3 research outputs found

    Data Reduction for Maximum Matching on Real-World Graphs: Theory and Experiments

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    Finding a maximum-cardinality or maximum-weight matching in (edge-weighted) undirected graphs is among the most prominent problems of algorithmic graph theory. For n-vertex and m-edge graphs, the best known algorithms run in O~(m sqrt{n}) time. We build on recent theoretical work focusing on linear-time data reduction rules for finding maximum-cardinality matchings and complement the theoretical results by presenting and analyzing (thereby employing the kernelization methodology of parameterized complexity analysis) linear-time data reduction rules for the positive-integer-weighted case. Moreover, we experimentally demonstrate that these data reduction rules provide significant speedups of the state-of-the art implementation for computing matchings in real-world graphs: the average speedup is 3800% in the unweighted case and "just" 30% in the weighted case

    On the König deficiency of zero-reducible graphs

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    A confluent and terminating reduction system is introduced for graphs,which preserves the number of their perfect matchings. A union-find algorithm is presented to carry out reduction in almost linear time. The König property is investigated in the context of reduction by introducing the König deficiency of a graph G as the difference between the vertex covering number and thematching number ofG. It is shown that the problem of finding the König deficiency of a graph is NP-complete even if we know that the graph reduces to the empty graph. Finally, the König deficiency of graphs G having a vertex v such that G − v has a unique perfect matching is studied in connection with reduction