28 research outputs found

    Stable Object Grasping With Dextrous Hand In Three-Dimension

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    This paper considers a grasp planning scheme for dextrous hands. The grasp is assumed to be a precise one, which means that only the fingertips of the hand are in contact. The most important algorithm of the grasp planner is the placement of contact points in the presence of friction. Based on a heuristic search, a number of grasp configurations are generated. A proposed method for evaluation of the configurations and determination whether a grasp is a force closure, is introduced. These algorithms are used in the experimental control system of an industrial robot, which the dextrous hand is attached to. A two-level robot programming language, which was written for the robot-hand system, is briefly introduced


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    ABSTRACT The paper presents method for planning robotic dexterous hand grasping task using example of the Beihang University's BH-4 dexterous hand. The grasping planning method is devised through modeling and simulation and experimentally verified using physical prototype. The paper presents the method for forward and inverse kinematic solutions of the BH-4 robot 4-DOF finger, including transformation matrix between the palm coordinate system and the finger base coordinate system. In addition, the method of the idiographic manipulation is presented using example of ball grasping. The simulation results and physical experiment verify that the inverse kinematic solution is correct, and kinematic grasping and operating planning is valid and feasible. Finally, the experiment with the complex system integrated robot arm with dexterous hand is carried out. Experimental result shows that the more complicated grasping task can be done by a dexterous hand integrated in the robot arm system

    Fast and flexible determination of force-closure independent regions to grasp polygonal objects

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    Force-closure independent regions are parts of the object edges such that a grasp with a finger in each region ensures a force-closure grasp. These regions are useful to provide some robustness to the grasp in the presence of uncertainty as well as in grasp planning. Most of the approaches to the computation of these regions for N fingers work on the contact space, implying a N-dimensional problem. This paper presents a new approach to determinate independent regions on polygonal objects considering N friction or frictionless contact. The approach works on the object space, implying that it is always a two-dimensional problem and, since it is not necessary to compute all the force-closure space, it becomes a very fast approach. Besides, the approach is also flexible since constraints on the fingers placement can be easily introduced. Some graphical examples are includes in this paper showing the simplicity of the methodology

    Efficient determination of four-point form-closure optimal constraints of polygonal objects

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    This paper proposes a new and more efficient solution to the problem of determining optimal form-closure constraints of polygonal objects using four contacts. New grasp parameters are determined based only on the directions of the applied forces, which are then used to determine the optimal grasp. Given a set of contact edges, using an analytical procedure a solution that is either the optimal one or is very close to it is obtained (only in this second case an iterative procedure is needed to find a root of a nonlinear equation). This procedure is used for an efficient determination of the optimal grasp on the whole object. The algorithms have been implemented and numerical examples are shown. Note to Practitioners—This paper presents an algorithm that improves previous approaches in terms of efficiency in the determination of the optimal object constraint maximizing the minimum wrench that the object can support in any direction. The problem can always be solved using numerical optimization techniques but when time is relevant an efficient algorithm becomes of interest. Practical applications include optimal determination of fixtures and object grasps.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Learning the natural grasping component of an unknown object

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    A grasp is the beginning of any manipulation task. Therefore, an autonomous robot should be able to grasp objects it sees for the first time. It must hold objects appropriately in order to successfully perform the task. This paper considers the problem of grasping unknown objects in the same manner as humans. Based on the idea that the human brain represents objects as volumetric primitives in order to recognize them, the presented algorithm predicts grasp as a function of the object’s parts assembly. Beginning with a complete 3D model of the object, a segmentation step decomposes it into single parts. Each single part is fitted with a simple geometric model. A learning step is finally needed in order to find the object component that humans choose to grasp it

    Fast grasp planning for hand/arm systems based on convex model

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    Abstract—This paper discusses the grasp planning of a multifingered hand attached at the tip of a robotic arm. By using the convex models and the new approximation method of the friction cone, our proposed algorithm can calculate the grasping motion within the reasonable time. For each grasping style used in this research, we define the grasping rectangular convex (GRC). We also define the object convex polygon (OCP) for the grasped object. By considering the geometrical relashionship among these convex models, we determine several parameters needed to define the final grasping configuration. To determine the contact point position satisfying the force closure, we use two approximation models of the friction cone. To save the calculation time, the rough approximation by using the ellipsoid is mainly used to check the force closure. Additionally, approximation by using the convex polyhedral cone is used at the final stage of the planning. The effectiveness of the proposed method is confirmed by some numerical examples. I

    A New Approach for Grasp Quality Calculation using Continuous Boundary Formulation of Grasp Wrench Space

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    In this paper, we aim to use a continuous formulation to efficiently calculate the well-known wrench-based grasp metric proposed by Ferrari and Canny which is the minimum distance from the wrench space origin to the boundary of the grasp wrench space. Considering the L∞ role= presentation style= box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; display: inline-block; line-height: normal; font-size: 16.200000762939453px; word-spacing: normal; word-wrap: normal; white-space: nowrap; float: none; direction: ltr; max-width: none; max-height: none; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; border: 0px; position: relative; \u3e metric and the nonlinear friction cone model, the challenge of calculating this metric is to determine the boundary of the grasp wrench space. Instead of relying on convex hull construction, we propose to formulate the boundary of the grasp wrench space as continuous functions. By doing so, the problem of grasp quality calculation can be efficiently solved as typical least-square problems and it can be easily implemented by employing off-the-shelf optimization algorithms. Numerical tests will demonstrate the advantages of the proposed formulation compared to the conventional convex hull-based methods