377 research outputs found

    Accurate and Efficient Expression Evaluation and Linear Algebra

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    We survey and unify recent results on the existence of accurate algorithms for evaluating multivariate polynomials, and more generally for accurate numerical linear algebra with structured matrices. By "accurate" we mean that the computed answer has relative error less than 1, i.e., has some correct leading digits. We also address efficiency, by which we mean algorithms that run in polynomial time in the size of the input. Our results will depend strongly on the model of arithmetic: Most of our results will use the so-called Traditional Model (TM). We give a set of necessary and sufficient conditions to decide whether a high accuracy algorithm exists in the TM, and describe progress toward a decision procedure that will take any problem and provide either a high accuracy algorithm or a proof that none exists. When no accurate algorithm exists in the TM, it is natural to extend the set of available accurate operations by a library of additional operations, such as x+y+zx+y+z, dot products, or indeed any enumerable set which could then be used to build further accurate algorithms. We show how our accurate algorithms and decision procedure for finding them extend to this case. Finally, we address other models of arithmetic, and the relationship between (im)possibility in the TM and (in)efficient algorithms operating on numbers represented as bit strings.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations for Large-Scale Spatial-Temporal Bayesian Modeling

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    Bayesian inference tasks continue to pose a computational challenge. This especially holds for spatial-temporal modeling where high-dimensional latent parameter spaces are ubiquitous. The methodology of integrated nested Laplace approximations (INLA) provides a framework for performing Bayesian inference applicable to a large subclass of additive Bayesian hierarchical models. In combination with the stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE) approach it gives rise to an efficient method for spatial-temporal modeling. In this work we build on the INLA-SPDE approach, by putting forward a performant distributed memory variant, INLA-DIST, for large-scale applications. To perform the arising computational kernel operations, consisting of Cholesky factorizations, solving linear systems, and selected matrix inversions, we present two numerical solver options, a sparse CPU-based library and a novel blocked GPU-accelerated approach which we propose. We leverage the recurring nonzero block structure in the arising precision (inverse covariance) matrices, which allows us to employ dense subroutines within a sparse setting. Both versions of INLA-DIST are highly scalable, capable of performing inference on models with millions of latent parameters. We demonstrate their accuracy and performance on synthetic as well as real-world climate dataset applications.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Solution of 3-dimensional time-dependent viscous flows. Part 3: Application to turbulent and unsteady flows

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    A numerical scheme is developed for solving the time dependent, three dimensional compressible viscous flow equations to be used as an aid in the design of helicopter rotors. In order to further investigate the numerical procedure, the computer code developed to solve an approximate form of the three dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations employing a linearized block implicit technique in conjunction with a QR operator scheme is tested. Results of calculations are presented for several two dimensional boundary layer flows including steady turbulent and unsteady laminar cases. A comparison of fourth order and second order solutions indicate that increased accuracy can be obtained without any significant increases in cost (run time). The results of the computations also indicate that the computer code can be applied to more complex flows such as those encountered on rotating airfoils. The geometry of a symmetric NACA four digit airfoil is considered and the appropriate geometrical properties are computed

    Robust Fast Direct Integral Equation Solver for Quasi-Periodic Scattering Problems with a Large Number of Layers

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    We present a new boundary integral formulation for time-harmonic wave diffraction from two-dimensional structures with many layers of arbitrary periodic shape, such as multilayer dielectric gratings in TM polarization. Our scheme is robust at all scattering parameters, unlike the conventional quasi-periodic Green’s function method which fails whenever any of the layers approaches a Wood anomaly. We achieve this by a decomposition into near- and far-field contributions. The former uses the free-space Green’s function in a second-kind integral equation on one period of the material interfaces and their immediate left and right neighbors; the latter uses proxy point sources and small least-squares solves (Schur complements) to represent the remaining contribution from distant copies. By using high-order discretization on interfaces (including those with corners), the number of unknowns per layer is kept small. We achieve overall linear complexity in the number of layers, by direct solution of the resulting block tridiagonal system. For device characterization we present an efficient method to sweep over multiple incident angles, and show a 25× speedup over solving each angle independently. We solve the scattering from a 1000-layer structure with 3 × 105 unknowns to 9-digit accuracy in 2.5 minutes on a desktop workstation

    Numerical methods and accurate computations with structured matrices

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    Esta tesis doctoral es un compendio de 11 artículos científicos. El tema principal de la tesis es el Álgebra Lineal Numérica, con énfasis en dos clases de matrices estructuradas: las matrices totalmente positivas y las M-matrices. Para algunas subclases de estas matrices, es posible desarrollar algoritmos para resolver numéricamente varios de los problemas más comunes en álgebra lineal con alta precisión relativa independientemente del número de condición de la matriz. La clave para lograr cálculos precisos está en el uso de una parametrización diferente que represente la estructura especial de la matriz y en el desarrollo de algoritmos adaptados que trabajen con dicha parametrización.Las matrices totalmente positivas no singulares admiten una factorización única como producto de matrices bidiagonales no negativas llamada factorización bidiagonal. Si conocemos esta representación con alta precisión relativa, se puede utilizar para resolver ciertos sistemas de ecuaciones y para calcular la inversa, los valores propios y los valores singulares con alta precisión relativa. Nuestra contribución en este campo ha sido la obtención de la factorización bidiagonal con alta precisión relativa de matrices de colocación de polinomios de Laguerre generalizados, de matrices de colocación de polinomios de Bessel, de clases de matrices que generalizan la matriz de Pascal y de matrices de q-enteros. También hemos estudiado la extensión de varias propiedades óptimas de las matrices de colocación de B-bases normalizadas (que en particular son matrices totalmente positivas). En particular, hemos demostrado propiedades de optimalidad de las matrices de colocación del producto tensorial de B-bases normalizadas.Si conocemos las sumas de filas y las entradas extradiagonales de una M-matriz no singular diagonal dominante con alta precisión relativa, entonces podemos calcular su inversa, determinante y valores singulares también con alta precisión relativa. Hemos buscado nuevos métodos para lograr cálculos precisos con nuevas clases de M-matrices o matrices relacionadas. Hemos propuesto una parametrización para las Z-matrices de Nekrasov con entradas diagonales positivas que puede utilizarse para calcular su inversa y determinante con alta precisión relativa. También hemos estudiado la clase denominada B-matrices, que está muy relacionada con las M-matrices. Hemos obtenido un método para calcular los determinantes de esta clase con alta precisión relativa y otro para calcular los determinantes de las matrices de B-Nekrasov también con alta precisión relativa. Basándonos en la utilización de dos matrices de escalado que hemos introducido, hemos desarrollado nuevas cotas para la norma infinito de la inversa de una matriz de Nekrasov y para el error del problema de complementariedad lineal cuando su matriz asociada es de Nekrasov. También hemos obtenido nuevas cotas para la norma infinito de las inversas de Bpi-matrices, una clase que extiende a las B-matrices, y las hemos utilizado para obtener nuevas cotas del error para el problema de complementariedad lineal cuya matriz asociada es una Bpi-matriz. Algunas clases de matrices han sido generalizadas al caso de mayor dimensión para desarrollar una teoría para tensores extendiendo la conocida para el caso matricial. Por ejemplo, la definición de la clase de las B-matrices ha sido extendida a la clase de B-tensores, dando lugar a un criterio sencillo para identificar una nueva clase de tensores definidos positivos. Hemos propuesto una extensión de la clase de las Bpi-matrices a Bpi-tensores, definiendo así una nueva clase de tensores definidos positivos que puede ser identificada en base a un criterio sencillo basado solo en cálculos que involucran a las entradas del tensor. Finalmente, hemos caracterizado los casos en los que las matrices de Toeplitz tridiagonales son P-matrices y hemos estudiado cuándo pueden ser representadas en términos de una factorización bidiagonal que sirve como parametrización para lograr cálculos con alta precisión relativa.<br /