8 research outputs found

    COCO_TS Dataset: Pixel-level Annotations Based on Weak Supervision for Scene Text Segmentation

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    The absence of large scale datasets with pixel-level supervisions is a significant obstacle for the training of deep convolutional networks for scene text segmentation. For this reason, synthetic data generation is normally employed to enlarge the training dataset. Nonetheless, synthetic data cannot reproduce the complexity and variability of natural images. In this paper, a weakly supervised learning approach is used to reduce the shift between training on real and synthetic data. Pixel-level supervisions for a text detection dataset (i.e. where only bounding-box annotations are available) are generated. In particular, the COCO-Text-Segmentation (COCO_TS) dataset, which provides pixel-level supervisions for the COCO-Text dataset, is created and released. The generated annotations are used to train a deep convolutional neural network for semantic segmentation. Experiments show that the proposed dataset can be used instead of synthetic data, allowing us to use only a fraction of the training samples and significantly improving the performances

    analysis of brain nmr images for age estimation with deep learning

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    Abstract During the last decade, deep learning and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have produced a devastating impact on computer vision, yielding exceptional results on a variety of problems, including analysis of medical images. Recently, these techniques have been extended to 3D images with the downside of a large increase in the computational load. In particular, state-of-the-art CNNs have been used for brain Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) imaging, with the aim of estimating the patients' age. In fact, a large discrepancy between the real and the estimated age is a clear alarm for the onset of neurodegenerative diseases, such as some types of early dementia and Alzheimer's disease. In this paper, we propose an effective alternative to 3D convolutions that guarantees a significant reduction of the computational requirements for this kind of analysis. The proposed architectures achieve comparable results with the competitor 3D methods, requiring only a fraction of the training time and GPU memory

    A multi-stage GAN for multi-organ chest X-ray image generation and segmentation

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    Multi-organ segmentation of X-ray images is of fundamental importance for computer aided diagnosis systems. However, the most advanced semantic segmentation methods rely on deep learning and require a huge amount of labeled images, which are rarely available due to both the high cost of human resources and the time required for labeling. In this paper, we present a novel multi-stage generation algorithm based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) that can produce synthetic images along with their semantic labels and can be used for data augmentation. The main feature of the method is that, unlike other approaches, generation occurs in several stages, which simplifies the procedure and allows it to be used on very small datasets. The method has been evaluated on the segmentation of chest radiographic images, showing promising results. The multistage approach achieves state-of-the-art and, when very few images are used to train the GANs, outperforms the corresponding single-stage approach

    Collective behavior and morphological complexity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    In nature, many animals are capable of performing complex behaviors without centralized coordination. A well-studied focus is collective motion in flocks of birds and shoals of fish, both of which are capable of changing collective behavior as a function of individuals responding to their local environment. Similarly, despite their microscopic individual size, groups of bacteria are capable of collectively responding to and restructuring their environment. In this thesis I focus on the gamma proteobacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA), a well-studied opportunistic pathogen that is known to engage in complex collective behaviors, often controlled by a form of cell-cell communication mediated by diffusible signal molecules called quorum sensing (QS). First, I query the sensing capacity of QS, quantifying the ability to sense cell density by tracking QS-regulated secreted protease (lasB) expression on the population and single-cell scale. We find that PA can deliver a graded behavioral response (or ‘reaction norm’) to fine-scale variation in population density and show that populations generate graded responses to environmental variation through shifts in the proportion of cells responding and the intensity of responses. Given this ability of PA to quantitatively respond to discrete density environments, I then ask how the molecular machinery of QS shapes the reaction norms to changing density, via signal synthase knockout and complementation experiments. We find that the wildtype reaction norm is robust to the addition of density-independent signal supplements and more broadly, that a positive reaction norm to density is robust to multiple combinations of gene deletion and density-independent signal supplementation. Switching from QS control of a single gene (lasB), I turn to a complex multigenic and multicellular trait of colony growth. Using a collection of diverse environmental and clinical PA isolates, we develop a colony image library of 69 strains in four-fold replication. We then use a combination of image processing techniques to quantify colony morphology and complexity and find that, under common laboratory conditions, morphology and complexity form a robust, repeatable phenotype on the level of individual strains. Based on this replicable visual “fingerprint” per strain, we reasoned that colony image data could be used to classify previously unseen colony images to the strain level. Using a combination of transfer learning and data augmentation we trained a neural network to classify strains, resulting in high-level accuracy (94%). These results indicate that not only do PA strains have characteristic, replicable ‘fingerprints’, but also that these ‘fingerprints’ are learnable and classifiable. These results could provide a basis for predicting other strain-dependent behaviors including virulence or antibiotic resistance. Overall, these results highlight that complex and heterogeneous single-cell behaviors can produce robust and consistent patterns on the collective scale of environmental sensing and colony growth.Ph.D

    A deep learning approach to bacterial colony segmentation

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    In this paper, we introduce a new method for the segmentation of bacterial colonies in solid agar plate images. The proposed approach comprises two contributions. First, a simple but nonetheless effective engine is devised to generate synthetic plate images. This engine overlays bacterial colony patches to existing background images, taking into account both the local appearance of the background and the intrinsic opacity of the bacterial colonies. Therefore, a scalable alternative to the human ground–truth supervision—often difficult to obtain in medical imaging, due to privacy issues and scarcity of data—is provided. Then, synthetic generated data, together with few annotated images, were used to train a Fully–Convolutional Network. Such network is actually effective in separating bacterial colonies from the background. Finally, we discuss the role of the generation of synthetic images, conducting experiments that show how their inclusion improves the performances of the segmentation network, producing very encouraging results