243 research outputs found

    A static analysis framework for security properties in mobile and cryptographic systems

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    We introduce a static analysis framework for detecting instances of security breaches in infinite mobile and cryptographic systems specified using the languages of the 7r-calculus and its cryptographic extension, the spi calculus. The framework is composed from three components: First, standard denotational semantics of the 7r-calculus and the spi calculus are constructed based on domain theory. The resulting model is sound and adequate with respect to transitions in the operational semantics. The standard semantics is then extended correctly to non-uniformly capture the property of term substitution, which occurs as a result of communications and successful cryptographic operations. Finally, the non-standard semantics is abstracted to operate over finite domains so as to ensure the termination of the static analysis. The safety of the abstract semantics is proven with respect to the nonstandard semantics. The results of the abstract interpretation are then used to capture breaches of the secrecy and authenticity properties in the analysed systems. Two initial prototype implementations of the security analysis for the 7r-calculus and the spi calculus are also included in the thesis. The main contributions of this thesis are summarised by the following. In the area of denotational semantics, the thesis introduces a domain-theoretic model for the spi calculus that is sound and adequate with respect to transitions in the structural operational semantics. In the area of static program analysis, the thesis utilises the denotational approach as the basis for the construction of abstract interpretations for infinite systems modelled by the 7r-calculus and the spi calculus. This facilitates the use of computationally significant mathematical concepts like least fixed points and results in an analysis that is fully compositional. Also, the thesis demonstrates that the choice of the term-substitution property in mobile and cryptographic programs is rich enough to capture breaches of security properties, like process secrecy and authenticity. These properties are used to analyse a number of mobile and cryptographic protocols, like the file transfer protocol and the Needham-Schroeder, SPLICE/AS, Otway-Rees, Kerberos, Yahalom and Woo Lam authentication protocols

    A static analysis of the applied Pi calculus

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    We present in this technical report a non-uniform static analysis for detecting the term-substitution property in systems specified in the language of the applied pi calculus. The analysis implements a denotational framework that has previously introduced analyses for the pi calculus and the spi calculus. The main novelty of this analysis is its ability to deal with systems specified in languages with non-free term algebras, like the applied pi calculus, where non-identity equations may relate different terms of the language. We demonstrate the applicability of the analysis to one famous security protocol, which uses non-identity equations, namely the Diffie-Hellman protocol

    On the semantics of Alice&Bob specifications of security protocols

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    AbstractIn the context of security protocols, the so-called Alice&Bob notation is often used to describe the messages exchanged between honest principals in successful protocol runs. While intuitive, this notation is ambiguous in its description of the actions taken by principals, in particular with respect to the conditions they must check when executing their roles and the actions they must take when the checks fail.In this paper, we investigate the semantics of protocol specifications in Alice&Bob notation. We provide both a denotational and an operational semantics for such specifications, rigorously accounting for these conditions and actions. Our denotational semantics is based on a notion of incremental symbolic runs, which reflect the data possessed by principals and how this data increases monotonically during protocol execution. We contrast this with a standard formalization of the behavior of principals, which directly interprets message exchanges as sequences of atomic actions. In particular, we provide a complete characterization of the situations where this simpler, direct approach is adequate and prove that incremental symbolic runs are more expressive in general. Our operational semantics, which is guided by the denotational semantics, implements each role of the specified protocol as a sequential process of the pattern-matching spi calculus

    Tracing where IoT data are collected and aggregated

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) offers the infrastructure of the information society. It hosts smart objects that automatically collect and exchange data of various kinds, directly gathered from sensors or generated by aggregations. Suitable coordination primitives and analysis mechanisms are in order to design and reason about IoT systems, and to intercept the implied technological shifts. We address these issues from a foundational point of view. To study them, we define IoT-LySa, a process calculus endowed with a static analysis that tracks the provenance and the manipulation of IoT data, and how they flow in the system. The results of the analysis can be used by a designer to check the behaviour of smart objects, in particular to verify non-functional properties, among which security

    Modeling and analysing an industry 4.0 communication protocol

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    Monoidal computer III: A coalgebraic view of computability and complexity

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    Monoidal computer is a categorical model of intensional computation, where many different programs correspond to the same input-output behavior. The upshot of yet another model of computation is that a categorical formalism should provide a much needed high level language for theory of computation, flexible enough to allow abstracting away the low level implementation details when they are irrelevant, or taking them into account when they are genuinely needed. A salient feature of the approach through monoidal categories is the formal graphical language of string diagrams, which supports visual reasoning about programs and computations. In the present paper, we provide a coalgebraic characterization of monoidal computer. It turns out that the availability of interpreters and specializers, that make a monoidal category into a monoidal computer, is equivalent with the existence of a *universal state space*, that carries a weakly final state machine for any pair of input and output types. Being able to program state machines in monoidal computers allows us to represent Turing machines, to capture their execution, count their steps, as well as, e.g., the memory cells that they use. The coalgebraic view of monoidal computer thus provides a convenient diagrammatic language for studying computability and complexity.Comment: 34 pages, 24 figures; in this version: added the Appendi

    Where Do Your IoT Ingredients Come From?

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is here: smart objects are pervading our everyday life. Smart devices automatically collect and exchange data of various kinds, directly gathered from sensors or generated by aggregations. Suitable coordination primitives and analysis mechanisms are in order to design and reason about IoT systems, and to intercept the implied technology shifts. We address these issues by defining IoT-LySa, a process calculus endowed with a static analysis that tracks the provenance and the route of IoT data, and detects how they affect the behaviour of smart objects