5 research outputs found

    A continuous media transport protocol

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    A protocol for the transmission of digitized audio and video data must schedule data transmission such that each audio or video sample is available in the receiver\u27s buffer by its play-out deadline without overflowing the allotted buffer space at the receiver. While traditional data communication protocols provide error-free data transmission through the use of time-outs and retransmissions, the unbounded number of retransmissions that a packet may suffer results in an unboundable network transmission delay. Thus, such protocols are not appropriate for the real-time transmission of digitized audio and video data;This dissertation examines the network environments likely to be used for digitized audio and video data transmission and develops an audio/video transport-layer communication protocol which for such network environments. A unique feature of this protocol is the calculation of a transmission schedule which can minimize the buffer requirements at the receiver while still meeting the real-time play-out deadlines of the individual audio and video streams

    Multiple Media Correlation: Theory and Applications

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    This thesis introduces multiple media correlation, a new technology for the automatic alignment of multiple media objects such as text, audio, and video. This research began with the question: what can be learned when multiple multimedia components are analyzed simultaneously? Most ongoing research in computational multimedia has focused on queries, indexing, and retrieval within a single media type. Video is compressed and searched independently of audio, text is indexed without regard to temporal relationships it may have to other media data. Multiple media correlation provides a framework for locating and exploiting correlations between multiple, potentially heterogeneous, media streams. The goal is computed synchronization, the determination of temporal and spatial alignments that optimize a correlation function and indicate commonality and synchronization between media objects. The model also provides a basis for comparison of media in unrelated domains. There are many real-world applications for this technology, including speaker localization, musical score alignment, and degraded media realignment. Two applications, text-to-speech alignment and parallel text alignment, are described in detail with experimental validation. Text-to-speech alignment computes the alignment between a textual transcript and speech-based audio. The presented solutions are effective for a wide variety of content and are useful not only for retrieval of content, but in support of automatic captioning of movies and video. Parallel text alignment provides a tool for the comparison of alternative translations of the same document that is particularly useful to the classics scholar interested in comparing translation techniques or styles. The results presented in this thesis include (a) new media models more useful in analysis applications, (b) a theoretical model for multiple media correlation, (c) two practical application solutions that have wide-spread applicability, and (d) Xtrieve, a multimedia database retrieval system that demonstrates this new technology and demonstrates application of multiple media correlation to information retrieval. This thesis demonstrates that computed alignment of media objects is practical and can provide immediate solutions to many information retrieval and content presentation problems. It also introduces a new area for research in media data analysis

    The annotation of continuous media

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    In principle, the presentation of continuous media is time-dependent. Examples of con­tinuous media are audio, video and graphics animation. This work is on the support for the annotation of continuous media, or the integration of voice comments with continuous- media documents like music and video clips. This application has strict synchronisation requirements, both with respect to the media involved and to user interaction. The applica­tion involves functions such as storage, management, control of GUIs, and of continuous- medium devices. These are realised by components which can be distributed across a network. New models and architectures have been defined to enable open distributed processing of applications, that is, distributed processing independent of operating systems. Abstractions are provided, which facilitate the development of applications, and these execute supported by platforms that implement such open architectures. These architectures have been based on an object-based client/server model. Our work aims at exploring object-orientation, open distributed processing and some characteristics of continuous media, through the development and use of the proposed application. The application is designed as a set of objects with well-defined functions and which interact between themselves. A distinguishing feature of the application is that it involves reusable components and mechanisms. For example, a mechanism, which enables components to control logical clocks and synchronise them, is incorporated in the application in response to its synchronisation requirements. The implementation is based on ANSAware, a platform that supports open distributed processing and allows distributed objects to bind to each other, to interact with one another, and to exhibit concurrent activities. The performance of the implementation is examined with respect to the application’s response to user requests. Response times of operations such as play, pause, etc., are measured, and the final results are better than a defined maximum tolerance. An analysis of the development approach is made with respect to support for real-time activities in the application, and to software reuse in the model proposed. This thesis concludes by reviewing the suitability of the object-oriented approach for the development of distributed continuous media applications

    Estudio del rendimiento de arquitecturas basadas en grupos para WAHSN

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    [ES] Existen muchos trabajos relacionados con las redes ad hoc y las redes de sensores donde se presentan nuevos protocolos que encaminamiento que aportan mejores características, otros trabajos donde se comparan para ver cual posee un mejor rendimiento ó incluso presentan nuevas aplicaciones basadas en este tipo de redes, pero este trabajo aporta otro punto de vista. ¿Por que no ver la red como un conjunto que se divide en grupos para aportar un mejor rendimiento a la red independientemente del protocolo de encaminamiento utilizado?. Para ello, en este trabajo, vamos a demostrar a través de simulaciones, que la agrupación de nodos en redes WAHSN (Wireless Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks) aporta mejoras a la red en general, disminuyendo el tráfico de encaminamiento, el retardo, el throughput, etc. Este estudio se ha realizado evaluando los protocolos estándar más utilizados (DSR [1], AODV [2] y OLSR [3]), así podemos observar cual de ellos aporta un mejor rendimiento. Finalmente, se propone una arquitectura de red basada en grupos optimizada para las redes WAHSN[EN] There are many works related with ad hoc networks and sensor networks where the authors present new routing protocols with better or enhanced features, others just compare the performance of them or present an application environment, but this work tries to give another point of view. Why don¿t we see the network as a whole and split it intro groups to give better performance to the network regardless of the used routing protocol?. First, we will demonstrate, through simulations, that grouping nodes in WAHSN (Wireless Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks) improves the whole network by diminishing the routing traffic, the delay, the throughput, etc. This study was conducted to assess the most used standard protocols (DSR [1], AODV [2] and OLSR [3]) that gives better performance to the whole network when there are groups of nodes. Finally, a group-based network architecture optimized for WAHSN is proposedGarcía Pineda, M. (2008). Estudio del rendimiento de arquitecturas basadas en grupos para WAHSN. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13472Archivo delegad