6,176 research outputs found

    Time Distortion Anonymization for the Publication of Mobility Data with High Utility

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    An increasing amount of mobility data is being collected every day by different means, such as mobile applications or crowd-sensing campaigns. This data is sometimes published after the application of simple anonymization techniques (e.g., putting an identifier instead of the users' names), which might lead to severe threats to the privacy of the participating users. Literature contains more sophisticated anonymization techniques, often based on adding noise to the spatial data. However, these techniques either compromise the privacy if the added noise is too little or the utility of the data if the added noise is too strong. We investigate in this paper an alternative solution, which builds on time distortion instead of spatial distortion. Specifically, our contribution lies in (1) the introduction of the concept of time distortion to anonymize mobility datasets (2) Promesse, a protection mechanism implementing this concept (3) a practical study of Promesse compared to two representative spatial distortion mechanisms, namely Wait For Me, which enforces k-anonymity, and Geo-Indistinguishability, which enforces differential privacy. We evaluate our mechanism practically using three real-life datasets. Our results show that time distortion reduces the number of points of interest that can be retrieved by an adversary to under 3 %, while the introduced spatial error is almost null and the distortion introduced on the results of range queries is kept under 13 % on average.Comment: in 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, Aug 2015, Helsinki, Finlan

    DPT : differentially private trajectory synthesis using hierarchical reference systems

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    GPS-enabled devices are now ubiquitous, from airplanes and cars to smartphones and wearable technology. This has resulted in a wealth of data about the movements of individuals and populations, which can be analyzed for useful information to aid in city and traffic planning, disaster preparedness and so on. However, the places that people go can disclose extremely sensitive information about them, and thus their use needs to be filtered through privacy preserving mechanisms. This turns out to be a highly challenging task: raw trajectories are highly detailed, and typically no pair is alike. Previous attempts fail either to provide adequate privacy protection, or to remain sufficiently faithful to the original behavior. This paper presents DPT, a system to synthesize mobility data based on raw GPS trajectories of individuals while ensuring strong privacy protection in the form of ε-differential privacy. DPT makes a number of novel modeling and algorithmic contributions including (i) discretization of raw trajectories using hierarchical reference systems (at multiple resolutions) to capture individual movements at differing speeds, (ii) adaptive mechanisms to select a small set of reference systems and construct prefix tree counts privately, and (iii) use of direction-weighted sampling for improved utility. While there have been prior attempts to solve the subproblems required to generate synthetic trajectories, to the best of our knowledge, ours is the first system that provides an end-to-end solution. We show the efficacy of our synthetic trajectory generation system using an extensive empirical evaluation

    A survey on privacy in human mobility

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    In the last years we have witnessed a pervasive use of location-aware technologies such as vehicular GPS-enabled devices, RFID based tools, mobile phones, etc which generate collection and storing of a large amount of human mobility data. The powerful of this data has been recognized by both the scientific community and the industrial worlds. Human mobility data can be used for different scopes such as urban traffic management, urban planning, urban pollution estimation, etc. Unfortunately, data describing human mobility is sensitive, because people's whereabouts may allow re-identification of individuals in a de-identified database and the access to the places visited by indi-viduals may enable the inference of sensitive information such as religious belief, sexual preferences, health conditions, and so on. The literature reports many approaches aimed at overcoming privacy issues in mobility data, thus in this survey we discuss the advancements on privacy-preserving mo-bility data publishing. We first describe the adversarial attack and privacy models typically taken into consideration for mobility data, then we present frameworks for the privacy risk assessment and finally, we discuss three main categories of privacy-preserving strategies: methods based on anonymization of mobility data, methods based on the differential privacy models and methods which protect privacy by exploiting generative models for synthetic trajectory generation

    A Survey on Privacy in Human Mobility

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    In the last years we have witnessed a pervasive use of location-aware technologies such as vehicular GPS-enabled devices, RFID based tools, mobile phones, etc which generate collection and storing of a large amount of human mobility data. The powerful of this data has been recognized by both the scientific community and the industrial worlds. Human mobility data can be used for different scopes such as urban traffic management, urban planning, urban pollution estimation, etc. Unfortunately, data describing human mobility is sensitive, because people’s whereabouts may allow re-identification of individuals in a de-identified database and the access to the places visited by individuals may enable the inference of sensitive information such as religious belief, sexual preferences, health conditions, and so on. The literature reports many approaches aimed at overcoming privacy issues in mobility data, thus in this survey we discuss the advancements on privacy-preserving mobility data publishing. We first describe the adversarial attack and privacy models typically taken into consideration for mobility data, then we present frameworks for the privacy risk assessment and finally, we discuss three main categories of privacy-preserving strategies: methods based on anonymization of mobility data, methods based on the differential privacy models and methods which protect privacy by exploiting generative models for synthetic trajectory generation

    Towards Standardized Mobility Reports with User-Level Privacy

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    The importance of human mobility analyses is growing in both research and practice, especially as applications for urban planning and mobility rely on them. Aggregate statistics and visualizations play an essential role as building blocks of data explorations and summary reports, the latter being increasingly released to third parties such as municipal administrations or in the context of citizen participation. However, such explorations already pose a threat to privacy as they reveal potentially sensitive location information, and thus should not be shared without further privacy measures. There is a substantial gap between state-of-the-art research on privacy methods and their utilization in practice. We thus conceptualize a standardized mobility report with differential privacy guarantees and implement it as open-source software to enable a privacy-preserving exploration of key aspects of mobility data in an easily accessible way. Moreover, we evaluate the benefits of limiting user contributions using three data sets relevant to research and practice. Our results show that even a strong limit on user contribution alters the original geospatial distribution only within a comparatively small range, while significantly reducing the error introduced by adding noise to achieve privacy guarantees

    Differentially Private Location Privacy in Practice

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    With the wide adoption of handheld devices (e.g. smartphones, tablets) a large number of location-based services (also called LBSs) have flourished providing mobile users with real-time and contextual information on the move. Accounting for the amount of location information they are given by users, these services are able to track users wherever they go and to learn sensitive information about them (e.g. their points of interest including home, work, religious or political places regularly visited). A number of solutions have been proposed in the past few years to protect users location information while still allowing them to enjoy geo-located services. Among the most robust solutions are those that apply the popular notion of differential privacy to location privacy (e.g. Geo-Indistinguishability), promising strong theoretical privacy guarantees with a bounded accuracy loss. While these theoretical guarantees are attracting, it might be difficult for end users or practitioners to assess their effectiveness in the wild. In this paper, we carry on a practical study using real mobility traces coming from two different datasets, to assess the ability of Geo-Indistinguishability to protect users' points of interest (POIs). We show that a curious LBS collecting obfuscated location information sent by mobile users is still able to infer most of the users POIs with a reasonable both geographic and semantic precision. This precision depends on the degree of obfuscation applied by Geo-Indistinguishability. Nevertheless, the latter also has an impact on the overhead incurred on mobile devices resulting in a privacy versus overhead trade-off. Finally, we show in our study that POIs constitute a quasi-identifier for mobile users and that obfuscating them using Geo-Indistinguishability is not sufficient as an attacker is able to re-identify at least 63% of them despite a high degree of obfuscation.Comment: In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) 2014 (http://arxiv.org/abs/1410.6674

    Privacy in trajectory micro-data publishing : a survey

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    We survey the literature on the privacy of trajectory micro-data, i.e., spatiotemporal information about the mobility of individuals, whose collection is becoming increasingly simple and frequent thanks to emerging information and communication technologies. The focus of our review is on privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP), i.e., the publication of databases of trajectory micro-data that preserve the privacy of the monitored individuals. We classify and present the literature of attacks against trajectory micro-data, as well as solutions proposed to date for protecting databases from such attacks. This paper serves as an introductory reading on a critical subject in an era of growing awareness about privacy risks connected to digital services, and provides insights into open problems and future directions for research.Comment: Accepted for publication at Transactions for Data Privac
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