149 research outputs found

    A Design for a Security-typed Language with Certificate-based Declassification

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    This paper presents a calculus that supports information-flow security policies and certificate-based declassification. The decentralized label model and its downgrading mechanisms are concisely expressed in the polymorphic lambda calculus with subtyping (System F≾). We prove a conditioned version of the noninterference theorem such that authorization for declassification is justified by digital certificates from public-key infrastructures

    A Design for a Security-Typed Language with Certificate-Based Declassification

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    Run-time Principals in Information-flow Type Systems

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    Information-flow type systems are a promising approach for enforcing strong end-to-end confidentiality and integrity policies. Such policies, however, are usually specified in terms of static information — data is labeled high or low security at compile time. In practice, the confidentiality of data may depend on information available only while the system is running. This paper studies language support for run-time principals, a mechanism for specifying security policies that depend on which principals interact with the system. We establish the basic property of noninterference for programs written in such language, and use run-time principals for specifying run-time authority in downgrading mechanisms such as declassification. In addition to allowing more expressive security policies, run-time principals enable the integration of language-based security mechanisms with other existing approaches such as Java stack inspection and public key infrastructures. We sketch an implementation of run-time principals via public keys such that principal delegation is verified by certificate chains

    Type Abstraction for Relaxed Noninterference

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    Information-flow security typing statically prevents confidential information to leak to public channels. The fundamental information flow property, known as noninterference, states that a public observer cannot learn anything from private data. As attractive as it is from a theoretical viewpoint, noninterference is impractical: real systems need to intentionally declassify some information, selectively. Among the different information flow approaches to declassification, a particularly expressive approach was proposed by Li and Zdancewic, enforcing a notion of relaxed noninterference by allowing programmers to specify declassification policies that capture the intended manner in which public information can be computed from private data. This paper shows how we can exploit the familiar notion of type abstraction to support expressive declassification policies in a simpler, yet more expressive manner. In particular, the type-based approach to declassification---which we develop in an object-oriented setting---addresses several issues and challenges with respect to prior work, including a simple notion of label ordering based on subtyping, support for recursive declassification policies, and a local, modular reasoning principle for relaxed noninterference. This work paves the way for integrating declassification policies in practical security-typed languages

    Information flow analysis for mobile code in dynamic security environments

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    With the growing amount of data handled by Internet-enabled mobile devices, the task of preventing software from leaking confidential information is becoming increasingly important. At the same time, mobile applications are typically executed on different devices whose users have varying requirements for the privacy of their data. Users should be able to define their personal information security settings, and they should get a reliable assurance that the installed software respects these settings. Language-based information flow security focuses on the analysis of programs to determine information flows among accessed data resources of different security levels, and to verify and formally certify that these flows follow a given policy. In the mobile code scenario, however, both the dynamic aspect of the security environment and the fact that mobile software is distributed as bytecode pose a challenge for existing static analysis approaches. This thesis presents a language-based mechanism to certify information flow security in the presence of dynamic environments. An object-oriented high-level language as well as a bytecode language are equipped with facilities to inspect user-defined information flow security settings at runtime. This way, the software developer can create privacy-aware programs that can adapt their behaviour to arbitrary security environments, a property that is formalized as "universal noninterference". This property is statically verified by an information flow type system that uses restrictive forms of dependent types to judge abstractly on the concrete security policy that is effective at runtime. To verify compiled bytecode programs, a low-level version of the type system is presented that works on an intermediate code representation in which the original program structure is partially restored. Rigorous soundness proofs and a type-preserving compilation enable the generation of certified bytecode programs in the style of proof-carrying code. To show the practical feasibility of the approach, the system is implemented and demonstrated on a concrete application scenario, where personal data are sent from a mobile device to a server on the Internet

    Security Verification of Low-Trust Architectures

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    Low-trust architectures work on, from the viewpoint of software, always-encrypted data, and significantly reduce the amount of hardware trust to a small software-free enclave component. In this paper, we perform a complete formal verification of a specific low-trust architecture, the Sequestered Encryption (SE) architecture, to show that the design is secure against direct data disclosures and digital side channels for all possible programs. We first define the security requirements of the ISA of SE low-trust architecture. Looking upwards, this ISA serves as an abstraction of the hardware for the software, and is used to show how any program comprising these instructions cannot leak information, including through digital side channels. Looking downwards this ISA is a specification for the hardware, and is used to define the proof obligations for any RTL implementation arising from the ISA-level security requirements. These cover both functional and digital side-channel leakage. Next, we show how these proof obligations can be successfully discharged using commercial formal verification tools. We demonstrate the efficacy of our RTL security verification technique for seven different correct and buggy implementations of the SE architecture.Comment: 19 pages with appendi

    Secure mobile code and control flow analysis

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    The interaction between software systems by means of mobile code is a powerful and truly effective method, particularly useful for installing and executing code dynamically. However, for this mechanism to be applicable safely, especially in industrial or critical applications, techniques that guarantee foreign code execution safety for the consumer or host will be necessary. Of course, tool support for automating, at least partially, the application of these techniques is essential. The importance of guarantee code execution safety originates numerous active research lines, among which Proof-Carrying Code (PCC) is one of the most successful. One of the problems to overcome for the PCC industrial use is to obtain lineal methods of safeness certification and verification. A framework for the generation and execution of safe mobile code based on PCC together with techniques for static analysis of control and data-flow, called PCC-SA, was developed later by the authors. The results of the group that allowed proving the hypothesis that the PCC-SA complexity in practice is lineal respect to the input programs length, as for certification as for verification processes are also presented. To achieve this, a C-program family, whose elements are referred to as lineally annotative, is defined. Parameters statically measured over their source code determine whether a program belongs to this family or not. Different properties of this family are demonstrated in this work, which allows formally showing that for all the programs of this family, the PCC-SA presents a lineal behavior. The parameters required for a large sample of programs keeping of standard packages, are calculated. This calculation finally determines that all the programs of the sample are lineally annotative, which validates the hypothesis previously stated.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Cryptographically Secure Information Flow Control on Key-Value Stores

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    We present Clio, an information flow control (IFC) system that transparently incorporates cryptography to enforce confidentiality and integrity policies on untrusted storage. Clio insulates developers from explicitly manipulating keys and cryptographic primitives by leveraging the policy language of the IFC system to automatically use the appropriate keys and correct cryptographic operations. We prove that Clio is secure with a novel proof technique that is based on a proof style from cryptography together with standard programming languages results. We present a prototype Clio implementation and a case study that demonstrates Clio's practicality.Comment: Full version of conference paper appearing in CCS 201
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