2 research outputs found

    Annual winter crop distribution from MODIS NDVI timeseries to improve yield forecasts for Europe

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    Crop yield forecasts allow policy makers to anticipate market behaviour and regulate prices. Annual updates on which crops are grown where can improve crop yield forecast accuracy. Existing efforts to map crops across the European Union resulted in late-season map availability or short time series that do not meet forecasting requirements. We propose a new approach to retrieve annual winter crop maps and improve forecasting efforts by identifying pixels with dominant winter crop signals using moderate resolution imagery. These pixels are distinguished from summer crop signals based on their senescence date. When this date precedes the theoretical maturity date of a winter crop, expressed in GDD, the pixel is labelled as having a dominant winter crop signal. Our 2018 map accurately identified 77% and 83% of dominantly winter-crop area, when compared to farmers’ declaration data and a high-resolution crop map for Europe, respectively. While the resulting annual winter crop maps underestimated winter crop area, derived region-specific annual NDVI profiles better described winter crop phenology as compared to the use of static maps. Regression analysis between these regional NDVI profiles and statistical wheat yield data indicates that our annual maps help explain more yield variability than static maps, with an RMSE reduction of 3% for the EU27 as whole. The proposed approach is applicable to long historical timeseries and provides maps before the end of the agricultural season. Those maps positively impact crop yield description, notably in eastern, northern, and northeastern European regions

    A crop group-specific pure pixel time series for Europe

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    Long timeseries of Earth observation data for the characterization of agricultural crops across large scales are of high interest to crop modelers, scientists, and decision makers in the fields of agricultural and environmental policy as well as crop monitoring and food security. They are particularly important for regression-based crop monitoring systems that rely on historic information. The major challenge lies in identifying pixels from satellite imagery that represent pure enough crop signals. Here, we present a data-driven semi-automatic approach to identify pure pixels of two crop groups (i.e., winter and spring crops and summer crops) based on a MODIS–NDVI timeseries. We applied this method to the European Union at a 250 m spatial resolution. Pre-processed and smoothed, daily normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data (2001–2017) were used to first extract the phenological data. To account for regional characteristics (varying climate, agro-management, etc.), these data were clustered by administrative units and by year using a Gaussian mixture model. The number of clusters was pre-defined using data from regional agricultural acreage statistics. After automatic labelling, clusters were filtered based on agronomic knowledge and phenological information extracted from the same timeseries. The resulting pure pixels were validated with two different datasets, one based on high-resolution Sentinel-2 data (5 sites, 2 years) and one based on a regional crop map (1 site, 7 years). For the winter and spring crop class, pixel purity amounted to 93% using the first validation dataset and to 73% using the second one, averaged over the different years. For summer crops, the respective values were 61% (91% without one critical validation site) and 72%. The phenological analyses revealed a clear trend towards an earlier NDVI peak (approximately −0.28 days/year) for winter and spring crops across Europe. We expect that this dataset will be useful for various applications, from crop model calibration to operational crop monitoring and yield forecasting.JRC.D.5-Food Securit