4 research outputs found

    Uma infra-estrutura baseada em FT-Corba para o desenvolvimento de aplicações distribuídas confiáveis

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    Orientador : Elias Procópio Duarte JrDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanáResumo: O padrão CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) possibilita a construção de sistemas distribuídos abertos em um modelo orientado a objetos. A especificação para tolerância a falhas do CORBA (FT-CORBA - Fault Tolerant CORBA) tem por objetivo fornecer suporte para aplicações que necessitam de confiabilidade. Neste trabalho apresentamos a implementação de uma infraestrutura baseada em FT-CORBA que permite a construção de aplicações distribuídas confiáveis baseadas em grupos de servidores replicados. Duas abordagens para monitoração das réplicas foram implementadas. Na primeira abordagem, apenas o servidor primário de cada grupo é periodicamente monitorado. Somente em caso de falha da réplica primária a monitoração das demais réplicas é efetuada sendo então um novo servidor primário eleito para o grupo de objetos. Na segunda abordagem, o processo de monitoração é feito periodicamente para todos os objetos de todos os grupos. Uma réplica falha é desconsiderada no momento da eleição de um novo membro primário para um grupo de objetos. Resultados experimentais mostram que a escolha do método de monitoração deve ser feita após uma avaliação do impacto de cada estratégia considerando o número total de réplicas monitoradas, bem como a banda disponível na rede.Abstract: The CORBA Standard (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) allows the construction of open distributed applications based on the object oriented paradigm. The CORBA fault tolerance specification (FT-CORBA - Fault Tolerant CORBA) aims to support applications that need reliability. In this work we present the implementation of an infrastructure based on FT-CORBA that allows the construction of trustworthy distributed applications based on groups of replicated servers. Two monitoring approaches for the replicas were implemented. In the first approach only the primary server of each group is periodically monitored. Only in case of the primary replica being faulty, the other replicas are monitored, and then a new primary server is chosen for the group of objects. In the second approach the monitoring process is performed periodically for all objects of all groups. A faulty replica is dismissed when choosing a new primary member for a group of objects. Experimental results show that the choice of the monitoring method must be made after an evaluation of the impact of each strategy considering the total number of monitored replicas, as well as the network bandwidth

    The CORBA object group service:a service approach to object groups in CORBA

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    Distributed computing is one of the major trends in the computer industry. As systems become more distributed, they also become more complex and have to deal with new kinds of problems, such as partial crashes and link failures. To answer the growing demand in distributed technologies, several middleware environments have emerged during the last few years. These environments however lack support for "one-to-many" communication primitives; such primitives greatly simplify the development of several types of applications that have requirements for high availability, fault tolerance, parallel processing, or collaborative work. One-to-many interactions can be provided by group communication. It manages groups of objects and provides primitives for sending messages to all members of a group, with various reliability and ordering guarantees. A group constitutes a logical addressing facility: messages can be issued to a group without having to know the number, identity, or location of individual members. The notion of group has proven to be very useful for providing high availability through replication: a set of replicas constitutes a group, but are viewed by clients as a single entity in the system. This thesis aims at studying and proposing solutions to the problem of object group support in object-based middleware environments. It surveys and evaluates different approaches to this problem. Based on this evaluation, we propose a system model and an open architecture to add support for object groups to the CORBA middle- ware environment. In doing so, we provide the application developer with powerful group primitives in the context of a standard object-based environment. This thesis contributes to ongoing standardization efforts that aim to support fault tolerance in CORBA, using entity redundancy. The group architecture proposed in this thesis — the Object Group Service (OGS) — is based on the concept of component integration. It consists of several distinct components that provide various facilities for reliable distributed computing and that are reusable in isolation. Group support is ultimately provided by combining these components. OGS defines an object-oriented framework of CORBA components for reliable distributed systems. The OGS components include a group membership service, which keeps track of the composition of object groups, a group multicast service, which provides delivery of messages to all group members, a consensus service, which allows several CORBA objects to resolve distributed agreement problems, and a monitoring service, which provides distributed failure detection mechanisms. OGS includes support for dynamic group membership and for group multicast with various reliability and ordering guarantees. It defines interfaces for active and primary-backup replication. In addition, OGS proposes several execution styles and various levels of transparency. A prototype implementation of OGS has been realized in the context of this thesis. This implementation is available for two commercial ORBs (Orbix and VisiBroker). It relies solely on the CORBA specification, and is thus portable to any compliant ORB. Although the main theme of this thesis deals with system architecture, we have developed some original algorithms to implement group support in OGS. We analyze these algorithms and implementation choices in this dissertation, and we evaluate them in terms of efficiency. We also illustrate the use of OGS through example applications

    A Fault-Tolerant CORBA Name Server

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    OMG CORBA applications require a distributed naming service in order to install and to retrieve object references. High availability of the naming service is important since most CORBA applications need to access it at least once during their lifetime. Unfortunately, the OMG standards do not deal with availability issues; the naming services of many of the commercially available CORBA object request brokers introduce single points of failure. In this paper we describe the design and implementation of a replicated, highly-available CORBA name server that adheres to the OMG Common Object Services Specification. Our naming service can be replicated at run-time, while many applications are installing and retrieving object references. We compare our approach with the approaches taken by the ILU, NEO, Orbix, and DOME object request brokers. The performance of our name server is measured for various degrees of replication. 1 Introduction Many business-oriented, distributed applications need ..

    Experiências com tolerância a faltas no CORBA e extensões ao FT-CORBA para sistemas distribuidos de larga escala

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica.Esta tese apresenta nossas experiências com tolerância a faltas no CORBA e uma proposta de extensão das especificações Fault-Tolerant CORBA para sistemas distribuídos de larga escala. A motivação deste trabalho foi a inadequação ou a falta de definições nas especificações FT-CORBA que permitissem atender a requisitos de tolerância a falta para sistemas de larga escala, tal como a Internet. Neste trabalho é apresentado um conjunto de soluções, englobando detecção de falhas, membership e comunicação de grupo, que visam principalmente atender aspectos de escalabilidade, necessários quando são tratados sistemas desta natureza. A principal contribuição desta trabalho é a proposta de um modelo de hierarquia de domínios de tolerância a faltas que facilita o gerenciamento e comunicação de grupo interdomínio