4 research outputs found

    Developing Heat Rate and Heat Capacity Measurement Instruments of Textile Waste Solution in the Textile Dyeing Process

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    Heat rate and heat capacity are widely used to determine the thermal characteristics, especially for wastewater treatment using electro coagulant. This study aimed to determine the value of heat rate and heat capacity of the waste solution in the textile industry, especially in the dyeing waste, by using a microcontroller device. The method for measuring the specific heat capacity and the textile waste solution's heat rate is based on the principle of the first law of Thermodynamics. Temperature measurements were carried out using a digital temperature sensor type DS18B20. In this research, the heat rate and specific heat of the dyeing solution and mineral water used in the textile industry have been studied. This study uses five types of dyeing waste solution as test solutions, namely green waste solution, orange waste solution, blue waste solution, brown waste solution, and mineral water. This experiment's principle is applying Joule's law by using electrical properties with a microcontroller device used to obtain the rise of temperature data each time in real-time every 2 seconds. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the instrument can be used to measure the heat rate and heat capacity of a textile waste solution. Based on this research, we also found that the specific heat of hard water (Hard water is a kind of water with high mineral content, while soft water is water with low mineral content. Apart from calcium and magnesium ions, the cause of hardness can also be other metal ions as well as bicarbonate and sulfate salts) (4.19 Ā± 0.77) J/ gram ā„ƒ and the specific heat of the four types of waste solution ranged from (3.20 Ā± 0.72) J/gram ā„ƒ to (6.83 Ā± 1.71) J/gram ā„ƒ and also it was found that the heat rate of hard water is 0,0471 ā„ƒ/s and the heat rate of the four types of waste solution is range from 0,0289 ā„ƒ/s to 0,0617 ā„ƒ/s

    Comparative Performance Evaluation of Orthogonal-Signal-Generators-Based Single-Phase PLL Algorithms:A Survey

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    Analiza i primjena frekventne petlje zasnovane na obradbi ulazne i izlazne periode

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    This paper describes development, analysis, implementation and application of one recursive Frequency Locked Loop (FLL) based on the measurement and processing of the periods of the input and output signals. FLL is the linear discrete system of the first order, which regulates its output once per the input period. The FLL parameters are defined by the frequencies of three clocks. These frequencies have to be mutually in defined relationship for the stable FLL. FLL provides a wide range of properties useful for different applications. The stability and the other conditions, under which the described system can have the properties of a FLL, are investigated using the Z transform analyses. Using mathematical analyses and the simulations of this FLL it is shown that, for the corresponding system parameters, FLL possesses the power noise rejection ability. This FLL can also be used for the different predicting and tracking applications, for the measurements of the frequency of the input signal in the noise environments and for the other applications. The oscilloscope picture of the characterized input and output signals, recorded on the realized FLL, is presented.Ovaj rad opisuje razvoj, analizu, realizaciju i primjenu jedne rekurzivne frekventne petlje zasnovane na obradbi perioda ulaznog i izlaznog signala. Petlja predstavlja linearni diskretni sustav prvog reda koji korigira svoj izlaz jednom po ulaznoj periodi. Parametri petlje su definirani s tri frekvencije takta. Za stabilnu petlju ove frekvencije moraju biti u međusobno definiranom odnosu. Petlja posjeduje Å”irok spektar karakteristika za različite primjene. Stabilnost i drugi uvjeti pod kojima opisan sustav ima osobine frekventne petlje, su analizirani koriÅ”tenjem Z transformacije. Matematičkom analizom i simulacijom rada petlje je pokazano da za određene vrijednosti parametara, petlja osigurava moćno potiskivanje Å”uma. Petlja se također može koristiti za različite potrebe predikcije i praćenja signala, za mjerenja frekvencije ulaznog signala u prisustvu Å”uma i za druge primjene. Prikazan je osciloskopski snimak karakterističnih ulaznih i izlaznih signala, snimljenih na realiziranom modelu petlje

    Micromachined Magnetoelastic Sensors and Actuators for Biomedical Devices and Other Applications.

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    Magnetoelastic materials exhibit coupling between material strain and magnetization; this coupling provides the basis for a number of wireless transducers. This thesis extends past work on microfabricated magnetoelastic sensors in three ways. First, a new class of strain sensors based on the Ī”E effect are presented. Two sensor types are described ā€“ single and differential. The single sensor has an active area of 7Ɨ2 mm2 and operates at a resonant frequency of 230.8 kHz with a sensitivity of 13Ɨ103 ppm/mstrain and a dynamic range of 0.05-1.05 mstrain. The differential sensor includes a strain-independent 2Ɨ0.5 mm2 reference resonator in addition to a 2.5Ɨ0.5 mm2 sensing element. The sensor resonance is at 266.4 kHz and reference resonance is at 492.75 kHz. The differential sensor has a dynamic range of 0-1.85 mstrain, a sensitivity of 12.5Ɨ103Ā¬Ā¬ ppm/mstrain, and is temperature compensated in the 23-60Ā°C range. Second, fluidic actuation by resonant magnetoelastic devices is presented. This transduction is performed in the context of an implantable device, specifically the Ahmed glaucoma drainage device (AGDD). Aspherical 3D wireless magnetoelastic actuators with small form factors and low surface profiles are integrated with the AGDD; the fluid flow generated by the actuators is intended to limit cellular adhesion to the implant surface that ultimately leads to implant encapsulation and failure. The actuators measure 10.3Ɨ5.6 mm2 with resonant frequencies varying from 520 Hz to 4.7 kHz for the different actuator designs. Flow velocities up to 266 Ī¼m/s are recorded at a wireless activation range of 25-30 mm, with peak actuator vibration amplitudes of 1.5 Ī¼m. Finally, detection techniques for improving the measurement performance of wireless magnetoelastic systems are presented. The techniques focus on decoupling of the excitation magnetic signal from the sensor response to improve measurement sensitivity and noise immunity. Three domains ā€“ temporal, frequency, and spatial ā€“ are investigated for signal feedthrough. Quantitative results are presented for temporal and frequency domain decoupling. Temporal decoupling is used to measure strain sensors with resonant frequencies in the 125 kHz range, whereas frequency domain decoupling is implemented to measure 44 kHz magnetoelastic resonators.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/116647/1/venkatp_1.pd