54 research outputs found

    A Cramer-Shoup Encryption Scheme from the Linear Assumption and from Progressively Weaker Linear Variants

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    We describe a CCA-secure public-key encryption scheme, in the Cramer-Shoup paradigm, based on the Linear assumption of Boneh, Boyen, and Shacham. Through a comparison to the Kiltz tag-encryption scheme from TCC 2006, our scheme gives evidence that the Cramer-Shoup paradigm yields CCA encryption with shorter ciphertexts than the Canetti-Halevi-Katz paradigm. We present a generalization of the Linear assumption into a family of progressively weaker assumptions and show how to instantiate our Linear Cramer-Shoup encryption using the progressively weaker members of this family

    Efficient public-key cryptography with bounded leakage and tamper resilience

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    We revisit the question of constructing public-key encryption and signature schemes with security in the presence of bounded leakage and tampering memory attacks. For signatures we obtain the first construction in the standard model; for public-key encryption we obtain the first construction free of pairing (avoiding non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs). Our constructions are based on generic building blocks, and, as we show, also admit efficient instantiations under fairly standard number-theoretic assumptions. The model of bounded tamper resistance was recently put forward by DamgÄrd et al. (Asiacrypt 2013) as an attractive path to achieve security against arbitrary memory tampering attacks without making hardware assumptions (such as the existence of a protected self-destruct or key-update mechanism), the only restriction being on the number of allowed tampering attempts (which is a parameter of the scheme). This allows to circumvent known impossibility results for unrestricted tampering (Gennaro et al., TCC 2010), while still being able to capture realistic tampering attack

    Public-Key Cryptosystems Resilient to Key Leakage

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    Most of the work in the analysis of cryptographic schemes is concentrated in abstract adversarial models that do not capture {\em side-channel attacks}. Such attacks exploit various forms of unintended information leakage, which is inherent to almost all physical implementations. Inspired by recent side-channel attacks, especially the ``cold boot attacks\u27\u27 of Halderman et al. (USENIX Security \u2708), Akavia, Goldwasser and Vaikuntanathan (TCC \u2709) formalized a realistic framework for modeling the security of encryption schemes against a wide class of side-channel attacks in which adversarially chosen functions of the secret key are leaked. In the setting of public-key encryption, Akavia et al. showed that Regev\u27s lattice-based scheme (STOC \u2705) is resilient to any leakage of L / \polylog(L) bits, where LL is the length of the secret key. In this paper we revisit the above-mentioned framework and our main results are as follows: -- We present a generic construction of a public-key encryption scheme that is resilient to key leakage from any {\em universal hash proof system}. The construction does not rely on additional computational assumptions, and the resulting scheme is as efficient as the underlying proof system. Existing constructions of such proof systems imply that our construction can be based on a variety of number-theoretic assumptions, including the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption (and its progressively weaker dd-Linear variants), the quadratic residuosity assumption, and Paillier\u27s composite residuosity assumption. -- We construct a new hash proof system based on the decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption (and its dd-Linear variants), and show that the resulting scheme is resilient to any leakage of L(1−o(1))L(1 - o(1)) bits. In addition, we prove that the recent scheme of Boneh et al. (CRYPTO \u2708), constructed to be a ``circular-secure\u27\u27 encryption scheme, fits our generic approach and is also resilient to any leakage of L(1−o(1))L(1 - o(1)) bits. -- We extend the framework of key leakage to the setting of chosen-ciphertext attacks. On the theoretical side, we prove that the Naor-Yung paradigm is applicable in this setting as well, and obtain as a corollary encryption schemes that are CCA2-secure with any leakage of L(1−o(1))L(1 - o(1)) bits. On the practical side, we prove that variants of the Cramer-Shoup cryptosystem (along the lines of our generic construction) are CCA1-secure with any leakage of L/4L/4 bits, and CCA2-secure with any leakage of L/6L/6 bits

    Converting Pairing-Based Cryptosystems from Composite-Order Groups to Prime-Order Groups

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    We develop an abstract framework that encompasses the key properties of bilinear groups of composite order that are required to construct secure pairing-based cryptosystems, and we show how to use prime-order elliptic curve groups to construct bilinear groups with the same properties. In particular, we define a generalized version of the subgroup decision problem and give explicit constructions of bilinear groups in which the generalized subgroup decision assumption follows from the decision Diffie-Hellman assumption, the decision linear assumption, and/or related assumptions in prime-order groups. We apply our framework and our prime-order group constructions to create more efficient versions of cryptosystems that originally required composite-order groups. Specifically, we consider the Boneh-Goh-Nissim encryption scheme, the Boneh-Sahai-Waters traitor tracing system, and the Katz-Sahai-Waters attribute-based encryption scheme. We give a security theorem for the prime-order group instantiation of each system, using assumptions of comparable complexity to those used in the composite-order setting. Our conversion of the last two systems to prime-order groups answers a problem posed by Groth and Sahai

    Trapdoor Smooth Projective Hash Functions

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    Katz and Vaikuntanathan recently improved smooth projective hash functions in order to build one-round password-authenticated key exchange protocols (PAKE). To achieve security in the UC framework they allowed the simulator to extract the hashing key, which required simulation-sound non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs that are unfortunately inefficient. We improve the way the latter extractability is obtained by introducing the notion of trapdoor smooth projective hash function (TSPHF). A TSPHF is an SPHF with a trapdoor, which may not allow to recover the complete hashing key, but which still allows to compute the hash value, which is enough for an application to PAKE with UC-security against static corruptions. We additionally show that TSPHFs yield zero-knowledge proofs in two flows, with straight-line extractability. Besides those quite interesting applications of TSPHF, we also show how to generically build them on languages of ciphertexts, using any ElGamal-like encryption. Our concrete instantiations lead to efficient one-round UC-secure PAKE, extractable zero-knowledge arguments, and verifiable encryption of Waters signatures. In the case of the PAKE, our construction is the most efficient one-round UC-secure PAKE to date

    Adaptive Oblivious Transfer and Generalization

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    International audienceOblivious Transfer (OT) protocols were introduced in the seminal paper of Rabin, and allow a user to retrieve a given number of lines (usually one) in a database, without revealing which ones to the server. The server is ensured that only this given number of lines can be accessed per interaction, and so the others are protected; while the user is ensured that the server does not learn the numbers of the lines required. This primitive has a huge interest in practice, for example in secure multi-party computation, and directly echoes to Symmetrically Private Information Retrieval (SPIR). Recent Oblivious Transfer instantiations secure in the UC framework suf- fer from a drastic fallback. After the first query, there is no improvement on the global scheme complexity and so subsequent queries each have a global complexity of O(|DB|) meaning that there is no gain compared to running completely independent queries. In this paper, we propose a new protocol solving this issue, and allowing to have subsequent queries with a complexity of O(log(|DB|)), and prove the protocol security in the UC framework with adaptive corruptions and reliable erasures. As a second contribution, we show that the techniques we use for Obliv- ious Transfer can be generalized to a new framework we call Oblivi- ous Language-Based Envelope (OLBE). It is of practical interest since it seems more and more unrealistic to consider a database with uncontrolled access in access control scenarii. Our approach generalizes Oblivious Signature-Based Envelope, to handle more expressive credentials and requests from the user. Naturally, OLBE encompasses both OT and OSBE, but it also allows to achieve Oblivious Transfer with fine grain access over each line. For example, a user can access a line if and only if he possesses a certificate granting him access to such line. We show how to generically and efficiently instantiate such primitive, and prove them secure in the Universal Composability framework, with adaptive corruptions assuming reliable erasures. We provide the new UC ideal functionalities when needed, or we show that the existing ones fit in our new framework. The security of such designs allows to preserve both the secrecy of the database values and the user credentials. This symmetry allows to view our new approach as a generalization of the notion of Symmetrically PIR

    Group Signatures with Message-Dependent Opening: Formal Definitions and Constructions

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    This paper introduces a new capability for group signatures called message-dependent opening. It is intended to weaken the high trust placed on the opener; i.e., no anonymity against the opener is provided by an ordinary group signature scheme. In a group signature scheme with message-dependent opening (GS-MDO), in addition to the opener, we set up an admitter that is not able to extract any user’s identity but admits the opener to open signatures by specifying messages where signatures on the specified messages will be opened by the opener. The opener cannot extract the signer’s identity from any signature whose corresponding message is not specified by the admitter. This paper presents formal definitions of GS-MDO and proposes a generic construction of it from identity-based encryption and adaptive non-interactive zero-knowledge proofs. Moreover, we propose two specific constructions, one in the standard model and one in the random oracle model. Our scheme in the standard model is an instantiation of our generic construction but the message-dependent opening property is bounded. In contrast, our scheme in the random oracle model is not a direct instantiation of our generic construction but is optimized to increase efficiency and achieves the unbounded message-dependent opening property. Furthermore, we also demonstrate that GS-MDO implies identity-based encryption, thus implying that identity-based encryption is essential for designing GS-MDO schemes

    DDH-Like Assumptions Based on Extension Rings

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    Abstract. We introduce and study a new type of DDH-like assumptions based on groups of prime order q. Whereas standard DDH is based on encoding elements of Fq “in the exponent ” of elements in the group, we ask what happens if instead we put in the exponent elements of the extension ring Rf = Fq[X]/(f) where f is a degree-d polynomial. The decision problem that follows naturally reduces to the case where f is irreducible. This variant is called the d-DDH problem, where 1-DDH is standard DDH. We show in the generic group model that d-DDH is harder than DDH for d> 1 and that we obtain, in fact, an infinite hierarchy of progressively weaker assumptions whose complexities lie “between” DDH and CDH. This leads to a large number of new schemes because virtually all known DDH-based constructions can very easily be upgraded to be based on d-DDH. We use the same construction and security proof but get better security and moreover, the amortized complexity (e.g, computation per encrypted bit) is the same as when using DDH. We also show that d-DDH, just like DDH, is easy in bilinear groups. We therefore suggest a different type of assumption, the d-vector DDH problems (d-VDDH), which are based on f(X) = X d, but with a twist to avoid problems with reducible polynomials. We show in the generic group model that d-VDDH is hard in bilinear groups and that the problems become harder with increasing d. We show that hardness of d-VDDH implies CCA-secure encryption, efficient Naor-Reingold style pseudorandom functions, and auxiliary input secure encryption. This can be seen as an alternative to the known family of k-LIN assumptions.

    Secure Blind Decryption

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    Abstract. In this work we construct public key encryption schemes that admit a protocol for blindly decrypting ciphertexts. In a blind decryp-tion protocol, a user with a ciphertext interacts with a secret keyholder such that the user obtains the decryption of the ciphertext and the key-holder learns nothing about what it decrypted. While we are not the first to consider this problem, previous works provided only weak secu-rity guarantees against malicious users. We provide, to our knowledge, the first practical blind decryption schemes that are secure under a strong CCA security definition. We prove our construction secure in the stan-dard model under simple, well-studied assumptions in bilinear groups. To motivate the usefulness of this primitive we discuss several applica-tions including privacy-preserving distributed file systems and Oblivious Transfer schemes that admit public contribution.
