242 research outputs found

    Investigation and Design of Mobile OPAC Services (MOS) for Non-Smartphone Users

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    This research focuses on providing Online Public Access Catalog services to university students via mobile phone in order to enhance the traditional library walk in services and online library access using a computer. This research comprises of three main findings in relation with mobile OPAC services. First, it investigates student’s perception in using mobile phone to access OPAC services in the educational environment. Next, it identifies and adopts mobile content design guidelines in the development of Mobile OPAC Services (MOS) prototype application. Third, it develops MOS prototype Application for NonSmartphone users. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques conducted to identify student’s uses and needs for mobile library services access. The survey derived 73% of the students prefer to access the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) via mobile phone. The reason being is that OPAC provide major services of the library such as searching for learning materials, new titles in the library, reservation list and other related services. By conducting the survey, we discovered 71% of the students are using non-smart phone because they are still studying and unable to buy a smart phone which is expensive. Based on this finding we design a Mobile OPAC Service (MOS) prototype application for university students to access Online Public Access Catalog services via non-smart phones. The mobile OPAC services will bring libraries one step ahead in the wireless information technology world in meeting their patrons needs and providing quality education resources

    The cgml: a xml language for mobile cartography

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    Increasing processing power and storage capabilities encourage systematic adoption of high-end mobile devices, such as programmable cellular phones and wireless-enabled PDA to implement new exciting applications. The performances of modern mobile devices are bringing innovative scenarios, based on position awareness and ambient intelligence paradigms. The market is moving from old 'Wireless Applications' approach to Mobile Computing, which aims to exploit mobile host capabilities. This paper presents the compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML), an XML-based language defined to enable design and development of LBS applications specific for mobile devices, and an example of client-server architecture using it

    Compact gml: merging mobile computing and mobile cartography

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    The use of portable devices is moving from "Wireless Applications", typically implemented as browsing-on-the-road, to "Mobile Computing", which aims to exploit increasing processing power of consumer devices. As users get connected with smartphones and PDAs, they look for geographic information and location-aware services. While browser-based approaches have been explored (using static images or graphics formats such as Mobile SVG), a data model tailored for local computation on mobile devices is still missing. This paper presents the Compact Geographic Markup Language (cGML) that enables design and development of specific purpose GIS applications for portable consumer devices where a cGML document can be used as a spatial query result as well

    Organizer Online (Wireless Environment)

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    The objective of this project is to provide an online organizer in wireless website so that all people can afford to have an organizer on their own. By developing this wireless website it can encourage people to organize themselves by using an online organizer. This will be more interactive and will attract them to use it since this is a new technology and it is easy to use. The idea came out when the people are facing a problem which is they cannot afford to buy an organizer device. Since a lot of them have a cell phone, they can access Internet from their phone and surf this website. This website provides an organizer online to the customer for free access. Based on the study that has been done, some of people need this website in order to help them to organize themselves. In order to develop this project, the focus thing will be given to understand a new language, which will be Wireless Markup Language (WML). Since it is a new language, it may take a long time in order to get a really understanding of this knowledge. Besides that, this development also required knowledge about creating an account for every user and the security of the website. This is important in order to keep all their information confidential. The user should have a user name and passwordin order to login to the website. This could be the critical part since there is not much example sincethis technology can be considered as new technology. For this project, it is decided to develop the website by applying Waterfall Model as the methodology to be used. Since this is a well-defined project, this is the best method to be used. This model will divide this project into some sequential stages. Every stage must be completed before beginning the next stage

    Playwriting: an analysis of the Morphological Characteristics of Whatsapp and Facebook Messages

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    The concept of writing in all its ramifications has remained pivotally significant in the process of documentations, from the antediluvian to the contemporary times. This is asserted on power, prowess and flexibility of the playwright in carefully adapting his environment and mirroring it satisfactorily. This paper examines the art of playwriting as a medium of adaptation of the society holistically and narrowing it to the influence of the social media (Facebook and whatsapp) on English language in making modern plays. In the process of interacting with people from different educational and societal backgrounds, social media platforms have influenced their use of English language and as such, the playwright captures them. This paper through the content and data analysis examines the influence of Facebook and WhatsApp on English language in playwriting processes in particular and the society at large. This paper hinges on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s “Use Theory” and Aristotle’s mimetic wisdom theory as its theoretical fibre. This study through three Facebook groups and three Whatsapp groups provides understanding of budding playwrights’ experiences of using Facebook and WhatsApp and their view on how it affects their writing of plays in flexible English language. The paper recommends that budding and experienced playwrights should flexibly adapt the nuances of social media to stay germane, focus and creative in the contemporary theatre industry and advance the craft of playwriting in mirroring the society

    Mobile commerce business models and technologies towards success

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    Mobile commerce is any transaction with a monetary value that is conducted via a mobile telecommunications network. This thesis tries to examine the factors leading to the success of mobile commerce as well as factors that may hinder its success. This research is separated into five parts: In the first part of this thesis, an analysis of wired e-commerce businesses is made; followed by advantages of mobile commerce over wired e-commerce. In the second part of this thesis, new wireless business models that are expected to generate substantial revenue flows as well as some successful examples of these business models are discussed. In the third part of this thesis, advances in wireless technologies that will lead to the success of mobile commerce are discussed. In the fourth part of this thesis, competition strategies and revenue structure of mobile commerce are discussed. And finally, in the fifth part of this thesis, drawbacks of wireless technologies towards the success of mobile commerce as well as how they can be overcome are discussed. The research and the conclusion suggest that although wireless technologies and their related business models are fairly new, they are growing at rapid speed. These are incredible sources of revenue. Once the factors hindering their usability, reliability, development and deployment are overcome, mobile technologies show great potential as revenue generators for both existing and newly developing businesse
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