8 research outputs found

    A hybrid kidney algorithm strategy for combinatorial interaction testing problem

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    Combinatorial Interaction Testing (CIT) generates a sampled test case set (Final Test Suite (FTS)) instead of all possible test cases. Generating the FTS with the optimum size is a computational optimization problem (COP) as well as a Non-deterministic Polynomial hard (NP-hard) problem. Recent studies have implemented hybrid metaheuristic algorithms as the basis for CIT strategy. However, the existing hybrid metaheuristic-based CIT strategies generate a competitive FTS size, there is no single CIT strategy can overcome others existing in all cases. In addition, the hybrid metaheuristic-based CIT strategies require more execution time than their own original algorithm-based strategies. Kidney Algorithm (KA) is a recent metaheuristic algorithm and has high efficiency and performance in solving different optimization problems against most of the state-of-the-art of metaheuristic algorithms. However, KA has limitations in the exploitation and exploration processes as well as the balancing control process is needed to be improved. These shortages cause KA to fail easily into the local optimum. This study proposes a low-level hybridization of KA with the mutation operator and improve the filtration process in KA to form a recently Hybrid Kidney Algorithm (HKA). HKA addresses the limitations in KA by improving the algorithm's exploration and exploitation processes by hybridizing KA with mutation operator, and improve the balancing control process by enhancing the filtration process in KA. HKA improves the efficiency in terms of generating an optimum FTS size and enhances the performance in terms of the execution time. HKA has been adopted into the CIT strategy as HKA based CIT Strategy (HKAS) to generate the most optimum FTS size. The results of HKAS shows that HKAS can generate the optimum FTS size in more than 67% of the benchmarking experiments as well as contributes by 34 new optimum size of FTS. HKAS also has better efficiency and performance than KAS. HKAS is the first hybrid metaheuristic-based CIT strategy that generates an optimum FTS size with less execution time than the original algorithm-based CIT strategy. Apart from supporting different CIT features: uniform/VS CIT, IOR CIT as well as the interaction strength up to 6, this study also introduces another recently variant of KA which are Improved KA (IKA) and Mutation KA (MKA) as well as new CIT strategies which are IKA-based (IKAS) and MKA-based (MKAS)

    Fuzzy Adaptive Tuning of a Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Variable-Strength Combinatorial Test Suite Generation

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    Combinatorial interaction testing is an important software testing technique that has seen lots of recent interest. It can reduce the number of test cases needed by considering interactions between combinations of input parameters. Empirical evidence shows that it effectively detects faults, in particular, for highly configurable software systems. In real-world software testing, the input variables may vary in how strongly they interact, variable strength combinatorial interaction testing (VS-CIT) can exploit this for higher effectiveness. The generation of variable strength test suites is a non-deterministic polynomial-time (NP) hard computational problem \cite{BestounKamalFuzzy2017}. Research has shown that stochastic population-based algorithms such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) can be efficient compared to alternatives for VS-CIT problems. Nevertheless, they require detailed control for the exploitation and exploration trade-off to avoid premature convergence (i.e. being trapped in local optima) as well as to enhance the solution diversity. Here, we present a new variant of PSO based on Mamdani fuzzy inference system \cite{Camastra2015,TSAKIRIDIS2017257,KHOSRAVANIAN2016280}, to permit adaptive selection of its global and local search operations. We detail the design of this combined algorithm and evaluate it through experiments on multiple synthetic and benchmark problems. We conclude that fuzzy adaptive selection of global and local search operations is, at least, feasible as it performs only second-best to a discrete variant of PSO, called DPSO. Concerning obtaining the best mean test suite size, the fuzzy adaptation even outperforms DPSO occasionally. We discuss the reasons behind this performance and outline relevant areas of future work.Comment: 21 page

    GALP: A hybrid artificial intelligence algorithm for generating covering array

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    Today, there are a lot of useful algorithms for covering array (CA) generation, one of the branches of combinatorial testing. The major CA challenge is the generation of an array with the minimum number of test cases (efficiency) in an appropriate run-time (performance), for large systems. CA generation strategies are classified into several categories: computational and meta-heuristic, to name the most important ones. Generally, computational strategies have high performance and yield poor results in terms of efficiency, in contrast, meta-heuristic strategies have good efficiency and lower performance. Among the strategies available, some are efficient strategies but suffer from low performance; conversely, some others have good performance, but is not such efficient. In general, there is not a strategy that enjoys both above-mentioned metrics. In this paper, it is tried to combine the genetic algorithm and the Augmented Lagrangian Particle Swarm Optimization with Fractional Order Velocity to produce the appropriate test suite in terms of efficiency and performance. Also, a simple and effective minimizing function is employed to increase efficiency. The evaluation results show that the proposed strategy outperforms the existing approaches in terms of both efficiency and performance

    A discrete particle swarm optimization for covering array generation

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    Software behavior depends on many factors. Combinatorial testing aims to generate small sets of test cases to uncover defects caused by those factors and their interactions. Covering array generation, a discrete optimization problem, is the most popular research area in the field of combinatorial testing. Particle swarm optimization (PSO), an evolutionary search based heuristic technique, has succeeded in generating covering arrays that are competitive in size. However, current PSO methods for covering array generation simply round the particle’s position to an integer to handle the discrete search space. Moreover no guidelines are available to set PSO’s parameters for this problem effectively. In this paper, we extend the set-based PSO, an existing discrete PSO method, to covering array generation. Two auxiliary strategies (particle reinitialization and additional evaluation of gbest) are proposed to improve performance, and thus a novel discrete PSO (DPSO) for covering array generation is developed. Guidelines for parameter settings both for conventional PSO and for DPSO are developed systematically here. Discrete extensions of four existing PSO variants are developed, in order to further investigate the effectiveness of DPSO for covering array generation. Experiments show that conventional PSO can produce better results using the guidelines for parameter settings, and that DPSO can generate smaller covering arrays than conventional PSO and other existing evolutionary algorithms. DPSO is a promising improvement on particle swarm optimization for covering array generation

    A Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization for Covering Array Generation

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