27,305 research outputs found


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    This paper presents new idea about the servlet we know about http servlet and generic servlet case of http servlet we use http protocol for the server side programming this is a protocol dependent servlet if we use ftp and SMTP protocol instead of http protocol then servlet will be protocol independent. An FTP servlet is an intermediate application that resides between the FTP server and the FTP client. It works as a proxy interposed within client/server communications and helps to unload some of the computing power of the FTP server and distribute it to the FTP servlet. It also provides a firewall and proxy friendly file transfer environment by wrapping FTP traffic over HTTP. FTP traffic can be wrapped over Https using a SSL certificate to provide enhanced security. Keywords: SMTP, wrapping FTP, enhanced securit

    Analisis Perbandingan Performansi dan Keamanan File Transfer Protocol over SSH Tunneling (Secure FTP) dengan File Transfer Protocol over SSL (FTPS)

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    ABSTRAKSI: File Transfer Protocol atau FTP adalah salah satu protokol yang digunakan untuk pertukaran file baik berupa upload file maupun download file. Sayangnya FTP masih meninggalkan lubang keamanan dimana data yang dikirimkan masih dapat dibaca dengan jelas. Selain itu, tidak adanya mekanisme autentikasi server, membuat client dapat beresiko untuk mengakses FTP server palsu.Penelitian ini menguji Secure FTP dan FTPS, kedua metode keamanan yang diterapkan pada FTP untuk mengatasi celah-celah keamanan yang ditinggalkan oleh FTP. Aspek keamanan yang diuji mencakup confidentiality (kerahasiaan data) dan authentication (autentikasi). Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menguji kedua metode tersebut dari segi performansi. Aspek performansi yang diujikan mencakup delay,throughput, dan utilitas CPU serta memori pada single transfer dan multiple transfer, dan juga dari kompleksitas pemakaian metode tersebut.Dari hasil pengujian didapatkan kesimpulan bahwa FTPS mempunyai tingkat keamanan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan Secure FTP. Selain itu, pada aspek performansi, meskipun Secure FTP unggul pada performansi single transfer namun pada pengujian lain, FTPS mempunyai hasil yang lebih baik dibanding Secure FTP. Dari pengujian kedua aspek tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa FTPS mempunyai kemampuan lebih baik daripada Secure FTP baik dari segi keamanan maupun performansi.Kata Kunci : keamanan, performansi, FTP, Secure FTP, FTPSABSTRACT: File Transfer Protocol or FTP is a protocol used to exchange files, either file upload or file download. Unfortunately, FTP still leaves a security hole where the transmitted data over that two channels can still be read clearly. In addition, the absence of a server authentication mechanism, make the client can access the FTP server at risk for false.This study tested the Secure FTP and FTPS, both methods which are applied to the FTP security to address the security gaps left by FTP. Security aspects tested include confidentiality (data confidentiality) and authentication (authentication). In addition, this study also tested both methods in terms of performance. Performance aspects tested include delay, throughput, and utilities of CPU and memory on a single file transfers and multiple transfers, and also to the complexity of the use of both methods.From the test results, obtained a conclusion that the FTPS has a higher security level than the Secure FTP. In addition,on the performance, though superior to the Secure FTP in single file transfers but on the other tests, FTPS have better results than the Secure FTP. From these two aspects of testing, we can conclude that the FTPS have better abilities than Secure FTP in terms of both security and performance.Keyword: security, performance, FTP, Secure FTP, FTP

    Analisis Layanan File Transfer Protocol pada Perbandingan IPv4, IPv6, dan Tunneling 6over4 Berbasis Router menggunakan Interface Ethernet

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    File Transfer Protocol (FTP) merupakan media yang digunakan untuk proses transfer file menggunakan Internet Protocol (IP). Penggunaan Internet Protocol Versi 4 (IPv4) akan mengalami masalah terkait dengan jumlah IP jika terus digunakan. Maka dari itu dirancang Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) untuk mengatasi keterbatasan jumlah IPv4. Masalah lain cara mengimplementasikan IPv6 agar dapat melewati routing IPv4 dengan menggunakan tunneling 6over4. Penelitian ini membandingkan layanan FTP pada jaringan IPv4, IPv6, dan tunneling 6over4 dengan parameter transfer time, transfer speed, dan checksum. Skenario tunneling 6over4 pada penelitian ini memiliki kualitas yang baik dibandingkan skenario IPv4 dan IPv6 karena memiliki nilai transfer time yang paling kecil, transfer speed yang paling besar, dan hasil checksum tidak mengalami corrupt file sehingga mempercepat proses transfer file.FTP is a media used to tranfer file using IP. The application of IPv4 will cause a problem when the IP is continuously being used. Therefore the IPv6 is designed in order to overcome the limited amount of IPv4. Besides, the other way to implement IPv6 which can pass through routing IPv4 is by using tunneling 6over4 by transfer time, transfer speed, and checksum, parameter. Hence, we can conclude that the FTP service on tunneling 6over4 configuration has an excellent quality compare to the IPv4 and IPv6 configuration as it has the lowest transfer time value, highest transfer speed, and checksum file is not corrupt which make faster the transfer file process

    Reliable file transfer across a 10 megabit ethernet

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    The Ethernet communications network is a broadcast, multi-access system for local computing networks. Such a network was used to connect six 68000 based Charles River Data Systems for the purpose of file transfer. Each system required hardware installation and connection to the Ethernet cable. The software is an implementation which conforms to Xerox PUP File Transfer Protocol Specifications . This required the writing of two programs, the FTP user and the FTP server. Each program was built upon common communication packages which also had to be written. These communication routines transferred data over the Ethernet using the PARC Universal Packets (PUP) format

    Experiments with IPV6 network mobility using nemo protocol

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    The NEMO (NEtwork MObility) protocol, as normalized by IETF, allows a transparent movement of a whole IPv6 network. This mobile network can thus attach to different points in the Internet without losing TCP/IP connectivity of its mobile nodes. In this paper we briefly describe the NEMO protocol and present a simple architecture deployed to test its main functionalities. We also discuss the results obtained thus far with the use of popular TCP and UDP applications in a mobile environment: video streaming transfer, remote access using SSH and FTP file transfer

    Measuring Round Trip Time and File Download Time of FTP Servers

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    Today, Internet is a public, cooperative, and self-sustaining facility accessible to hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It has made the world a global village. It uses a layered model such as TCP/IP. Data can transfer easily using ordinary file transfer method such as HTTP and emails protocols. When to transfer or download the large set of data like big collection of file via inexpensive IP networks then throughput collapses. New TCP stacks and new network acceleration devices are market to help .but fail to fully utilize many wide area network paths. Consequently, conventional FTP, and even new "acceleration" solutions, cannot provide the speed and predictability needed for global file transfers. There are some problems which may affect the download time.  It  may  include  the hardware/software  configurations,  location  of machines,  bandwidth,  delay, congestion, size  of  the files and other type of configurations problems. The response time of the FTP server and Round Trip Time (RTT) plays an important role in download time of a file. In this paper, we investigate the possible relationship between the Round Trip Time and the software download time for the FTP servers. It also shows the factors that could have an impact on the FTP server response time. In our experiment, we assume the existing infrastructure of the Internet with its current technologies and protocols. So we concluded that if the RTT is less, the download time will be less. We presented the Karn’s algorithm to improve the accuracy of RTT measurement. Keywords: File transport protocol, Round trip time, Karn’s algorithm, DNS response time, TCP/I

    Four Logics and a Protocol

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    The Internet Protocol (IP) is the protocol used to provide connectionless communication between hosts connected to the Internet. It provides a basic internetworking service to transport protocols such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). These in turn provide both connection-oriented and connectionless services to applications such as file transfer (FTP) and WWW browsing. In this paper we present four separate specifications of the interface to the internetworking layer implemented by IP using four types of logic: classical, constructive, temporal and linear logic

    Achieving High Throughput for Data Transfer over ATM Networks

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    File-transfer rates for ftp are often reported to be relatively slow, compared to the raw bandwidth available in emerging gigabit networks. While a major bottleneck is disk I/O, protocol issues impact performance as well. Ftp was developed and optimized for use over the TCP/IP protocol stack of the Internet. However, TCP has been shown to run inefficiently over ATM. In an effort to maximize network throughput, data-transfer protocols can be developed to run over UDP or directly over IP, rather than over TCP. If error-free transmission is required, techniques for achieving reliable transmission can be included as part of the transfer protocol. However, selected image-processing applications can tolerate a low level of errors in images that are transmitted over a network. In this paper we report on experimental work to develop a high-throughput protocol for unreliable data transfer over ATM networks. We attempt to maximize throughput by keeping the communications pipe full, but still keep packet loss under five percent. We use the Bay Area Gigabit Network Testbed as our experimental platform
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