16 research outputs found

    Multilevel Algebraic Approach for Performance Analysis of Parallel Algorithms

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    In order to solve a problem in parallel we need to undertake the fundamental step of splitting the computational tasks into parts, i.e. decomposing the problem solving. A whatever decomposition does not necessarily lead to a parallel algorithm with the highest performance. This topic is even more important when complex parallel algorithms must be developed for hybrid or heterogeneous architectures. We present an innovative approach which starts from a problem decomposition into parts (sub-problems). These parts will be regarded as elements of an algebraic structure and will be related to each other according to a suitably defined dependency relationship. The main outcome of such framework is to define a set of block matrices (dependency, decomposition, memory accesses and execution) which simply highlight fundamental characteristics of the corresponding algorithm, such as inherent parallelism and sources of overheads. We provide a mathematical formulation of this approach, and we perform a feasibility analysis for the performance of a parallel algorithm in terms of its time complexity and scalability. We compare our results with standard expressions of speed up, efficiency, overhead, and so on. Finally, we show how the multilevel structure of this framework eases the choice of the abstraction level (both for the problem decomposition and for the algorithm description) in order to determine the granularity of the tasks within the performance analysis. This feature is helpful to better understand the mapping of parallel algorithms on novel hybrid and heterogeneous architectures

    On the Efficacy and High-Performance Implementation of Quaternion Matrix Multiplication

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    Quaternion symmetry is ubiquitous in the physical sciences. As such, much work has been afforded over the years to the development of efficient schemes to exploit this symmetry using real and complex linear algebra. Recent years have also seen many advances in the formal theoretical development of explicitly quaternion linear algebra with promising applications in image processing and machine learning. Despite these advances, there do not currently exist optimized software implementations of quaternion linear algebra. The leverage of optimized linear algebra software is crucial in the achievement of high levels of performance on modern computing architectures, and thus provides a central tool in the development of high-performance scientific software. In this work, a case will be made for the efficacy of high-performance quaternion linear algebra software for appropriate problems. In this pursuit, an optimized software implementation of quaternion matrix multiplication will be presented and will be shown to outperform a vendor tuned implementation for the analogous complex matrix operation. The results of this work pave the path for further development of high-performance quaternion linear algebra software which will improve the performance of the next generation of applicable scientific applications

    Programming Dense Linear Algebra Kernels on Vectorized Architectures

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    The high performance computing (HPC) community is obsessed over the general matrix-matrix multiply (GEMM) routine. This obsession is not without reason. Most, if not all, Level 3 Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) can be written in terms of GEMM, and many of the higher level linear algebra solvers\u27 (i.e., LU, Cholesky) performance depend on GEMM\u27s performance. Getting high performance on GEMM is highly architecture dependent, and so for each new architecture that comes out, GEMM has to be programmed and tested to achieve maximal performance. Also, with emergent computer architectures featuring more vector-based and multi to many-core processors, GEMM performance becomes hinged to the utilization of these technologies. In this research, three Intel processor architectures are explored, including the new Intel MIC Architecture. Each architecture has different vector lengths and number of cores. The effort given to create three Level 3 BLAS routines (GEMM, TRSM, SYRK) is examined with respect to the architectural features as well as some parallel algorithmic nuances. This thorough examination culminates in a Cholesky (POTRF) routine which offers a legitimate test application. Lastly, four shared memory, parallel languages are explored for these routines to explore single-node supercomputing performance. These languages are OpenMP, Pthreads, Cilk and TBB. Each routine is developed in each language offering up information about which language is superior. A clear picture develops showing how these and similar routines should be written in OpenMP and exactly what architectural features chiefly impact performance

    Parallel Computing in Java

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    The Java programming language and environment is inspiring new research activities in many areas of computing, of which parallel computing is one of the major interests. Parallel techniques are themselves finding new uses in cluster computing systems. Although there are excellent software tools for scheduling, monitoring and message-based programming on parallel clusters, these systems are not yet well integrated and do not provide very high-level parallel programming support. This research presents a number of issues which are considered to be key to the suitability of Java for HPC (High Performance Computing) applications and then explore the support for concurrency in the current Java 1.8 specification. We further present various relatively recent parallel Java models which support HPC for both shared and distributed memory programming paradigms. Finally, we attempt to evaluate the performance of discussed Java HPC models by comparing the same with the relative traditional native C implementations, where appropriate. The analysis of the results suggest that Java can achieve near similar performance to natively compiled languages, both for sequential and parallel applications, thus making it a viable alternative for HPC programming