6 research outputs found

    A Memory Model for Concept Hierarchy Representation and Commonsense Reasoning

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    Most associative memory models perform one level mapping between predefined sets of input and output patterns1 and are unable to represent hierarchical knowledge. Complex AI systems allow hierarchical representation of concepts, but generally do not have learning capabilities. In this paper, a memory model is proposed which forms concept hierarchy by learning sample relations between concepts. All concepts are represented in a concept layer. Relations between a concept and its defining lower level concepts, are chunked as cognitive codes represented in a coding layer. By updating memory contents in the concept layer through code firing in the coding layer, the system is able to perform an important class of commonsense reasoning, namely recognition and inheritance

    A Connectionist System for Rule Based Reasoning With Multi-Place Predicates and Variables

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    McCarthy has observed that the representational power of most connectionist systems is restricted to unary predicates applied to a fixed object. More recently, Fodor and Pylyshyn have made a sweeping claim that connectionist systems cannot incorporate systematicity and compositionality. These comments suggest that representing structured knowledge in a connectionist network and using this knowledge in a systematic way is considered difficult if not impossible. The work reported in this paper demonstrates that a connectionist system can not only represent structured knowledge and display systematic behavior, but it can also do so with extreme efficiency. The paper describes a connectionist system that can represent knowledge expressed as rules and facts involving multi-place predicates (i.e., n-ary relations), and draw limited, but sound, inferences based on this knowledge. The system is extremely efficient - in fact, optimal, as it draws conclusions in time proportional to the length of the proof. It is observed that representing and reasoning with structured knowledge requires a solution to the variable binding problem. A solution to this problem using a multi-phase clock is proposed. The solution allows the system to maintain and propagate an arbitrary number of variable bindings during the reasoning process. The work also identifies constraints on the structure of inferential dependencies and the nature of quantification in individual rules that are required for efficient reasoning. These constraints may eventually help in modelling the remarkable human ability of performing certain inferences with extreme efficiency

    A General Knowledge Representation Model of Concepts

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    From Simple Associations to Systemic Reasoning: A Connectionist Representation of Rules, Variables and Dynamic Bindings

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    Human agents draw a variety of inferences effortlessly, spontaneously, and with remarkable efficiency - as though these inferences are a reflex response of their cognitive apparatus. The work presented in this paper is a step toward a computational account of this remarkable reasoning ability. We describe how a connectionist system made up of simple and slow neuron-like elements can encode millions of facts and rules involving n-ary predicates and variables, and yet perform a variety of inferences within hundreds of milliseconds. We observe that an efficient reasoning system must represent and propagate, dynamically, a large number of variable bindings. The proposed system does so by propagating rhythmic patterns of activity wherein dynamic bindings are represented as the in-phase, i.e., synchronous, firing of appropriate nodes. The mechanisms for representing and propagating dynamic bindings are biologically plausible. Neurophysiological evidence suggests that similar mechanisms may in fact be used by the brain to represent and process sensorimotor information

    A Decision Support System For The Intelligence Satellite Analyst

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    The study developed a decision support system known as Visual Analytic Cognitive Model (VACOM) to support the Intelligence Analyst (IA) in satellite information processing task within a Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) domain. As a visual analytics, VACOM contains the image processing algorithms, a cognitive network of the IA mental model, and a Bayesian belief model for satellite information processing. A cognitive analysis tool helps to identify eight knowledge levels in a satellite information processing. These are, spatial, prototypical, contextual, temporal, semantic, pragmatic, intentional, and inferential knowledge levels, respectively. A cognitive network was developed for each knowledge level with data input from the subjective questionnaires that probed the analysts’ mental model. VACOM interface was designed to allow the analysts have a transparent view of the processes, including, visualization model, and signal processing model applied to the images, geospatial data representation, and the cognitive network of expert beliefs. VACOM interface allows the user to select a satellite image of interest, select each of the image analysis methods for visualization, and compare ‘ground-truth’ information against the recommendation of VACOM. The interface was designed to enhance perception, cognition, and even comprehension to the multi and complex image analyses by the analysts. A usability analysis on VACOM showed many advantages for the human analysts. These include, reduction in cognitive workload as a result of less information search, the IA can conduct an interactive experiment on each of his/her belief space and guesses, and selection of best image processing algorithms to apply to an image context