4 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Natural hazards such as landslides, whether they are driven by meteorologic or seismic processes, are constantly shaping Earth's surface. In large percentage of the slope failures, they are also causing huge human and economic losses. As the problem is complex in its nature, proper mitigation and prevention strategies are not straightforward to implement. One important step in the correct direction is the integration of different fields; as such, in this work, we are providing a general overview of approaches and techniques which are adopted and integrated for landslide monitoring and mapping, as both activities are important in the risk prevention strategies. Detailed landslide inventory is important for providing the correct information of the phenomena suitable for further modelling, analysing and implementing suitable mitigation measures. On the other hand, timely monitoring of active landslides could provide priceless insights which can be sufficient for reducing damages. Therefore, in this work popular methods are discussed that use remotely-sensed datasets with a particular focus on the implementation of machine learning into landslide detection, susceptibility modelling and its implementation in early-warning systems. Moreover, it is reviewed how Citizen Science is adopted by scholars for providing valuable landslide-specific information, as well as couple of well-known platforms for Volunteered Geographic Information which have the potential to contribute and be used also in the landslide studies. In addition to proving an overview of the most popular techniques, this paper aims to highlight the importance of implementing interdisciplinary approaches

    A near-real-time global landslide incident reporting tool demonstrator using social media and artificial intelligence

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    The development of a system that monitors social media continuously for general landslide-related content using a landslide classification model to identify and retain the most relevant information is described and validated. The system harvests photographs in real-time from these data and tags each image as landslide or not-landslide. A training model was developed with input from computer scientists, geologists (landslide specialists) and social media specialists to establish a large image dataset that has then been applied to the live Twitter data stream. The preliminary model was developed by training a convolutional neural network on the dataset. Quantitative verification of the system's performance during a real-world deployment shows that the system can detect landslide reports with Precision = 76%. The demonstrator model is currently running live https://landslide-aidr.qcri.org/service.php; the next stage of development will incorporate stakeholder and user feedback

    A Convolutional Neural Network Architecture For Auto-Detection Of Landslide Photographs To Assess Citizen Science And Volunteered Geographic Information Data Quality

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    Several scientific processes benefit from Citizen Science (CitSci) and VGI (Volunteered Geographical Information) with the help of mobile and geospatial technologies. Studies on landslides can also take advantage of these approaches to a great extent. However, the quality of the collected data by both approaches is often questionable, and automated procedures to check the quality are needed for this purpose. In the present study, a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture is proposed to validate landslide photos collected by citizens or nonexperts and integrated into a mobile- and web-based GIS environment designed specifically for a landslide CitSci project. The VGG16 has been used as the base model since it allows finetuning, and high performance could be achieved by selecting the best hyper-parameters. Although the training dataset was small, the proposed CNN architecture was found to be effective as it could identify the landslide photos with 94% precision. The accuracy of the results is sufficient for purpose and could even be improved further using a larger amount of training data, which is expected to be obtained with the help of volunteers.WoSScopu