146 research outputs found


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    Blockchain Technology merupakan sebuah Digital Ledger atau pembukuan digital dari transaksi-transaksi virtual, dimana data transaksi tersebut tidak dapat dimodifikasi meskipun telah berpindah dari device ke device lainnya, dengan kata lain setiap data tidak mempunyai Central Authority atau kewenangan pusat untuk mengubah detil data-data tersebut. Setiap data pada teknologi Blockchain disebut Block, dimana setiap Block mengugnakan prinsip-prinsip kriptografi untuk mengamankannya. Setiap terciptanya Block pada blockchain. Salah satu platform dari Blockchain ialah Ethereum. Ethereum merupakan platform Blockchain yang menggunakan Smart Contracts untuk dapat menciptakan suatu Block data transaksi. Smart Contract sendiri merupakan protocol yang memfasilitasi, memverifikasi dan mengeksekusi transaksi untuk dicatat ke kontrak yang nantinya dapat diubah ke potongan kode yang dapat disimpan di komputer. Ethereum Blockchain juga sudah dimanfaatkan sebagai model untuk aplikasi-aplikasi seperti yang mayoritas ialah aplikasi web, yang digunakan untuk distribusi data Decentralized, sistem Voting untuk pemilu, dan yang sedang dikembangkan Messenger app. Data-data yang saling berpindah didalam aplikasi-aplikasi yang menggunakan Blockchain sebagai model, tentunya berpindah dengan cara menunggangi transaksi ETH (Cryptocurrency). Setiap data yang berpindah mempunyai Batasan seperti parameter GasPrice, GasLimit, dan Difficulty untuk transaksi berisi data yang dikirim maupun diterima. Untuk menyimpan data ke Block dari Chain Ethereum membutuhkan mata uang digital Ethereum, yang harus dibeli dengan uang asli, untuk itu salah satu alternatif yang dapat diterapkan yaitu pembuatan server Blockchain Ethereum private, dimana setiap transaksi menggunakan mata uang digital Ethereum yang dapat dimodifikasi jumlah saldonya pada Ethereum Wallet ataupun file Genesis.json pada algoritma Ethereum dengan sesuka hati sehingga proses perpindahan data didalam transaksi dapat dilakukan dengan gratis

    A tale of two rights: mediating between P2P owners and digital copyright holders.

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    The emergence of peer-to-peer file sharing technology revolutionises the discourse around copyright infringement. This new pirate of digital technology poses challenges not only to legal structures but it redefines tensions among various stakeholders: artists and creators genuine users of copyrighted works, content industries and technologists. They threaten cultural production turning users to consumers without effort to become producers. Conversely, it is contended that such software increase collaborative interactions and change the way we perceive social and communicative structures. A caveat is that the response of law when juxtapose with technological changes in the internet itself, has heavily increased the effective regulation of creativity. This paper examines the early debate around the regulation of p2p software. Can there be a middle ground

    A Probabilistic Analysis of Kademlia Networks

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    Kademlia is currently the most widely used searching algorithm in P2P (peer-to-peer) networks. This work studies an essential question about Kademlia from a mathematical perspective: how long does it take to locate a node in the network? To answer it, we introduce a random graph K and study how many steps are needed to locate a given vertex in K using Kademlia's algorithm, which we call the routing time. Two slightly different versions of K are studied. In the first one, vertices of K are labelled with fixed IDs. In the second one, vertices are assumed to have randomly selected IDs. In both cases, we show that the routing time is about c*log(n), where n is the number of nodes in the network and c is an explicitly described constant.Comment: ISAAC 201

    An Analysis of Node/Peer Discovery Approach and Routing Algorithms in Mobile & Traditional Peer-to-Peer Networks

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    Mobile devices are becoming an increasingly indispensable part of people’s everyday life, in the form of mobile phones, PDAs and laptop computers to communicate or share data between them. Centralized client-server networks are being transformed to distributed peer-to-peer networks. Lessons learned from fixed networks have been applied in cellular network. So, there are many challenges faced by traditional and mobile peer-to-peer networks therefore, in this study we examine a comparative analysis of node/peer discovery approach and routing algorithms employed in both traditional and mobile peer-to-peer networks. A qualitative methodology approach was used for data sources. Documents related to node/peer discovery approach and routing algorithms were studied. A comparative method and content analysis were used to analyze the data collected. Findings of the study indicated that there are two clear differences in the aspects of neighboring node/peer discovery approach beside the similarities. The study also showed another differences and similarities in the aspect of routing algorithms. This thesis hopes to offer all necessary useful tips of the divergence on these two aspects and thus to make a contribution allowing researchers to know such divergence

    The Model for Assessing the Security Level of Instant Messaging Information Systems

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    The analysis of existing information systems for transmitting multimedia messages is carried out, a generalized conceptual definition for describing the architectures of such systems is proposed. The classification of messaging systems and their architectures is given. The key threats that should be considered when developing messaging systems in various application domains are identified. Based on the analysis of threats, a set of criteria has been determined for assessing the architectures of information systems for transmitting messages. A model which allows to make an assessment of parameters affecting the security of instant messaging information systems based on the characteristics of its elements is proposed.</p

    Optimizing the core business processes of financial asset management companies using blockchain technology

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    The aim of this paper is to look at how blockchain technology can be used for the core business processes of an asset management company and what the best tools are to set up a blockchain. This study followed a qualitative and quantitive case study research methodology at a small to mediumsized asset management company. This paper argued that Corda was the best blockchain platform because of scalability, auditing for regulators and offering a specific consensus between firms. However, it was evident that blockchain platforms are still in constant development, thus it is important to use the framework provided in this study to evaluate blockchain platforms in a changing industry

    Resource requirements and speed versus geometry of unconditionally secure physical key exchanges

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    The imperative need for unconditional secure key exchange is expounded by the increasing connectivity of networks and by the increasing number and level of sophistication of cyberattacks. Two concepts that are information theoretically secure are quantum key distribution (QKD) and Kirchoff-law-Johnson-noise (KLJN). However, these concepts require a dedicated connection between hosts in peer-to-peer (P2P) networks which can be impractical and or cost prohibitive. A practical and cost effective method is to have each host share their respective cable(s) with other hosts such that two remote hosts can realize a secure key exchange without the need of an additional cable or key exchanger. In this article we analyze the cost complexities of cable, key exchangers, and time required in the star network. We mentioned the reliability of the star network and compare it with other network geometries. We also conceived a protocol and equation for the number of secure bit exchange periods needed in a star network. We then outline other network geometries and trade-off possibilities that seem interesting to explore.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, MDPI Entrop

    Cultural Peer Production in Times of Crisis

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    The current crisis has called into question the validity of the two main logics that have dominated cultural production in recent years, that is the capitalist market and the welfare state. According to the first one, cultural production is considered as a mere object of consumption controlled exclusively by the law of supply and demand. This logic has gone into crisis since the power of consumption of many citizens has decreased, therefore cultural offerings have been reduced. As an alternative to this private logic of cultural production, the state logic has intended to enhance the number of cultural producers by means of different subsidies. However, over the last five years we have witnessed how different Western European States have dramatically reduced the budgetary allocations for culture. The main result of this crisis is the fact that cultural production has been left in the hands of big private companies whose economic power enables them to monopolize it, thus reducing its plurality and diversity dangerously. As an alternative to this situation, new proposals emerge with the aim to democratize cultural production without depending on the rules established by the liberal market or the State¿s subsidies. These proposals are a consequence of the development of peer-to-peer (P2P) communication technologies. The convergence of free web platforms and free software that allow users to share their own resources and to have access to materials produced by others have changed the field of traditional production. The emergence of peer-to-peer collaborative projects forces us to question the traditional production model. In the following text we will tackle in a theoretical way how the P2P production model is proposed as the best alternative to face the crisis in the contemporary cultural panorama. This theoretical approach will be accompanied by the description of some P2P projects that have been developed in the fields of art, cinema, photography or theatre.García Puchades, W.; Lloret Romero, MN. (2013). Cultural Peer Production in Times of Crisis. International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society. 9(3):163-170. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38900S1631709

    Exploring Governance in a Decentralized Energy Trading Eco-System

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    Increasingly, large tech firms dominate eco-systems. From a societal perspective this is not always beneficial since these companies behave as value extractors; they charge an unreasonable high fee for their services and they can do so because they are monopolists. A possible solution to this substantial power concentration can be decentralized ecosystems, e.g., enabled by blockchain technology, in which decision power is distributed fairly. However, this comes also with the requirement that such eco-systems need a decentralized governance model. This paper explores if such a governance model can be represented by conceptual models, in particular, e3value. We answer this question by designing a decentralized eco-system in the field of electricity supply, which enables peer to peer energy trading, and checking if important governance decisions, motivated by a systematic literature review, can be represented