24 research outputs found

    Love Thy Neighbors: Image Annotation by Exploiting Image Metadata

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    Some images that are difficult to recognize on their own may become more clear in the context of a neighborhood of related images with similar social-network metadata. We build on this intuition to improve multilabel image annotation. Our model uses image metadata nonparametrically to generate neighborhoods of related images using Jaccard similarities, then uses a deep neural network to blend visual information from the image and its neighbors. Prior work typically models image metadata parametrically, in contrast, our nonparametric treatment allows our model to perform well even when the vocabulary of metadata changes between training and testing. We perform comprehensive experiments on the NUS-WIDE dataset, where we show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods for multilabel image annotation even when our model is forced to generalize to new types of metadata.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 201

    A unified two level online learning scheme to optimizer a distance metric

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    We research a novel plan of online multi-modular separation metric learning (OMDML), which investigates a brought together two-level web based learning plan: (I) it figures out how to advance a separation metric on every individual element space; and (ii) at that point it figures out how to locate the ideal mix of assorted sorts of highlights. To additionally lessen the costly expense of DML on high-dimensional element space, we propose a low-rank OMDML calculation which essentially diminishes the computational expense as well as holds profoundly contending or stunningly better learning precision


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    We instant a singular framework of internet Multimodal Distance Metric Learning, which concurrently learns optimal metrics on every individual modality and also the optimum mixture of the metrics from multiple modalities via efficient and scalable online learning this newspaper investigates a singular framework of internet Multi-modal Distance Metric Learning, which teach variance metrics from several-modal data or multiple kinds of features with an efficient and scalable online learning scheme. OMDML takes accomplishments of online scholarship approaches for proud quality and scalability towards populous-ladder science employment. Like a canonic well-understood online learning technique, the Perceptions formula solely updates the design with the addition of an incoming motive having a continual weight whenever it's misclassified. Although various DML algorithms happen to be present in erudition, most existing DML methods commonly strain in with single-modal DML for the account that they drop familiar with a distance metric either on one friendly of feature or on the combined characteristic space simply by concatenating manifold kinds of diverse features together. To succor lessen the computational cost, we discourse a least-rank Online Multi-modal DML formula, which evade the necessity of doing intensive real demi--determinate projections and therefore saves a lot of computational cost for DML on high-dimensional data


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    The Local Binary Pattern (LBP) representation of textures has been proved useful for a wide range of pattern recognition applications, including texture segmentation, face detection, and biomedical image analysis. The interest of the research community in the LBP texture representation gave rise to plenty of LBP and other binary pattern (BP)-based variations. However, noise sensitivity is still a major concern to their applicability on the analysis of real world images. To cope with this problem we propose a generic, uncertainty-aware methodology for the derivation of Fuzzy BP (FBP) texture models. The proposed methodology assumes that a local neighbourhood can be partially characterized by more than one binary patterns due to noise-originated uncertainty in the pixel values. The texture discrimination capability of four representative FBP-based approaches has been evaluated on the basis of comprehensive classification experiments on three reference datasets of natural textures under various types and levels of additive noise. The results reveal that the FBP-based approaches lead to consistent improvement in texture classification as compared with the original BP-based approaches for various degrees of uncertainty. This improved performance is also validated by illustrative unsupervised segmentation experiments on natural scenes

    Love Thy Neighbors: Image Annotation by Exploiting Image Metadata

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    Unsupervised image ranking

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