5,220 research outputs found

    Characterization of transient behaviors in a colliding pulse mode-locked (CPM) laser

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    A colliding pulse mode-locked (CPM) laser achieves sub-picosecond operation by synchronizing two counter-propagating pulse trains to form a standing wave in a thin absorber jet. When properly aligned, these lasers maintain mode-locking for more than 100 seconds (1010 pulses), but eventually cease mode-locking for short periods of time. This thesis examines the characteristics of these transient events, when CPM mode-locking ceases (dropout) and when it resumes (dropin). The dropout is an apparently rapid event, typically lasting no longer than 5 microseconds or less than 500 pulses. The dropin takes significantly longer time, often has structure, and has a clear power dependency. This thesis uses a variety of statistical methods to search for changes in the nonlinear dynamics prior to the apparent power output change of a dropout, but does not find consistent precursors. Moreover, this thesis uses a fluence mapping method to study ultrashort pulse generation process in a novel bistable medium model. The bistable medium model naturally incorporates various high order perturbations and provides a framework for dynamics study and pulse shape control in ultrafast lasers

    Review Paper on Healthcare Monitoring System

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    The proposed model enables users to improve health related risks and reduce healthcare costs by collecting, recording, analyzing and sharing large data streams in real time and efficiently. The idea of this project came so to reduce the headache of patient to visit to doctor every time he need to check his blood pressure, heart beat rate, temperature etc. With the help of this proposal the time of both patients and doctors are saved and doctors can also help in emergency scenario as much as possible. The proposed outcome of the project is to give proper and efficient medical services to patients by connecting and collecting data information through health status monitors which would include patient?s heart rate, blood pressure and sends an emergency alert to patient?s doctor with his current status and full medical information. In simple terms, i.e. ?Smart? objects which use various sensors and actuators that are able to perceive their context, and via built in networking capabilities they could communicate to each other, access the open source Internet services and interact with the human world. This not only makes the world connected but also robust and comfortable. It consists of a system that communicates between network connected systems, apps and devices that can help patients and doctors to monitor, track and record patients? vital data and medical information. Some of the devices include smart meters, wearable health bands, fitness shoes, RFID based smart watches and smart video cameras. Also, apps for smart phones also help in keeping a medical record with real time alert and emergency services

    Multi-channel pre-beamformed data acquisition system for research on advanced ultrasound imaging methods

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    The lack of open access to the pre-beamformed data of an ultrasound scanner has limited the research of novel imaging methods to a few privileged laboratories. To address this need, we have developed a pre-beamformed data acquisition (DAQ) system that can collect data over 128 array elements in parallel from the Ultrasonix series of research-purpose ultrasound scanners. Our DAQ system comprises three system-level blocks: 1) a connector board that interfaces with the array probe and the scanner through a probe connector port; 2) a main board that triggers DAQ and controls data transfer to a computer; and 3) four receiver boards that are each responsible for acquiring 32 channels of digitized raw data and storing them to the on-board memory. This system can acquire pre-beamformed data with 12-bit resolution when using a 40-MHz sampling rate. It houses a 16 GB RAM buffer that is sufficient to store 128 channels of pre-beamformed data for 8000 to 25 000 transmit firings, depending on imaging depth; corresponding to nearly a 2-s period in typical imaging setups. Following the acquisition, the data can be transferred through a USB 2.0 link to a computer for offline processing and analysis. To evaluate the feasibility of using the DAQ system for advanced imaging research, two proof-of-concept investigations have been conducted on beamforming and plane-wave B-flow imaging. Results show that adaptive beamforming algorithms such as the minimum variance approach can generate sharper images of a wire cross-section whose diameter is equal to the imaging wavelength (150 Όm in our example). Also, planewave B-flow imaging can provide more consistent visualization of blood speckle movement given the higher temporal resolution of this imaging approach (2500 fps in our example). © 2012 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Real-time optical manipulation of cardiac conduction in intact hearts

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    Optogenetics has provided new insights in cardiovascular research, leading to new methods for cardiac pacing, resynchronization therapy and cardioversion. Although these interventions have clearly demonstrated the feasibility of cardiac manipulation, current optical stimulation strategies do not take into account cardiac wave dynamics in real time. Here, we developed an all‐optical platform complemented by integrated, newly developed software to monitor and control electrical activity in intact mouse hearts. The system combined a wide‐field mesoscope with a digital projector for optogenetic activation. Cardiac functionality could be manipulated either in free‐run mode with submillisecond temporal resolution or in a closed‐loop fashion: a tailored hardware and software platform allowed real‐time intervention capable of reacting within 2 ms. The methodology was applied to restore normal electrical activity after atrioventricular block, by triggering the ventricle in response to optically mapped atrial activity with appropriate timing. Real‐time intraventricular manipulation of the propagating electrical wavefront was also demonstrated, opening the prospect for real‐time resynchronization therapy and cardiac defibrillation. Furthermore, the closed‐loop approach was applied to simulate a re‐entrant circuit across the ventricle demonstrating the capability of our system to manipulate heart conduction with high versatility even in arrhythmogenic conditions. The development of this innovative optical methodology provides the first proof‐of‐concept that a real‐time optically based stimulation can control cardiac rhythm in normal and abnormal conditions, promising a new approach for the investigation of the (patho)physiology of the heart

    A novel camera type for very high energy gamma-ray astronomy based on Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes

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    Geiger-mode avalanche photodiodes (G-APD) are promising new sensors for light detection in atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. In this paper, the design and commissioning of a 36-pixel G-APD prototype camera is presented. The data acquisition is based on the Domino Ring Sampling (DRS2) chip. A sub-nanosecond time resolution has been achieved. Cosmic-ray induced air showers have been recorded using an imaging mirror setup, in a self-triggered mode. This is the first time that such measurements have been carried out with a complete G-APD camera.Comment: 9 pages with 11 figure

    Plasduino: an inexpensive, general purpose data acquisition framework for educational experiments

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    Based on the Arduino development platform, Plasduino is an open-source data acquisition framework specifically designed for educational physics experiments. The source code, schematics and documentation are in the public domain under a GPL license and the system, streamlined for low cost and ease of use, can be replicated on the scale of a typical didactic lab with minimal effort. We describe the basic architecture of the system and illustrate its potential with some real-life examples.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, presented at the XCIX conference of the Societ\`a Italiana di Fisic

    Design of a Low-Cost Data Acquisition System for Rotordynamic Data Collection

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    A data acquisition system (DAQ) was designed based on the use of a STM32 microcontroller. Its purpose is to provide a transparent and low-cost alternative to commercially available DAQs, providing educators a means to teach students about the process through which data are collected as well as the uses of collected data. The DAQ was designed to collect data from rotating machinery spinning at a speed up to 10,000 RPM and send this data to a computer through a USB 2.0 full-speed connection. Multitasking code was written for the DAQ to allow for data to be simultaneously collected and transferred over USB. Additionally, a console application was created to control the DAQ and read data, and MATLAB code written to analyze the data. The DAQ was compared against a custom assembled National Instruments CompactDAQ system. Using a Bentley-Nevada RK 4 Rotor Kit, data was simultaneously collected using both DAQs. Analysis of this data shows the capabilities and limitations of the low cost DAQ compared to the custom CompactDAQ

    Enabling Micro-level Demand-Side Grid Flexiblity in Resource Constrained Environments

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    The increased penetration of uncertain and variable renewable energy presents various resource and operational electric grid challenges. Micro-level (household and small commercial) demand-side grid flexibility could be a cost-effective strategy to integrate high penetrations of wind and solar energy, but literature and field deployments exploring the necessary information and communication technologies (ICTs) are scant. This paper presents an exploratory framework for enabling information driven grid flexibility through the Internet of Things (IoT), and a proof-of-concept wireless sensor gateway (FlexBox) to collect the necessary parameters for adequately monitoring and actuating the micro-level demand-side. In the summer of 2015, thirty sensor gateways were deployed in the city of Managua (Nicaragua) to develop a baseline for a near future small-scale demand response pilot implementation. FlexBox field data has begun shedding light on relationships between ambient temperature and load energy consumption, load and building envelope energy efficiency challenges, latency communication network challenges, and opportunities to engage existing demand-side user behavioral patterns. Information driven grid flexibility strategies present great opportunity to develop new technologies, system architectures, and implementation approaches that can easily scale across regions, incomes, and levels of development
