96,066 research outputs found

    Boundary-Conforming Free-Surface Flow Computations: Interface Tracking for Linear, Higher-Order and Isogeometric Finite Elements

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    The simulation of certain flow problems requires a means for modeling a free fluid surface; examples being viscoelastic die swell or fluid sloshing in tanks. In a finite-element context, this type of problem can, among many other options, be dealt with using an interface-tracking approach with the Deforming-Spatial-Domain/Stabilized-Space-Time (DSD/SST) formulation. A difficult issue that is connected with this type of approach is the determination of a suitable coupling mechanism between the fluid velocity at the boundary and the displacement of the boundary mesh nodes. In order to avoid large mesh distortions, one goal is to keep the nodal movements as small as possible; but of course still compliant with the no-penetration boundary condition. Standard displacement techniques are full velocity, velocity in a specific coordinate direction, and velocity in normal direction. In this work, we investigate how the interface-tracking approach can be combined with isogeometric analysis for the spatial discretization. If NURBS basis functions of sufficient order are used for both the geometry and the solution, both a continuous normal vector as well as the velocity are available on the entire boundary. This circumstance allows the weak imposition of the no-penetration boundary condition. We compare this option with an alternative that relies on strong imposition at discrete points. Furthermore, we examine several coupling methods between the fluid equations, boundary conditions, and equations for the adjustment of interior control point positions.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figure

    Exploring corner transfer matrices and corner tensors for the classical simulation of quantum lattice systems

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    In this paper we explore the practical use of the corner transfer matrix and its higher-dimensional generalization, the corner tensor, to develop tensor network algorithms for the classical simulation of quantum lattice systems of infinite size. This exploration is done mainly in one and two spatial dimensions (1d and 2d). We describe a number of numerical algorithms based on corner matri- ces and tensors to approximate different ground state properties of these systems. The proposed methods make also use of matrix product operators and projected entangled pair operators, and naturally preserve spatial symmetries of the system such as translation invariance. In order to assess the validity of our algorithms, we provide preliminary benchmarking calculations for the spin-1/2 quantum Ising model in a transverse field in both 1d and 2d. Our methods are a plausible alternative to other well-established tensor network approaches such as iDMRG and iTEBD in 1d, and iPEPS and TERG in 2d. The computational complexity of the proposed algorithms is also considered and, in 2d, important differences are found depending on the chosen simulation scheme. We also discuss further possibilities, such as 3d quantum lattice systems, periodic boundary conditions, and real time evolution. This discussion leads us to reinterpret the standard iTEBD and iPEPS algorithms in terms of corner transfer matrices and corner tensors. Our paper also offers a perspective on many properties of the corner transfer matrix and its higher-dimensional generalizations in the light of novel tensor network methods.Comment: 25 pages, 32 figures, 2 tables. Revised version. Technical details on some of the algorithms have been moved to appendices. To appear in PR

    Fast finite difference solvers for singular solutions of the elliptic Monge-Amp\`ere equation

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    The elliptic Monge-Ampere equation is a fully nonlinear Partial Differential Equation which originated in geometric surface theory, and has been applied in dynamic meteorology, elasticity, geometric optics, image processing and image registration. Solutions can be singular, in which case standard numerical approaches fail. In this article we build a finite difference solver for the Monge-Ampere equation, which converges even for singular solutions. Regularity results are used to select a priori between a stable, provably convergent monotone discretization and an accurate finite difference discretization in different regions of the computational domain. This allows singular solutions to be computed using a stable method, and regular solutions to be computed more accurately. The resulting nonlinear equations are then solved by Newton's method. Computational results in two and three dimensions validate the claims of accuracy and solution speed. A computational example is presented which demonstrates the necessity of the use of the monotone scheme near singularities.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables; added arxiv links to references, added coment
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