13 research outputs found

    Consistency mechanisms for a distributed lookup service supporting mobile applications

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    This paper presents a general-purpose distributed lookup service, denoted Passive Distributed Indexing (PDI). PDI stores entries in form of (key, value) pairs in index caches located in each mobile device. Index caches are filled by epidemic dissemination of popular index entries. By exploiting node mobility, PDI can resolve most queries locally without sending messages outside the radio coverage of the inquiring node. Thus, PDI reduces network traffic for the resolution of keys to values. For keeping index caches coherent, configurable value timeouts implementing implicit invalidation and lazy invalidation caches implementing explicit invalidation are introduced. Inconsistency in index caches due to weak connectivity or node failure is handled by value timeouts. Lazy invalidation caches reduce the fraction of stale index entries due to modified data at the origin node. Similar to index caches, invalidation caches are filled by epidemic distributions of invalidation messages. Simulation results show that with the suitable integration of both invalidation mechanisms, more than 95% of results delivered by PDI index caches are up-to-date for the considered scenario

    Distributed Proximity-Aware Peer Clustering in BitTorrent-Like Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2006), Seoul, Korea, 1-4 Aug 2006In this paper, we propose a hierarchical architecture for grouping peers into clusters in a large-scale BitTorrent-like underlying overlay network in such a way that clusters are evenly distributed and that the peers within are relatively close together. We achieve this by constructing the CBT (Clustered BitTorrent) system with two novel algorithms: a peer joining algorithm and a super-peer selection algorithm. Proximity and distribution are determined by the measurement of distances among peers. Performance evaluations demonstrate that the new architecture achieves better results than a randomly organized BitTorrent network, improving the system scalability and efficiency while retaining the robustness and incentives of original BitTorrent paradigm.Department of Computin

    Distributed Proximity-Aware Peer Clustering in BitTorrent-Like Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Abstract. In this paper, we propose a hierarchical architecture for grouping peers into clusters in a large-scale BitTorrent-like underlying overlay network in such a way that clusters are evenly distributed and that the peers within are relatively close together. We achieve this by constructing the CBT (Clustered BitTorrent) system with two novel algorithms: a peer joining algorithm and a super-peer selection algorithm. Proximity and distribution are determined by the measurement of distances among peers. Performance evaluations demonstrate that the new architecture achieves better results than a randomly organized BitTorrent network, improving the system scalability and efficiency while retaining the robustness and incentives of original BitTorrent paradigm

    Exploiting epidemic data dissemination for consistent lookup operations in mobile applications

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    This paper presents a general-purpose distributed lookup service, denoted Passive Distributed Indexing (PDI). PDI stores entries in form of (key, value) pairs in index caches located at mobile devices. Index caches are filled by epidemic dissemination of popular index entries. By exploiting node mobility, PDI can resolve most queries locally without sending messages outside the radio coverage of the inquiring node. For keeping index caches coherent, configurable value timeouts implementing implicit invalidation and lazy invalidation caches implementing explicit invalidation are introduced. Inconsistency in index caches due to weak connectivity or node failure is handled by value timeouts. Lazy invalidation caches reduce the fraction of stale index entries due to modified data at the origin node. Similar to index caches, invalidation caches are filled by epidemic distributions of invalidation messages. We evaluate the performance of PDI for a mobile P2P file sharing a mobile instant messaging application. Simulation results show that with the suitable integration of both invalidation mechanisms, up to 80% of the lookup operations return correct results and more than 90% of results delivered by PDI index caches are up-to-date

    A special-purpose peer-to-peer file sharing system for mobile ad hoc networks

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    Establishing peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing for mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) requires the construction of a search algorithm for transmitting queries and search results as well as the development of a transfer protocol for downloading files matching a query. In this paper, we present a special-purpose system for searching and file transfer tailored to both the characteristics of MANET and the requirements of peer-to-peer file sharing. Our approach is based on an application layer overlay network. As innovative feature, overlay routes are set up on demand by the search algorithm, closely matching network topology and transparently aggregating redundant transfer paths on a per-file basis. The transfer protocol guarantees low transmission overhead and a high fraction of successful downloads by utilizing overlay routes. In a detailed ns-2 simulation study, we show that both the search algorithm and the transfer protocol outperform off-the-shelf approaches based on a P2P file sharing system for the wireline Internet, TCP and a MANET routing protocol

    Ant-based evidence distribution with periodic broadcast in attacked wireless network

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    In order to establish trust among nodes in large wireless networks, the trust certicates need to be distributed and be readily accessible. However, even so, searching for trust certicates will still become highly cost and delay especially when wireless network is suering CTS jamming attack. We believe the individual solution can lead us to solve this combination problems in the future. Therefore, in this work, we investigate the delay and cost of searching a distributed certicate and the adverse eects of fabiricated control packet attacks on channel throughput and delivery ratio respectively, and propose two techniques that can improve the eciency of searching for such certicates in the network and mitigate the CTS jamming attack's eect. Evidence Distribution based on Periodic Broadcast (EDPB) is the rst solution we presented to help node to quickly locate trust certicates in a large wireless sensor network. In this solution, we not only take advantages from swarm intelligence alogrithm, but also allow nodes that carrying certicates to periodically announce their existence. Such announcements, together with a swarm-intelligence pheromone pdate procedure, will leave traces on the nodes to lead query packets toward the certicate nodes. We then investigate the salient features of this schema and evaluate its performance in both static and mobile networks. This schema can also be used for other essential information dissemination in mobile ad hoc networks. The second technqiue, address inspection schema (AIS) xes vulnerabilities exist in distribution coordinating function (DCF) dened in IEEE 802.11 standard so that each node has the ability to beat the impact of CTS jamming attack and furthermore, benets network throughput. We then perform ns-2 simulations to evaluate the benet of AIS

    Personal information search on mobile devices

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    Today's mobile devices, especially mobile phones, are comparable in computing capability and storage to the desktop computers of a few years ago. The volume and diversity of the information kept on mobile devices has continually increased and users have taken advantage of this. Since information is being stored on multiple devices, searching for and retrieving the desired information has become an important function. This thesis focuses on search with regard to Personal Information Management (PIM) on mobile devices. A search system which involves different types of mobile devices is also introduced.Turkish Army author

    Effective bootstrapping of Peer-to Peer networks over Mobile Ad-hoc networks

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    Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks are vigorous, revolutionary communication technologies in the 21st century. They lead the trend of decentralization. Decentralization will ultimately win clients over client/server model, because it gives ordinary network users more control, and stimulates their active participation. It is a determinant factor in shaping the future of networking. MANETs and P2P networks are very similar in nature. Both are dynamic, distributed. Both use multi-hop broadcast or multicast as major pattern of traffic. Both set up connection by self-organizing and maintain connection by self-healing. Embodying the slogan networking without networks, both abandoned traditional client/server model and disclaimed pre-existing infrastructure. However, their status quo levels of real world application are widely divergent. P2P networks are now accountable for about 50 ~ 70% internet traffic, while MANETs are still primarily in the laboratory. The interesting and confusing phenomenon has sparked considerable research effort to transplant successful approaches from P2P networks into MANETs. While most research in the synergy of P2P networks and MANETs focuses on routing, the network bootstrapping problem remains indispensable for any such transplantation to be realized. The most pivotal problems in bootstrapping are: (1) automatic configuration of nodes addresses and IDs, (2) topology discovery and transformation in different layers and name spaces. In this dissertation research, we have found novel solutions for these problems. The contributions of this dissertation are: (1) a non-IP, flat address automatic configuration scheme, which integrates lower layer addresses and P2P IDs in application layer and makes simple cryptographical assignment possible. A related paper entitled Pastry over Ad-Hoc Networks with Automatic Flat Address Configuration was submitted to Elsevier Journal of Ad Hoc Networks in May. (2) an effective ring topology construction algorithm which builds perfect ring in P2P ID space using only simplest multi-hop unicast or multicast. Upon this ring, popular structured P2P networks like Chord, Pastry could be built with great ease. A related paper entitled Chord Bootstrapping on MANETs - All Roads lead to Rome will be ready for submission after defense of the dissertation