17,475 research outputs found

    Two new algorithms for the linear assignment problem

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    Ankara : Department of Industrial Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Sciences of Bilkent University, 1990.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1990.Includes bibliographical references.The linear assignment problem (AP) being among the first linear programming problems to be studied extensively,, is a fundamental problem in combinatorial optimization and network flow theory. AP arises in numerous applications of assigning personnel to jobs, assigning facilities to locations, sequencing jobs, scheduling flights, project planning and a variety of other practica.1 problems in logistics planning. In this thesis work, we seek for new approaches for solving the linear assignment problem. The main concern is to develop solution methods that exhibit some sort of parallelism. We present two new approaches for solving the assignment problem : A dual-feasible signature guided forest algorithm and a criss-cross like algorithm.Ekin, OyaM.S

    Single Source - All Sinks Max Flows in Planar Digraphs

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    Let G = (V,E) be a planar n-vertex digraph. Consider the problem of computing max st-flow values in G from a fixed source s to all sinks t in V\{s}. We show how to solve this problem in near-linear O(n log^3 n) time. Previously, no better solution was known than running a single-source single-sink max flow algorithm n-1 times, giving a total time bound of O(n^2 log n) with the algorithm of Borradaile and Klein. An important implication is that all-pairs max st-flow values in G can be computed in near-quadratic time. This is close to optimal as the output size is Theta(n^2). We give a quadratic lower bound on the number of distinct max flow values and an Omega(n^3) lower bound for the total size of all min cut-sets. This distinguishes the problem from the undirected case where the number of distinct max flow values is O(n). Previous to our result, no algorithm which could solve the all-pairs max flow values problem faster than the time of Theta(n^2) max-flow computations for every planar digraph was known. This result is accompanied with a data structure that reports min cut-sets. For fixed s and all t, after O(n^{3/2} log^{3/2} n) preprocessing time, it can report the set of arcs C crossing a min st-cut in time roughly proportional to the size of C.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; extended abstract appeared in FOCS 201

    Some NP-complete edge packing and partitioning problems in planar graphs

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    Graph packing and partitioning problems have been studied in many contexts, including from the algorithmic complexity perspective. Consider the packing problem of determining whether a graph contains a spanning tree and a cycle that do not share edges. Bern\'ath and Kir\'aly proved that this decision problem is NP-complete and asked if the same result holds when restricting to planar graphs. Similarly, they showed that the packing problem with a spanning tree and a path between two distinguished vertices is NP-complete. They also established the NP-completeness of the partitioning problem of determining whether the edge set of a graph can be partitioned into a spanning tree and a (not-necessarily spanning) tree. We prove that all three problems remain NP-complete even when restricted to planar graphs.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Submodular linear programs on forests

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    A general linear programming model for an order-theoretic analysis of both Edmonds' greedy algorithm for matroids and the NW-corner rule for transportation problems with Monge costs is introduced. This approach includes the model of Queyranne, Spieksma and Tardella (1993) as a special case. We solve the problem by optimal greedy algorithms for rooted forests as underlying structures. Other solvable cases are also discussed