry was done, which included gathering data from important individuals involved in the Ministry. The study intentionally selected a sample size of 379 individuals, who represented various responsibilities within the Ministry. The process of data gathering entailed the distribution of surveys and the conduction of interviews to acquire valuable insights and viewpoints from the participants. The utilization of this approach yielded a resilient dataset that is well-suited for thorough investigation. The study explored the complex connection between the use of social media platforms, the implementation of big data analytics, and the incorporation of smart technologies in influencing the dynamics of intercultural communication and leadership inside the Ministry. The results emphasized the substantial influence of social media in promoting intercultural communication and cooperation among personnel within the Ministry. Moreover, the implementation of big data analytics has become a crucial element in improving decision-making processes, impacting several facets of leadership efficacy, strategic planning, and employee involvement. Smart technologies were recognized as crucial elements in establishing efficient communication channels and facilitating effective leadership practices. The study's findings emphasized the beneficial impacts of utilizing social media, big data, and smart technology in the Ministry of digital & entrepreneurship. The research highlighted the significance of government organizations incorporating these technologies in a proactive manner to foster a work environment characterized by improved multicultural communication, well-informed decision-making and efficient leadership. This study makes a substantial contribution to the comprehension of how technological improvements might influence organizational behavior and leadership practices in a government setting. It provides essential insights for policymakers, leaders, and researchers. The findings have broader significance beyond the Ministry, serving as a basis for additional investigation into the use of technology in intercultural communication and leadership effectiveness inside government institutions

    Overlay virtualized wireless sensor networks for application in industrial internet of things : a review

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    Abstract: In recent times, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are broadly applied in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in order to enhance the productivity and efficiency of existing and prospective manufacturing industries. In particular, an area of interest that concerns the use of WSNs in IIoT is the concept of sensor network virtualization and overlay networks. Both network virtualization and overlay networks are considered contemporary because they provide the capacity to create services and applications at the edge of existing virtual networks without changing the underlying infrastructure. This capability makes both network virtualization and overlay network services highly beneficial, particularly for the dynamic needs of IIoT based applications such as in smart industry applications, smart city, and smart home applications. Consequently, the study of both WSN virtualization and overlay networks has become highly patronized in the literature, leading to the growth and maturity of the research area. In line with this growth, this paper provides a review of the development made thus far concerning virtualized sensor networks, with emphasis on the application of overlay networks in IIoT. Principally, the process of virtualization in WSN is discussed along with its importance in IIoT applications. Different challenges in WSN are also presented along with possible solutions given by the use of virtualized WSNs. Further details are also presented concerning the use of overlay networks as the next step to supporting virtualization in shared sensor networks. Our discussion closes with an exposition of the existing challenges in the use of virtualized WSN for IIoT applications. In general, because overlay networks will be contributory to the future development and advancement of smart industrial and smart city applications, this review may be considered by researchers as a reference point for those particularly interested in the study of this growing field

    Strata: A Geophotographic Fiction

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    What if any relevance does Robert Smithson’s conceptual writing have in provoking an ontological discussion to expand conceptual thinking on artistic representations in contemporary art? I hope to open up creative geopolitical imaginaries to expand on processes of understanding, through the creation of a recent archival history of materiality. I would propose an elaboration of Smithson’s idea of ‘speculative geology’ referred to in his project, ‘Strata: a Geophotographic Fiction, (1970), as setting the parameter for my archive. ‘Strata’ is described as a homage to the artistic imagination of geological time and the inevitable accumulation of entropy and decay. I was struck by the artist’s statement that his materials were of the earth but his subject was the immensity of geologic time. Additionally, the paradigmatic potential of art to provide shorthand access to the subject of representation of the Anthropocene is discussed by K. Robertson in her article titled, ‘Plastiglomerate’. The on-going archive which I am in the process of compiling will situate itself in ‘Land Art’ pieces such as the work of Robert Smithson, to ‘Plastiglomerates’, as well as create a methodology for adding to the archive through the analysis of materiality, using Kent International airport as a prototype. Through my research vehicle ARCA I recorded the now decommissioned Kent International Airport, specifically the 2749m runway built during the Second World War; too costly to dig up, sitting on a substrate of a depth of 3 to 5 metres. As proposals for its future are debated, the question arises as to how the nature of the materiality of the site and a consideration for its place in a geological time span, might influence a proposal for its future use? My own methodology, which would add to the documentation, draws on forensic mapping techniques, thereby creating an empirical build-up of knowledge through methods used in archaeological digs, computational photography & Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI). These techniques are more commonly used in the field of forensic science, for example in imaging footprint and tyre mark. I will build up a taxonomy of objects which are read and analysed as relational to their environment, thereby situated in the material, but relational to a more expanded field thereby addressing the transcalar

    Digital Transformation

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    The amount of literature on Digital Transformation is staggering—and it keeps growing. Why, then, come out with yet another such document? Moreover, any text aiming at explaining the Digital Transformation by presenting a snapshot is going to become obsolete in a blink of an eye, most likely to be already obsolete at the time it is first published. The FDC Initiative on Digital Reality felt there is a need to look at the Digital Transformation from the point of view of a profound change that is pervading the entire society—a change made possible by technology and that keeps changing due to technology evolution opening new possibilities but is also a change happening because it has strong economic reasons. The direction of this change is not easy to predict because it is steered by a cultural evolution of society, an evolution that is happening in niches and that may expand rapidly to larger constituencies and as rapidly may fade away. This creation, selection by experimentation, adoption, and sudden disappearance, is what makes the whole scenario so unpredictable and continuously changing.The amount of literature on Digital Transformation is staggering—and it keeps growing. Why, then, come out with yet another such document? Moreover, any text aiming at explaining the Digital Transformation by presenting a snapshot is going to become obsolete in a blink of an eye, most likely to be already obsolete at the time it is first published. The FDC Initiative on Digital Reality felt there is a need to look at the Digital Transformation from the point of view of a profound change that is pervading the entire society—a change made possible by technology and that keeps changing due to technology evolution opening new possibilities but is also a change happening because it has strong economic reasons. The direction of this change is not easy to predict because it is steered by a cultural evolution of society, an evolution that is happening in niches and that may expand rapidly to larger constituencies and as rapidly may fade away. This creation, selection by experimentation, adoption, and sudden disappearance, is what makes the whole scenario so unpredictable and continuously changing

    6G Enabled Smart Infrastructure for Sustainable Society: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Roadmap

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    The 5G wireless communication network is currently faced with the challenge of limited data speed exacerbated by the proliferation of billions of data-intensive applications. To address this problem, researchers are developing cutting-edge technologies for the envisioned 6G wireless communication standards to satisfy the escalating wireless services demands. Though some of the candidate technologies in the 5G standards will apply to 6G wireless networks, key disruptive technologies that will guarantee the desired quality of physical experience to achieve ubiquitous wireless connectivity are expected in 6G. This article first provides a foundational background on the evolution of different wireless communication standards to have a proper insight into the vision and requirements of 6G. Second, we provide a panoramic view of the enabling technologies proposed to facilitate 6G and introduce emerging 6G applications such as multi-sensory–extended reality, digital replica, and more. Next, the technology-driven challenges, social, psychological, health and commercialization issues posed to actualizing 6G, and the probable solutions to tackle these challenges are discussed extensively. Additionally, we present new use cases of the 6G technology in agriculture, education, media and entertainment, logistics and transportation, and tourism. Furthermore, we discuss the multi-faceted communication capabilities of 6G that will contribute significantly to global sustainability and how 6G will bring about a dramatic change in the business arena. Finally, we highlight the research trends, open research issues, and key take-away lessons for future research exploration in 6G wireless communicatio

    Industrial Heritage of Belgrade: Brownfield Sites Revitalization Status, Potentials and Opportunities Missed

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    Being created during the period of intensive industrialization, industrial buildings and landscapes carry importance as birth places of rapid technological progress, social and economic changes, which has established their great significance for modern human history and identity. Termination of their active function causes symptoms of decline to appear gradually, and their number decreases as the time passes. They are often endangered regardless of their protection status. Implementation of adaptive reuse principles allows for less strict approach to conservation practice, and its benefits are demonstrated worldwide. Despite that fact, industrial heritage has not been revitalized enough through adequately treated sites in Serbia. That indicates lack of understanding of the value of this cultural and historical heritage, as well as its suitable future purposes, impossible without some form of active dialog between participants in the planning process. The legal preconditions for this collaboration exist in Serbian regulations, and they are examined in the paper, but other potential causes of the lack of consensus that result in failure are also explored. In Belgrade, industrial brownfields occupy attractive locations, often targeted for market-driven redevelopment. For that reason, the paper explores current practice of revitalizing brownfield sites of industrial heritage in Belgrade. It considers the achievements, probable missed opportunities, and remaining potentials where acquired knowledge can be utilized. Key results of the research define critical points in the planning process for the preservation of values despite the modernity of brownfield sites transformations. The purpose of this paper is to help safeguard industrial landscapes of Belgrade and Serbia, and their sustainable conversion, the most adequate for the present moment, as well as to contribute to urban reconstruction of declining landscapes to which these brownfield sites belong.The research is done under research lab SaRA (Sustainable and Resilient Architecture), University of Belgrade—Faculty of Architecture
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