31 research outputs found

    Vision-Based Navigation III: Pose and Motion from Omnidirectional Optical Flow and a Digital Terrain Map

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    An algorithm for pose and motion estimation using corresponding features in omnidirectional images and a digital terrain map is proposed. In previous paper, such algorithm for regular camera was considered. Using a Digital Terrain (or Digital Elevation) Map (DTM/DEM) as a global reference enables recovering the absolute position and orientation of the camera. In order to do this, the DTM is used to formulate a constraint between corresponding features in two consecutive frames. In this paper, these constraints are extended to handle non-central projection, as is the case with many omnidirectional systems. The utilization of omnidirectional data is shown to improve the robustness and accuracy of the navigation algorithm. The feasibility of this algorithm is established through lab experimentation with two kinds of omnidirectional acquisition systems. The first one is polydioptric cameras while the second is catadioptric camera.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure

    Robot vision using 3D TOF systems

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    Synfeal: A Data-Driven Simulator for End-to-End Camera Localization

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    Collecting real-world data is often considered the bottleneck of Artificial Intelligence, stalling the research progress in several fields, one of which is camera localization. End-to-end camera localization methods are still outperformed by traditional methods, and we argue that the inconsistencies associated with the data collection techniques are restraining the potential of end-to-end methods. Inspired by the recent data-centric paradigm, we propose a framework that synthesizes large localization datasets based on realistic 3D reconstructions of the real world. Our framework, termed Synfeal: Synthetic from Real, is an open-source, data-driven simulator that synthesizes RGB images by moving a virtual camera through a realistic 3D textured mesh, while collecting the corresponding ground-truth camera poses. The results validate that the training of camera localization algorithms on datasets generated by Synfeal leads to better results when compared to datasets generated by state-of-the-art methods. Using Synfeal, we conducted the first analysis of the relationship between the size of the dataset and the performance of camera localization algorithms. Results show that the performance significantly increases with the dataset size. Our results also suggest that when a large localization dataset with high quality is available, training from scratch leads to better performances. Synfeal is publicly available at https://github.com/DanielCoelho112/synfeal

    Correspondenceless Structure from Motion

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    We present a novel approach for the estimation of 3D-motion directly from two images using the Radon transform. The feasibility of any camera motion is computed by integrating over all feature pairs that satisfy the epipolar constraint. This integration is equivalent to taking the inner product of a similarity function on feature pairs with a Dirac function embedding the epipolar constraint. The maxima in this five dimensional motion space will correspond to compatible rigid motions. The main novelty is in the realization that the Radon transform is a filtering operator: If we assume that the similarity and Dirac functions are defined on spheres and the epipolar constraint is a group action of rotations on spheres, then the Radon transform is a correlation integral. We propose a new algorithm to compute this integral from the spherical Fourier transform of the similarity and Dirac functions. Generating the similarity function now becomes a preprocessing step which reduces the complexity of the Radon computation by a factor equal to the number of feature pairs processed. The strength of the algorithm is in avoiding a commitment to correspondences, thus being robust to erroneous feature detection, outliers, and multiple motions

    Particle filter-based camera tracker fusing marker- and feature point-based cues

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    This paper presents a video-based camera tracker that combines marker-based and feature point-based cues in a particle filter framework. The framework relies on their complementary performances. Marker-based trackers can robustly recover camera position and orientation when a reference (marker) is available, but fail once the reference becomes unavailable. On the other hand, filter-based camera trackers using feature point cues can still provide predicted estimates given the previous state. However, these tend to drift and usually fail to recover when the reference reappears. Therefore, we propose a fusion where the estimate of the filter is updated from the individual measurements of each cue. More precisely, the marker-based cue is selected when the reference is available whereas the feature point-based cue is selected otherwise. Evaluations on real cases show that the fusion of these two approaches outperforms the individual tracking results

    Egomotion Estimation Using Binocular Spatiotemporal Oriented Energy

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    Egomotion estimation using binocular spatiotemporal oriented energy

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    Camera egomotion estimation is concerned with the recovery of a camera's motion (e.g., instantaneous translation and rotation) as it moves through its environment. It has been demonstrated to be of both theoretical and practical interest. This thesis documents a novel algorithm for egomotion estimation based on binocularly matched spatiotemporal oriented energy distributions. Basing the estimation on oriented energy measurements makes it possible to recover egomotion without the need to establish temporal correspondences or convert disparity into 3D world coordinates. There sulting algorithm has been realized in software and evaluated quantitatively on a novel laboratory dataset with ground truth as well as qualitatively on both indoor and outdoor real-world datasets. Performance is evaluated relative to comparable alternative algorithms and shown to exhibit best overall performance