1,835 research outputs found

    Performance evaluation of random forest algorithm for automating classification of mathematics question items

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    Automated classification of mathematics question items based on the Table of Specifications is crucial in developing well-defined assessment content, significantly reducing teachers’ workload. This study presents a performance evaluation of a Random Forest model designed to classify mathematics question items based on the content standards of the first quarter of tenth grade stipulated by the Philippines’ Department of Education Curriculum Guide. The model uses an algorithm that extracts mathematical expressions as tokens for the Bag-of-words Model. The evaluation was conducted using precision, recall, F-1 score, and overall accuracy metrics, and the confusion matrix was used to assess the Random Forest model’s performance. The results showed that the Random Forest model achieved 95% in precision, 95% in recall, 95% in F-1 score, and 95% in overall accuracy, demonstrating its effectiveness in classifying mathematics question items

    Searching strategies for the Bulgarian language

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    This paper reports on the underlying IR problems encountered when indexing and searching with the Bulgarian language. For this language we propose a general light stemmer and demonstrate that it can be quite effective, producing significantly better MAP (around + 34%) than an approach not applying stemming. We implement the GL2 model derived from the Divergence from Randomness paradigm and find its retrieval effectiveness better than other probabilistic, vector-space and language models. The resulting MAP is found to be about 50% better than the classical tf idf approach. Moreover, increasing the query size enhances the MAP by around 10% (from T to TD). In order to compare the retrieval effectiveness of our suggested stopword list and the light stemmer developed for the Bulgarian language, we conduct a set of experiments on another stopword list and also a more complex and aggressive stemmer. Results tend to indicate that there is no statistically significant difference between these variants and our suggested approach. This paper evaluates other indexing strategies such as 4-gram indexing and indexing based on the automatic decompounding of compound words. Finally, we analyze certain queries to discover why we obtained poor results, when indexing Bulgarian documents using the suggested word-based approac

    Reassessing the Canon: “fixed” phrases in general reference corpora

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    This paper sets forth the argument for revisiting fixed phrases in the light of the knowledge that their fixedness is not necessarily something to be taken for granted. It focuses on the location and analysis of variant forms in general reference corpora. Existing phraseological structures, including collocational frameworks, idiom schemas and semi-prepackaged phrases, are introduced by way of background before a procedure for retrieving non-canonical forms of fixed expressions in general reference corpora is presented. Some implications relating to the study of variant forms are presented, along with suggestions for future research directions

    SChuBERT:Scholarly Document Chunks with BERT-encoding boost Citation Count Prediction

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    Predicting the number of citations of scholarly documents is an upcoming task in scholarly document processing. Besides the intrinsic merit of this information, it also has a wider use as an imperfect proxy for quality which has the advantage of being cheaply available for large volumes of scholarly documents. Previous work has dealt with number of citations prediction with relatively small training data sets, or larger datasets but with short, incomplete input text. In this work we leverage the open access ACL Anthology collection in combination with the Semantic Scholar bibliometric database to create a large corpus of scholarly documents with associated citation information and we propose a new citation prediction model called SChuBERT. In our experiments we compare SChuBERT with several state-of-the-art citation prediction models and show that it outperforms previous methods by a large margin. We also show the merit of using more training data and longer input for number of citations prediction.Comment: Published at the First Workshop on Scholarly Document Processing, at EMNLP 2020. Minor corrections were made to the workshop version, including addition of color to Figures 1,

    A statistical significance testing approach for measuring term burstiness with applications to domain-specific terminology extraction

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    A term in a corpus is said to be ``bursty'' (or overdispersed) when its occurrences are concentrated in few out of many documents. In this paper, we propose Residual Inverse Collection Frequency (RICF), a statistical significance test inspired heuristic for quantifying term burstiness. The chi-squared test is, to our knowledge, the sole test of statistical significance among existing term burstiness measures. Chi-squared test term burstiness scores are computed from the collection frequency statistic (i.e., the proportion that a specified term constitutes in relation to all terms within a corpus). However, the document frequency of a term (i.e., the proportion of documents within a corpus in which a specific term occurs) is exploited by certain other widely used term burstiness measures. RICF addresses this shortcoming of the chi-squared test by virtue of its term burstiness scores systematically incorporating both the collection frequency and document frequency statistics. We evaluate the RICF measure on a domain-specific technical terminology extraction task using the GENIA Term corpus benchmark, which comprises 2,000 annotated biomedical article abstracts. RICF generally outperformed the chi-squared test in terms of precision at k score with percent improvements of 0.00% (P@10), 6.38% (P@50), 6.38% (P@100), 2.27% (P@500), 2.61% (P@1000), and 1.90% (P@5000). Furthermore, RICF performance was competitive with the performances of other well-established measures of term burstiness. Based on these findings, we consider our contributions in this paper as a promising starting point for future exploration in leveraging statistical significance testing in text analysis.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, 6 table

    SoK:Prudent Evaluation Practices for Fuzzing

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    Fuzzing has proven to be a highly effective approach to uncover software bugs over the past decade. After AFL popularized the groundbreaking concept of lightweight coverage feedback, the field of fuzzing has seen a vast amount of scientific work proposing new techniques, improving methodological aspects of existing strategies, or porting existing methods to new domains. All such work must demonstrate its merit by showing its applicability to a problem, measuring its performance, and often showing its superiority over existing works in a thorough, empirical evaluation. Yet, fuzzing is highly sensitive to its target, environment, and circumstances, e.g., randomness in the testing process. After all, relying on randomness is one of the core principles of fuzzing, governing many aspects of a fuzzer's behavior. Combined with the often highly difficult to control environment, the reproducibility of experiments is a crucial concern and requires a prudent evaluation setup. To address these threats to validity, several works, most notably Evaluating Fuzz Testing by Klees et al., have outlined how a carefully designed evaluation setup should be implemented, but it remains unknown to what extent their recommendations have been adopted in practice. In this work, we systematically analyze the evaluation of 150 fuzzing papers published at the top venues between 2018 and 2023. We study how existing guidelines are implemented and observe potential shortcomings and pitfalls. We find a surprising disregard of the existing guidelines regarding statistical tests and systematic errors in fuzzing evaluations. For example, when investigating reported bugs, we find that the search for vulnerabilities in real-world software leads to authors requesting and receiving CVEs of questionable quality. Extending our literature analysis to the practical domain, we attempt to reproduce claims of eight fuzzing papers. These case studies allow us to assess the practical reproducibility of fuzzing research and identify archetypal pitfalls in the evaluation design. Unfortunately, our reproduced results reveal several deficiencies in the studied papers, and we are unable to fully support and reproduce the respective claims. To help the field of fuzzing move toward a scientifically reproducible evaluation strategy, we propose updated guidelines for conducting a fuzzing evaluation that future work should follow
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