7 research outputs found

    A note on correlations in randomly oriented graphs

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    Given a graph GG, we consider the model where GG is given a random orientation by giving each edge a random direction. It is proven that for a,b,s∈V(G)a,b,s\in V(G), the events {sβ†’a}\{s\to a\} and {sβ†’b}\{s\to b\} are positively correlated. This correlation persists, perhaps unexpectedly, also if we first condition on \{s\nto t\} for any vertex tβ‰ st\neq s. With this conditioning it is also true that {sβ†’b}\{s\to b\} and {aβ†’t}\{a\to t\} are negatively correlated. A concept of increasing events in random orientations is defined and a general inequality corresponding to Harris inequality is given. The results are obtained by combining a very useful lemma by Colin McDiarmid which relates random orientations with edge percolation, with results by van den Berg, H\"aggstr\"om, Kahn on correlation inequalities for edge percolation. The results are true also for another model of randomly directed graphs.Comment: 7 pages. The main lemma was first published by Colin McDiarmid. Relevant reference added and text rewritten to reflect this fac

    On percolation and the bunkbed conjecture

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    We study a problem on edge percolation on product graphs GΓ—K2G\times K_2. Here GG is any finite graph and K2K_2 consists of two vertices {0,1}\{0,1\} connected by an edge. Every edge in GΓ—K2G\times K_2 is present with probability pp independent of other edges. The Bunkbed conjecture states that for all GG and pp the probability that (u,0)(u,0) is in the same component as (v,0)(v,0) is greater than or equal to the probability that (u,0)(u,0) is in the same component as (v,1)(v,1) for every pair of vertices u,v∈Gu,v\in G. We generalize this conjecture and formulate and prove similar statements for randomly directed graphs. The methods lead to a proof of the original conjecture for special classes of graphs GG, in particular outerplanar graphs.Comment: 13 pages, improved exposition thanks to anonymous referee. To appear in CP

    Correlations for paths in random orientations of G(n,p) and G(n,m)

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    We study random graphs, both G(n,p)G(n,p) and G(n,m)G(n,m), with random orientations on the edges. For three fixed distinct vertices s,a,b we study the correlation, in the combined probability space, of the events a -> s and s -> b. For G(n,p), we prove that there is a p_c=1/2 such that for a fixed p<p_c the correlation is negative for large enough n and for p>p_c the correlation is positive for large enough n. We conjecture that for a fixed n\ge 27 the correlation changes sign three times for three critical values of p. For G(n,m) it is similarly proved that, with p=m/(n2)p=m/\binom{n}{2}, there is a critical p_c that is the solution to a certain equation and approximately equal to 0.7993. A lemma, which computes the probability of non existence of any k directed edges in G(n,m), is thought to be of independent interest. We present exact recursions to compute P(a -> s)andP(aβˆ’>s,sβˆ’>b) and P(a -> s, s -> b). We also briefly discuss the corresponding question in the quenched version of the problem.Comment: Author added, main proof greatly simplified and extended to cover also G(n,m). Discussion on quenched version adde