49 research outputs found

    Basic Behavioral Concepts (Chapter 1 from The Human Reflex)

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    The Impact of Personal Experience on Behavior: Evidence From Video-Rental Fines

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    Personal experience matters. In a field setting with longitudinal data, we disentangle the effects of learning new information from the effects of personal experience. We demonstrate that experience with a fine, controlling for the effect of learning new information, significantly boosts future compliance. We also show that experience with a large fine boosts compliance more than experience with a small fine, but that the influence of experience with both large and small fines decays sharply over time

    The Carbon (December 17, 1957)

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    Effect of Weight in Motion Detection System on Road Enforcement Network of Hungary

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    After two years of legislative preparation, the introduction of National Dynamic Axle Weight Measurement System was done in 2018. More than 100 control points were deployed in Hungary. This paper aims to present a brief summary of the technological background of a large-scale integration of High Speed WIM systems, and their effect on road usage. Detailed statistical analyses of preliminary results were conducted. The introduction of vehicle in motion dynamic mass measurement system in Hungary had not caused significant changes in road usage in the investigated period on the investigated road segment. The ratio between nationality (domestic or foreign) of heavy road vehicles had not changed due to introduction of vehicle in motion dynamic mass measurement system

    Digitaalisten ajoseurantalaitteiden hyödynnettävyys nuorten liikenneturvallisuudessa

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    Tutkimuksen tavoite oli selvittää digitaalisten ajoseurantalaitteiden hyödynnettävyyttä nuorten liikenneturvallisuudessa. Tutkimukseen osallistuneiden asenteita ajonopeuksia ja digitaalista ajoseurantamenetelmää kohtaan selvitettiin ennen ja jälkeen ajojaksoa tehdyillä kyselyillä. Nuorten osuus tieliikenteen onnettomuusmääristä on kasvussa. Liikenneturvallisuuden kannalta on tärkeää tehdä tutkimuksia nuorten ajotavoista. Tutkimuksessa käytössä olleen ajoseurantalaitteen avulla saatiin tietoa siitä paljonko nuoret ajavat, missä ajavat, millaisilla nopeuksilla ja mihin aikaan vuorokaudesta. Tutkimuksen perusteella nuoret pitivät ajoseurantamenetelmää hyödyllisenä. Moni vastasi loppukyselyssä laitteen vähentäneen alun kokeilunhaluja sekä auton käsittelyyn oli tullut kiinnitettyä paljon huomiota. Ajoseurantamenetelmän tarpeellisuudesta kertoo tutkimuksen pienellä otoskoolla saatu suuri ylinopeuksien määrä. Ajojaksonsa aikana yksikään kovimpia nopeuksia ajaneista ei joutunut poliisin kanssa tekemisiin ylinopeuden vuoksi. Tietosuojakysymysten takia kaikille kuljettajille, joilla ajoseurantalaite on autossa, tulee tehdä selväksi mitä tietoja kerätään ja keiden nähtäväksi tiedot tulevat. Laitteiden parhaat tulevaisuuden käyttömahdollisuudet nuorille lienevät ajo-opetuksen yhteydessä. Muitakin mahdollisia kohderyhmiä ajoseurantalaitteilla on nuorten lisäksi. Laite voisi olla suoran ajokiellon määräämisen sijaan mahdollisuus toistuvasti tai törkeästi ylinope¬utta ajavalle henkilölle. Laitteiden avulla saatava yksityiskohtainen tieto nopeuksista, kiihdytyksistä sekä jarrutuksista helpottaisi poliisin tutkintaa onnettomuustapauksissa

    Revisionism about Free Will: A Statement and Defense

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    This article summarizes and extends the moderate revisionist position I put forth in Four Views on Free Will and responds to objections to it from Robert Kane, John Martin Fischer, Derk Pereboom, and Michael McKenna. Among the principle topics of the article are (1) motivations for revisionism, what it is, and how it is different from compatibilism and hard incompatibilism, (2) an objection to libertarianism based on the moral costs of its current epistemic status, (3) an objection to the distinctiveness of semicompatibilism against conventional forms of compatibilism and (4) whether moderate revisionism is committed to realism about moral responsibility

    Double Jeopardy Where Both City and State Prosecute the Same Act

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    This comment\u27s concern is the situation in which a municipality and a state each define the same conduct as criminal, and each, in a separate action prosecutes the same defendant for the same act. The sole question explored in this comment is whether there is, or should be, a bar, on the ground of double jeopardy, to city or state prosecutions where the other has prosecuted. An attempt has been made exhaustively to canvass the question and also the position of the state and federal courts

    Ex-Post Enforcement in Cooperative Spectrum Sharing: A Case Study of the 1695-1710 MHz Band

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    Cooperative Spectrum sharing can be thought of as a reorganization of rights between stakeholders [2]. The principal stakeholders are the Primary User (PU), who holds the spectrum license, and the Secondary User(s) who uses the spectrum temporarily. Any rights management system requires a set of strategies and technologies to enforce the rights [3]; the timing of the enforcement action (ex-ante and ex-post) also plays a significant role [4]. The cooperative spectrum sharing approaches that have been proposed by the NTIA emphasize ex-ante actions, which are designed to prevent a PU’s signal from harmful interference that could occur by the SU [1, 5]. A comprehensive enforcement framework would include protecting the rights of the SU in addition to having an ex post component that can efficiently and effectively adjudicate claims of interference. Determining the role of ex-post enforcement in a spectrum sharing scheme is of significant importance since cooperative spectrum sharing will without doubt result in interference events. To evaluate the role of the ex-post enforcement approach, a hypothetical scenario of using the recommended protection zones and the involved entities will be used to analyze the current enforcement timing measures and to evaluate the usage of ex-post-only enforcement measures. The hypothetical scenario concerns about the behaviors of the SUs, if SU-mobile devices transmitting near PU-base station or transmitting with high power signal within the protection zone. This behavior will cause harmful interference to the PU signal and data received by the PU will be lost. To guarantee SU behavior the suggested ex-ante and ex-post enforcement measures will be explained and analyzed. Then, ex-post-only enforcement measures will be applied to this scenario and analyzed. The purpose of analyzing the ex-post-only enforcement measures is to evaluate how these measures might work, and what the limits are on their effectiveness

    The Ledger & Times, September 20, 1956

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