4 research outputs found

    Improving User Involvement Through Live Collaborative Creation

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    Creating an artifact - such as writing a book, developing software, or performing a piece of music - is often limited to those with domain-specific experience or training. As a consequence, effectively involving non-expert end users in such creative processes is challenging. This work explores how computational systems can facilitate collaboration, communication, and participation in the context of involving users in the process of creating artifacts while mitigating the challenges inherent to such processes. In particular, the interactive systems presented in this work support live collaborative creation, in which artifact users collaboratively participate in the artifact creation process with creators in real time. In the systems that I have created, I explored liveness, the extent to which the process of creating artifacts and the state of the artifacts are immediately and continuously perceptible, for applications such as programming, writing, music performance, and UI design. Liveness helps preserve natural expressivity, supports real-time communication, and facilitates participation in the creative process. Live collaboration is beneficial for users and creators alike: making the process of creation visible encourages users to engage in the process and better understand the final artifact. Additionally, creators can receive immediate feedback in a continuous, closed loop with users. Through these interactive systems, non-expert participants help create such artifacts as GUI prototypes, software, and musical performances. This dissertation explores three topics: (1) the challenges inherent to collaborative creation in live settings, and computational tools that address them; (2) methods for reducing the barriers of entry to live collaboration; and (3) approaches to preserving liveness in the creative process, affording creators more expressivity in making artifacts and affording users access to information traditionally only available in real-time processes. In this work, I showed that enabling collaborative, expressive, and live interactions in computational systems allow the broader population to take part in various creative practices.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145810/1/snaglee_1.pd

    Sistema para gestão remota de redes experimentais

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    Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e TelemáticaA Internet e as redes no seu geral estão cada vez mais presentes no nosso quotidiano. No entanto, o seu crescente uso destaca também algumas das suas limitações, levando os investigadores de redes a criarem novas soluções, numa tentativa de preverem e resolverem problemas que daí possam advir. O desenvolvimento destas soluções implica que sejam realizados testes exaustivos antes que estas se tornem aptas para o uso das massas. Podem ser adoptadas diversas abordagens para a realização destes testes. Simulações são importantes como uma primeira aproximação, contudo, não conseguem captar a dinâmica e a imprevisibilidade de um ambiente real. A emulação surge como alternativa, tentando colmatar essa falha, no entanto, não é eficaz na reprodução de cenários mais complexos. A solução poderá passar pela criação de infra-estruturas dedicadas ao teste destas soluções, denominadas de redes experimentais, permitindo realizar uma avaliação mais profunda e fiável das mesmas. Contudo a sua construção envolve grandes custos e as infra-estruturas caem em desuso assim que é alcançado o produto final. É necessário desenvolver maneiras de instrumentalizar estas infra-estruturas, de forma a optimizar estes recursos para futuros testes. Esta dissertação centra-se nos problema evidenciados na criação destas redes de teste, estudando as existentes formas de gestão destas redes experimentais, bem como o seu uso optimizado com vista à criação de experiencias. Pretende-se assim desenvolver no âmbito desta tese, uma ferramenta que permita aos utilizadores criarem e usarem facilmente e de forma eficiente uma rede experimental.The Internet, as with networks in general, is increasingly present in our everyday lives. However, its use also highlights some of their limitations, leading researchers to create new network solutions in an attempt to anticipate and solve problems that may arise. These solutions require exhaustive tests before they become eligible for production. Several approaches can be taken to conduct such tests. Simulations are important as first approximations; however, they fail to capture the dynamics and unpredictability of a real environment. Emulations present an alternative, but fail to reproduce more complex scenarios. Experimentation facilities must therefore be deployed, to achieve a higher level of realism. These facilities, also referred as testbeds, involve high-complexity deployment and operation, falling into disuse once they arrive at a final product. Methods of managing these infrastructures must be developed in order to avoid this waste of resources for future tests. This dissertation focuses on the problems inherent to the management of these facilities, with a focus on their users. Different approaches in network testing must be studied and the different methodologies on experimentation must be collected. An application is developed to address this problem, enabling users to create their experiments and collect results in both an organized and effective manner

    Digital writing technologies in higher education : theory, research, and practice

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    This open access book serves as a comprehensive guide to digital writing technology, featuring contributions from over 20 renowned researchers from various disciplines around the world. The book is designed to provide a state-of-the-art synthesis of the developments in digital writing in higher education, making it an essential resource for anyone interested in this rapidly evolving field. In the first part of the book, the authors offer an overview of the impact that digitalization has had on writing, covering more than 25 key technological innovations and their implications for writing practices and pedagogical uses. Drawing on these chapters, the second part of the book explores the theoretical underpinnings of digital writing technology such as writing and learning, writing quality, formulation support, writing and thinking, and writing processes. The authors provide insightful analysis on the impact of these developments and offer valuable insights into the future of writing. Overall, this book provides a cohesive and consistent theoretical view of the new realities of digital writing, complementing existing literature on the digitalization of writing. It is an essential resource for scholars, educators, and practitioners interested in the intersection of technology and writing