1,422 research outputs found

    Resilient networking in wireless sensor networks

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    This report deals with security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially in network layer. Multiple secure routing protocols have been proposed in the literature. However, they often use the cryptography to secure routing functionalities. The cryptography alone is not enough to defend against multiple attacks due to the node compromise. Therefore, we need more algorithmic solutions. In this report, we focus on the behavior of routing protocols to determine which properties make them more resilient to attacks. Our aim is to find some answers to the following questions. Are there any existing protocols, not designed initially for security, but which already contain some inherently resilient properties against attacks under which some portion of the network nodes is compromised? If yes, which specific behaviors are making these protocols more resilient? We propose in this report an overview of security strategies for WSNs in general, including existing attacks and defensive measures. In this report we focus at the network layer in particular, and an analysis of the behavior of four particular routing protocols is provided to determine their inherent resiliency to insider attacks. The protocols considered are: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Gradient-Based Routing (GBR), Greedy Forwarding (GF) and Random Walk Routing (RWR)

    Wireless security for secure facilities

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    This thesis presents methods for securing a facility that has wireless connectivity. The goal of this research is to develop a solution to securing a facility that utilizes wireless communications. The research will introduce methods to track and locate the position of attackers. This research also introduces the idea of using a Honeynet system for added security. This research uses what is called Defense-In-Depth. Defense-in-depth is when multiple layers of security are used. The first of the layers is the Zone of Interference. This Zone is an area where jammer transmitters and directive antennas are set up to take advantage of the near-far-effect. The idea is to use the near-far-effect to give a stronger signal on the perimeter of the secure area, to mask any signals escaping from the secure area. This Zone uses directive Yagi antenna arrays to direct the radiation. There are multiple jamming methods that are utilized within this Zone. The next layer of security is the Honeynet Zone. The idea is to make an attacker believe that they are seeing real network traffic. This is done at the Honeynet Zone once a device has been determined to be unfriendly. Decoy mobile devices are first placed within the Honeynet Zone. Spoofed traffic is then created between the Honeynet base stations and the decoy mobile devices zone; using adaptive antennas incorporated within the design to face the signals away from the inside secure area. The third defense is position location and tracking. The idea is to have constant tracking of all devices in the area. There are several methods available to locate and track a device that is giving off an RF signal. This thesis looks at combining all these methods into an integrated, and more robust, facility security system

    A Survey of Protocol-Level Challenges and Solutions for Distributed Energy Resource Cyber-Physical Security

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    The increasing proliferation of distributed energy resources (DERs) on the smart grid has made distributed solar and wind two key contributors to the expanding attack surface of the network; however, there is a lack of proper understanding and enforcement of DER communications security requirements. With vendors employing proprietary methods to mitigate hosts of attacks, the literature currently lacks a clear organization of the protocol-level vulnerabilities, attacks, and solutions mapped to each layer of the logical model such as the OSI stack. To bridge this gap and pave the way for future research by the authors in determining key DER security requirements, this paper conducts a comprehensive review of the key vulnerabilities, attacks, and potential solutions for solar and wind DERs at the protocol level. In doing so, this paper serves as a starting point for utilities, vendors, aggregators, and other industry stakeholders to develop a clear understanding of the DER security challenges and solutions, which are key precursors to comprehending security requirements

    An analysis of secure MANET routing features to maintain confidentiality and integrity in IoT routing

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is fast becoming a global phenomenon and many issues are arising such as standardization, deployment of IPv6, sensors’ energy requirements and security among others. However, without a secure network routing system IoT nodes will be exposed to malicious activities on the network, data compromises, privacy invasion and even acts of terrorism could be perpetrated via the teeming billions of IoT nodes. Various MANETs secure routing protocols have been proposed by researchers which could be utilized in the development of secure routing protocols for the Internet of things, thus the study of these secure MANET routing protocols will give a direction for the development and incorporation of secure routing in the Internet of Things. This paper surveys secure routing protocols in MANETs while proposing some secure MANET routing features for enshrining confidentiality and integrity in IoT routing. This paper also discusses research trends and future directions in the area of security of IoT networks

    Mitigating Denial-of-Service Attacks on VoIP Environment

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    IP telephony refers to the use of Internet protocols to provide voice, video, and data in one integrated service over LANs, BNs, MANs, not WANs. VoIP provides three key benefits compared to traditional voice telephone services. First, it minimizes the need fro extra wiring in new buildings. Second, it provides easy movement of telephones and the ability of phone numbers to move with the individual. Finally, VoIP is generally cheaper to operate because it requires less network capacity to transmit the same voice telephone call over an increasingly digital telephone network (FitzGerald & Dennis, 2007 p. 519). Unfortunately, benefits of new electronic communications come with proportionate risks. Companies experience losses resulting from attacks on data networks. There are direct losses like economic theft, theft of trade secrets and digital data, as well as indirect losses that include loss of sales, loss of competitive advantage etc. The companies need to develop their security policies to protect their businesses. But the practice of information security has become more complex than ever. The research paper will be about the major DoS threats the company’s VoIP environment can experience as well as best countermeasures that can be used to prevent them and make the VoIP environment and, therefore, company’s networking environment more secure

    ISECUBE: a portable ISEAGE

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    As the Internets\u27 potential continues to grow in functionality and services, malicious activity becomes more prevalent. Professionals and researchers are working hard to create and implement secure systems, but this can require extensive tools and training to arising situations.;ISECUBE has been developed to be used in conjunction with Iowa State University\u27s Internet Scale Event and Attack Generation Environment (ISEAGE) to act as a self sustaining portable environment as well as an extension of its functionality and services. ISECUBE is a transportable device that provides different realistic environments. These environments were designed with the classroom, research collaboration, and corporate use in mind. Overall statistics of usage is collected and can be viewed in different formats for later analysis. By developing such a device, the education and security fields can benefit from ISECUBE\u27s capability

    Securearray: Improving WiFi security with fine-grained physical-layer information

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    Despite the important role that WiFi networks play in home and enterprise networks they are relatively weak from a security standpoint. With easily available directional antennas, attackers can be physically located off-site, yet compromise WiFi security protocols such as WEP, WPA, and even to some extent WPA2 through a range of exploits specific to those protocols, or simply by running dictionary and human-factors attacks on users' poorly-chosen passwords. This presents a security risk to the entire home or enterprise network. To mitigate this ongoing problem, we propose SecureArray, a system designed to operate alongside existing wireless security protocols, adding defense in depth against active attacks. SecureArray's novel signal processing techniques leverage multi-antenna access point (AP) to profile the directions at which a client's signals arrive, using this angle-of-arrival (AoA) information to construct highly sensitive signatures that with very high probability uniquely identify each client. Upon overhearing a suspicious transmission, the client and AP initiate an AoA signature-based challenge-response protocol to confirm and mitigate the threat. We also discuss how SecureArray can mitigate direct denial-of-service attacks on the latest 802.11 wireless security protocol. We have implemented SecureArray with an eight-antenna WARP hardware radio acting as the AP. Our experimental results show that in a busy office environment, SecureArray is orders of magnitude more accurate than current techniques, mitigating 100% of WiFi spoofing attack attempts while at the same time triggering false alarms on just 0.6% of legitimate traffic. Detection rate remains high when the attacker is located only five centimeters away from the legitimate client, for AP with fewer numbers of antennas and when client is mobile

    Factors Impacting Key Management Effectiveness in Secured Wireless Networks

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    The use of a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) offers a cryptographic solution that can overcome many, but not all, of the MANET security problems. One of the most critical aspects of a PKI system is how well it implements Key Management. Key Management deals with key generation, key storage, key distribution, key updating, key revocation, and certificate service in accordance with security policies over the lifecycle of the cryptography. The approach supported by traditional PKI works well in fixed wired networks, but it may not appropriate for MANET due to the lack of fixed infrastructure to support the PKI. This research seeks to identify best practices in securing networks which may be applied to new network architectures

    An Artificial Neural Network-based Decision-Support System for Integrated Network Security

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    As large-scale Cyber attacks become more sophisticated, local network defenders should employ strength-in-numbers to achieve mission success. Group collaboration reduces individual efforts to analyze and assess network traffic. Network defenders must evolve from an isolated defense in sector policy and move toward a collaborative strength-in-numbers defense policy that rethinks traditional network boundaries. Such a policy incorporates a network watch ap-proach to global threat defense, where local defenders share the occurrence of local threats in real-time across network security boundaries, increases Cyber Situation Awareness (CSA) and provides localized decision-support. A single layer feed forward artificial neural network (ANN) is employed as a global threat event recommender system (GTERS) that learns expert-based threat mitigation decisions. The system combines the occurrence of local threat events into a unified global event situation, forming a global policy that allows the flexibility of various local policy interpretations of the global event. Such flexibility enables a Linux based network defender to ignore windows-specific threats while focusing on Linux threats in real-time. In this thesis, the GTERS is shown to effectively encode an arbitrary policy with 99.7% accuracy based on five threat-severity levels and achieves a generalization accuracy of 96.35% using four distinct participants and 9-fold cross-validation
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