2 research outputs found

    Self-aware software architecture style and patterns for cloud-based applications

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    Modern cloud-reliant software systems are faced with the problem of cloud service providers violating their Service Level Agreement (SLA) claims. Given the large pool of cloud providers and their instability, cloud applications are expected to cope with these dynamics autonomously. This thesis investigates an approach for designing self-adaptive cloud architectures using a systematic methodology that guides the architect while designing cloud applications. The approach termed Self−awareSelf-aware ArchitectureArchitecture PatternPattern promotes fine-grained representation of architectural concerns to aid design-time analysis of risks and trade-offs. To support the coordination and control of architectural components in decentralised self-aware cloud applications, we propose a Reputation−awareReputation-aware postedposted offeroffer marketmarket coordinationcoordination mechanismmechanism. The mechanism builds on the classic posted offer market mechanism and extends it to track behaviour of unreliable cloud services. The self-aware cloud architecture and its reputation-aware coordination mechanism are quantitatively evaluated within the context of an Online Shopping application using synthetic and realistic workload datasets under various configurations (failure, scale, resilience levels etc.). Additionally, we qualitatively evaluated our self-aware approach against two classic self-adaptive architecture styles using independent experts' judgment, to unveil its strengths and weaknesses relative to these styles