18 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a transistorized bi-controlled based utility-connected battery charger for underdeveloped nations

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    This paper presents a transistorized bi-controlled based utility-connected battery charger to address the problem of erratic public power supply in underdeveloped nations. In this study, a utility battery charger was built by the integration of grid power supply, line frequency transformer, power electronic switches, alternating current-direct current bridge converter, regulator, and resistor-inductor-capacitor. The excess-voltage protection and battery monitoring were obtained by the bi-controlled technique. In contrast to other charging systems in underdeveloped nations, the proposed system is very simple, rugged, reliable and cheap to maintain due to simplicity and un-programmed nature of the system. The results showed that the proposed system is craggy and robust to resist voltage stress, highly reliable and relatively free from leakage currents due to the presence of a double controlled scheme using a common point of action and a line frequency transformer. In addition, the system can be used to charge batteries ranging from 50μA and above. The system can be utilized in communication companies, electric vehicles, drilling machines

    Standalone docking station with combined charging methods for agricultural mobile robots

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    One of the biggest concerns in the field of agriculture is around the energy efficiency of robots that will perform agriculture’s activity and their charging methods. In this paper, two different charging methods for agricultural standalone docking stations are shown that will take into account various variants as field size and its irregularities, work’s nature to which the robot will perform, deadlines that have to be respected, among others. Its features also are dependent on the orchard, season, battery type and its technical specifications and cost. First charging base method focuses on wireless charging, presenting more benefits for small field. The second charging base method relies on battery replacement being more suitable for large fields, thus avoiding the robot stop for recharge. Existing many methods to charge a battery, the CC CV was considered the most appropriate for either simplicity or effectiveness. The choice of the battery for agricultural purposes is if most importance. While the most common battery used is Li-ion battery, this study also discusses the use of graphene-based new type of batteries with 45% over capacity to the Li-ion one. A Battery Management Systems (BMS) is applied for battery balancing. All these approaches combined showed to be a promising method to improve a lot of technical agricultural work, not just in terms of plantation and harvesting but also about every technique to prevent harmful events like plagues and weeds or even to reduce crop time and cost.Project PrunusBotinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ageing Mitigation and Loss Control Through Ripple Management in Dynamically Reconfigurable Batteries

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    Dynamically reconfigurable batteries merge battery management with output formation in ac and dc batteries, increasing the available charge, power, and life time. However, the combined ripple generated by the load and the internal reconfiguration can degrade the battery. This paper introduces that the frequency range of the ripple matters for degradation and loss. It presents a novel control method that reduces the low-frequency ripple of dynamically reconfigurable battery technology to reduce cell ageing and loss. It furthermore shifts the residual ripple to higher frequencies where the lower impedance reduces heating and the dielectric capacitance of electrodes and electrolyte shunt the current around the electrochemical reactions.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Battery Pack Cells Mon itoring for Intelligent Charging

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    This dissertation intends to create a system capable of cell charging, cell balancing or both at the same time for batteries with multiple cells connected in series. It also tries to understand why there is only few literature connected with cell balancing and cell charging at the same time. For that purpose, this dissertation presents a review on the state of the art of many concepts related both to balancing and charging in order to pick the right methods and equipment to achieve the objectives of this work. This dissertation includes literature review on batteries, cell balancing methods and topologies, cell charging methods and a small review on state of charge estimation methods. Later on, this document studies and explains hardware and software requirements and choices in order to understand the final developed circuit. Lastly, development difficulties, results and conclusions are presented.Esta dissertação pretende criar um sistema capaz de carregar, balancear ou ambos em simultâneo num pack com diversas células ligadas em série. Tenta ainda perceber a razão de haver tão pouca bibliografia que junte em simultâneo carregamento e balanceamento de baterias. Para alcançar estes objetivos, esta dissertação conta com uma revisão do estado da arte de vários temas relacionados tanto com balanceamento como com carregamento de forma a perceber os métodos e equipamentos mais adequados para implementar. A dissertação inclui revisão bibliográfica em baterias, métodos de balanceamento e suas topologias, métodos de carregamento de baterias e ainda alguma revisão sobre métodos de estimação de estado de carga. Posteriormente, este documento estuda e explica os requisitos de software e hardware e as escolhas feitas para o desenvolvimento do circuito. Finalmente apresentam-se as dificuldades de desenvolvimento encontradas, os resultados e ainda algumas conclusões

    Desain Dan Implementasi Charger Baterai Lithium-Ion Menggunakan Constant Current Pulse Charging 500 Watt Untuk Sepeda Motor Listrik

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    Transportasi berbasis tenaga listrik menggunakan baterai sebagai sumber energi yang dapat diisiulang (rechargeable), mengurangi dampak buruk transportasi masal bertenaga bahan bakar minyak. Rechargeable baterai, memiliki berbagai kendala salah satunya pada sisi pengisian muatan (charging). Charging baterai menjadi salah satu poin yang tidak bisa diabaikan, dimana charging yang lamban secara tidak langsung berefek pada usia dari baterai (lifespan) tersebut. Berbagai metode charging baterai diteliti, untuk mendapatkan hasil yang efektif dan efisien dengan tujuan memperpanjang lifespan dari baterai. Oleh karena itu, pada penelitian ini diaplikasikan charger dengan metode charging arus konstan dan pulsa, yang menurut penelitian sebelumnya memiliki kemampuan untuk mendapatkan performa charging yang optimal. Charger baterai menggunakan buck konverter dengan kontrol keluaran arus konstan dan pulsa dengan frekuensi 1 Khz dan 100 Hz diterapkan serta disesuaikan dengan plant, yaitu baterai Li-ion. Buck konverter menghasilkan efisiensi rata rata 56% pada full load 600 Watt, dan charging pulsa frekuensi 1 kHz menghasilkan waktu charging tiga kali lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan pulsa frekuensi 100 Hz. ========================================================================================================== Power-based transportation uses batteries as a rechargeable energy source, reducing the adverse impact of mass-fueled mass transportation. Rechargeable battery, has various constraints one of them on the charging side (charging). Battery charging is one of the most indispensable points, where sluggish charging indirectly affects the age of the battery (lifespan). Various battery charging methods are examined, to obtain effective and efficient results with the aim of extending the lifespan of the battery. Therefore, in this study applied charger with constant current charging method and pulse, which according to previous research have ability to get optimal charging performance. Battery charger using konverter buck with constant current output control and pulse with frequency 1 Khz and 100 Hz applied and adapted to plant, that is Li-ion battery. Buck konverter produces 56% average efficiency at 600 Watt full load, and 1 kHz frequency pulse charging generates three times faster charging times than a 100 Hz frequency pulse

    The Effects of Pulsed Charging Current on the Performance and Lifetime of Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    A design of an optimal battery pulse charge system by frequency-varied technique

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    [[abstract]]In this paper, a variable frequency pulse charge system (VFPCS), that can detect and dynamically track the optimal charge frequency, is proposed to improve the battery-charge response. To assess the system performance, a prototype of the VFPCS for 600-mAh lithium-ion battery is designed and implemented. Compared with the standard constant-current and constant-voltage charge system, the charge speed of the proposed VFPCS is improved above 24%, while the proposed VFPCS is improved above 10% compared with the conventional fixed-frequency pulse charge system. The results indicate that the VFPCS can actually provide pulse with optimal frequency to charge the battery and the charge response is improved

    Desenvolvimento de Métodos Inteligentes de Carregamento e Balanceamento para Sistemas de Armazenamento

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    Entre a grande diversidade de baterias existentes tecnologicamente maduras, as baterias de Iões de Lítio (Li-ion) tornaram-se populares devido à sua longevidade, alta densidade de energia, alta eficiência e não sofrerem de efeito de memória. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver novos métodos de carregamento que incluam balanceamento para sistemas de baterias de Iões de Lítio. Este pode ser dividido em duas fases distintas: a primeira fase tem que ver com o desenvolvimento de toda a plataforma, a segunda fase refere-se ao desenvolvimento de novos algoritmos. De forma resumida a primeira fase teve como objetivo desenvolver todo o hardware e software necessários para a criação de uma plataforma versátil e intuitiva onde fosse possível criar algoritmos de carregamento e balanceamento de forma eficiente. O sistema principal do hardware implementado trata-se do Battery Management System (BMS), responsável por toda a monitorização do pack de baterias utilizado. A segunda fase do trabalho focou-se no desenvolvimento de novos algoritmos inteligentes de carregamento que incluam o balanceamento. A opção por esta abordagem refere-se ao facto de ser essencial controlar os desequilíbrios entre células durante o carregamento, resultando numa maior eficiência do sistema de armazenamento. Os resultados obtidos são comparados com os algoritmos tradicionais existentes na literatura.Among the wide diversity of existing technologically mature batteries, lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have become popular because of their longevity, high energy density, high efficiency and lack of memory effect. This work aims to develop new charging methods that include balancing for lithium-ion battery systems. This can be divided into two distinct phases: the first phase has to do with the development of the entire platform; the second phase refers to the development of new algorithms. Briefly in the first phase was developed all the hardware and software required to create a versatile and intuitive platform where it was possible to create charging and balancing algorithms. The main hardware implemented system is the Battery Management System (BMS), responsible for all the monitoring of the battery pack used. The second phase of the work focused on developing new intelligent charging algorithms that include balancing. The option for this approach has to do with the fact that it is essential to control the imbalances between cells during charging, resulting in greater efficiency of the storage system. The obtained results are compared with the traditional algorithms present in the literature

    Gestão da eficiência energética e análise da qualidade de energia em postos de carregamento de bicicletas elétricas

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    A crescente mobilidade levou diretamente à deterioração das condições de tráfego, ao consumo extra de combustível, ao aumento das emissões de gases de escape dos automóveis, à poluição do ar e à redução da qualidade de vida. Além de ser um modo de transporte limpo, barato e ótimo para viagens de curta distância, o ciclismo pode oferecer soluções para o problema da mobilidade urbana. O sistema de partilha de bicicletas elétricas é considerado como uma implementação de tecnologia limpa, uma vez que tem a possibilidade de utilizar a energia solar fotovoltaica, sendo esta, a chave de desenvolvimento deste sistema. Com a introdução das bicicletas elétricas na mobilidade nacional e, consequentemente, a necessidade de carregamento da bateria regularmente, é de esperar que estas possam estimular algum impacto nas redes elétricas. Por esta razão, o presente trabalho visa analisar o possível impacto que este meio de transporte pode causar na qualidade de energia elétrica distribuída. O estudo foi conduzido por meio de método analítico, que inclui a análise dos ensaios de carregamento. Para tal, recorreu-se aos ensaios feitos no posto de carregamento rápido de veículo elétrico localizado na FCS, de forma a obter uma análise do impacto desta tecnologia na rede de distribuição elétrica. Para os dados recolhidos (tensão, corrente, potência ativa, potência reativa, conteúdo harmónico e equilíbrio de fases), foram apenas analisados os valores médios de cada grandeza, com exceção do conteúdo harmónico em cada ordem, para os quais foram analisados os valores máximos. O registo dos dados foi feito de forma contínua durante todo o intervalo de carregamento, com períodos de amostragem de 1 segundo.The increased mobility has led directly to deteriorating traffic conditions, extra fuel consumption, increased exhaust emissions from cars, air pollution and reduced quality of life. In addition to being a clean, cheap and great mode of transport for short trips, cycling can offer solutions to the problem of urban mobility. The system of sharing electric bicycles is considered as an implementation of clean technology, since it has the possibility of using photovoltaic solar energy, which is the key to the development of this system. With the introduction of electric bicycles into national mobility and, consequently, the need to charge the battery regularly, it is to be expected that they may stimulate some impact in the electric networks. For this reason, the present work aims to analyze the possible impact that this means of transport can cause in the quality of distributed electric energy. The study was conducted using an analytical method, which included analysis of the loading assays. For this, we used the tests carried out at the electric vehicle rapid charging station located at FCS, in order to obtain an analysis of the impact of this technology on the electric distribution network. For the collected data (voltage, current, active power, reactive power, harmonic content and phase equilibrium), only the average values of each magnitude were analyzed, except for the harmonic content in each order, for which the maximum values were analyzed. The data was recorded continuously throughout the loading interval, with a sampling periods of 1 second