4 research outputs found

    Prime normal form and equivalence of simple grammars

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    AbstractA prefix-free language is prime if it cannot be decomposed into a concatenation of two prefix-free languages. We show that we can check in polynomial time if a language generated by a simple context-free grammar is prime. Our algorithm computes a canonical representation of a simple language, converting its arbitrary simple grammar into prime normal form (PNF); a simple grammar is in PNF if all its nonterminals define primes. We also improve the complexity of testing the equivalence of simple grammars. The best previously known algorithm for this problem worked in O(n13) time. We improve it to O(n7log2n) and O(n5polylogv) time, where n is the total size of the grammars involved, and v is the length of a shortest string derivable from a nonterminal, maximized over all nonterminals

    On the Complexity of Deciding Behavioural Equivalences and Preorders. A Survey

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    This paper gives an overview of the computational complexity of all the equivalences in the linear/branching time hierarchy [vG90a] and the preordersin the corresponding hierarchy of preorders. We consider finite state or regular processes as well as infinite-state BPA [BK84b] processes. A distinction, which turns out to be important in the finite-state processes, is that of simulation-like equivalences/preorders vs. trace-like equivalencesand preorders. Here we survey various known complexity results for these relations. For regular processes, all simulation-like equivalences and preorders are decidable in polynomial time whereas all trace-like equivalences and preorders are PSPACE-Complete. We also consider interesting specialclasses of regular processes such as deterministic, determinate, unary, locally unary, and tree-like processes and survey the known complexity results inthese special cases. For infinite-state processes the results are quite different. For the class of context-free processes or BPA processes any preorder or equivalence beyond bisimulation is undecidable but bisimulation equivalence is polynomial timedecidable for normed BPA processes and is known to be elementarily decidable in the general case. For the class of BPP processes, all preorders and equivalences apart from bisimilarity are undecidable. However, bisimilarityis decidable in this case and is known to be decidable in polynomial time for normed BPP processes

    Эффективные алгоритмы проверки эквивалентности для некоторых классов автоматов

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    Finite transducers, two-tape automata, and biautomata are related computational models descended from the concept of Finite-State Automaton. In these models an automaton controls two heads that read or write symbols on the tapes in the one-way mode. The computations of these three types of automata show many common features, and it is surprising that the methods for analyzing the behavior of automata developed for one of these models do not find suitable utilization in other models. The goal of this paper is to develop a uniform technique for building polynomial-time equivalence checking algorithms for some classes of automata (finite transducers, two-tape automata, biautomata, single-state pushdown automata) which exhibit certain features of the deterministic or unambiguous behavior. This new technique reduces the equivalence checking of automata to solvability checking of certain systems of equations over the semirings of languages or transductions. It turns out that such a checking can be performed by the variable elimination technique which relies on some combinatorial and algebraic properties of prefix-free regular languages. The main results obtained in this paper are as follows:1.            Using the algebraic approach a new algorithm for checking the equivalence of states of deterministic finite automata is constructed; time complexity of this algorithm is O(n log n).2.            A new class of prefix-free finite transducers is distinguished and it is shown that the developed algebraic approach provides the equivalence checking of transducers from this class in quadratic time (for real-time prefix-free transducers) and cubic (for prefix-free transducers with ɛ-transitions) relative to the sizes of analysed machines.3.            It is shown that the equivalence problem for deterministic two-tape finite automata can be reduced to the same problem for prefix-free finite transducers and solved in cubic time relative to the size of the analysed machines.4.            In the same way it is proved that the equivalence problem for deterministic finite biautomata can be solved in cubic time relative to the sizes of analysed machines.5.            By means of the developed approach an efficient equivalence checking algorithm for the class of simple grammars corresponding to deterministic single-state pushdown automata is constructed.Конечные преобразователи, двухленточные автоматы и биавтоматы — взаимосвязанные вычислительные модели, ведущие свое происхождение от концепции конечного автомата. В вычислениях этих машин проявляется много общих черт, и удивительно, что методы анализа, разработанные для одной из указанных моделей, не находят подходящего применения в других моделях. Целью данной статьи является разработка единой методики построения быстрых алгоритмов проверки эквивалентности для некоторых классов автоматов (конечных преобразователей, двухленточных автоматов, биавтоматов, магазинных автоматов), которые демонстрируют определенные черты детерминированного или однозначное поведение. Этот новый метод сводит проверку эквивалентности автоматов к проверке разрешимости систем уравнений над полукольцами языков или бинарных отношений. Как оказалось, такую проверку достаточно просто провести методом исключения переменных, используя некоторые комбинаторные и алгебраические свойства регулярных префиксных языков. Основные результаты, полученные в этой статье, таковы.1.            При помощи алгебраического метода построен новый алгоритм проверки эквивалентности детерминированных конечных автоматов, имеющий сложность по времени O(n log n).2.            Выделен новый класс префиксных конечных трансдьюсеров и показано, что проверка эквивалентности трансдьюсеров из этого класса может быть осуществлена новым методом за время, квадратичное (для префиксных трансдьюсеров реального времени) и кубическое (для префиксных трансдьюсеров с ɛ-переходами) относительно размеров анализируемых автоматов.3.            Показано, что проблема эквивалентности для детерминированных двухленточных конечных автоматов сводится к задаче проверки эквивалентности префиксных конечных трансдьюсеров и может быть решена за время, кубическое относительно их размеров.4.            Аналогичным образом установлена разрешимость проблемы эквивалентности для детерминированных конечных биавтоматов за время, кубическое относительно их размеров.5.            При помощи нового метода построен алгоритм проверки эквивалентности для простых грамматик, соответствующих детерминированным магазинным автоматам с одним состоянием

    The word problem and combinatorial methods for groups and semigroups

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    The subject matter of this thesis is combinatorial semigroup theory. It includes material, in no particular order, from combinatorial and geometric group theory, formal language theory, theoretical computer science, the history of mathematics, formal logic, model theory, graph theory, and decidability theory. In Chapter 1, we will give an overview of the mathematical background required to state the results of the remaining chapters. The only originality therein lies in the exposition of special monoids presented in §1.3, which uni.es the approaches by several authors. In Chapter 2, we introduce some general algebraic and language-theoretic constructions which will be useful in subsequent chapters. As a corollary of these general methods, we recover and generalise a recent result by Brough, Cain & Pfei.er that the class of monoids with context-free word problem is closed under taking free products. In Chapter 3, we study language-theoretic and algebraic properties of special monoids, and completely classify this theory in terms of the group of units. As a result, we generalise the Muller-Schupp theorem to special monoids, and answer a question posed by Zhang in 1992. In Chapter 4, we give a similar treatment to weakly compressible monoids, and characterise their language-theoretic properties. As a corollary, we deduce many new results for one-relation monoids, including solving the rational subset membership problem for many such monoids. We also prove, among many other results, that it is decidable whether a one-relation monoid containing a non-trivial idempotent has context-free word problem. In Chapter 5, we study context-free graphs, and connect the algebraic theory of special monoids with the geometric behaviour of their Cayley graphs. This generalises the geometric aspects of the Muller-Schupp theorem for groups to special monoids. We study the growth rate of special monoids, and prove that a special monoid of intermediate growth is a group