2 research outputs found

    A Configurable CEGAR Framework with Interpolation-Based Refinements

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    International audienceCorrectness of software components in a distributed system is a key issue to ensure overall reliability. Formal verification techniques such as model checking can show design flaws at early stages of development. Abstraction is a key technique for reducing complexity by hiding information, which is not relevant for verification. Counterexample-Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR) is a verification algorithm that starts from a coarse abstraction and refines it iteratively until the proper precision is obtained. Many abstraction types and refinement strategies exist for systems with different characteristics. In this paper we show how these algorithms can be combined into a configurable CEGAR framework. In our framework we also present a new CEGAR configuration based on a combination of abstractions, being able to perform better for certain models. We demonstrate the use of the framework by comparing several configurations of the algorithms on various problems, identifying their advantages and shortcomings

    Effective Approaches to Abstraction Refinement for Automatic Software Verification

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    This thesis presents various techniques that aim at enabling more effective and more efficient approaches for automatic software verification. After a brief motivation why automatic software verification is getting ever more relevant, we continue with detailing the formalism used in this thesis and on the concepts it is built on. We then describe the design and implementation of the value analysis, an analysis for automatic software verification that tracks state information concretely. From a thorough evaluation based on well over 4 000 verification tasks from the latest edition of the International Competition on Software Verification (SV-COMP), we learn that this plain value analysis leads to an efficient verification process for many verification tasks, but at the same time, fails to solve other verification tasks due to state-space explosion. From this insight we infer that some form of abstraction technique must be added to the value analysis in order to also allow the successful verification of large and complex verification tasks. As a solution, we propose to incorporate counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) and interpolation into the value domain. To this end, we design a novel interpolation procedure, that extracts from infeasible counterexamples interpolants for the value domain, allowing to form a precision strong enough to exclude these infeasible counterexamples, and to make progress in the CEGAR loop. We then describe several optimizations and extensions to these concepts, such that the value analysis with CEGAR becomes competitive for automatic software verification. As the next step, we combine the value analysis with CEGAR with a predicate analysis, to obtain a more precise and efficient composite analysis based on CEGAR. This composite analysis is indeed on a par with the world’s leading software verification tools, as witnessed by the results of SV-COMP’13 where this approach achieved the 2 nd place in the overall ranking. After having available competitive CEGAR-based analyses for the value domain, the predicate domain, and the combination thereof, we then turn our attention to techniques that have the goal to make all these CEGAR-based approaches more successful. Our first novel idea in this regard is based on the concept of infeasible sliced prefixes, which allow the computation of different precisions from a single infeasible counterexample. This adds choice to the CEGAR loop, while without this enhancement, no choice for a specific precision, i. e., a specific refinement, is possible. In our evaluation we show, for both the value analysis and the predicate analysis, that choosing different infeasible sliced prefixes during the refinement step leads to major differences in verification effectiveness and verification efficiency. Extending on the concept of infeasible sliced prefixes, we define several heuristics in order to precisely select a single refinement from a set of possible refinements. We make this new concept, which we refer to as guided refinement selection, available to both the value and predicate analysis, and in a large-scale evaluation we try to answer the question which selection technique leads to well suited abstractions and thus, to a more effective verification process. Additionally, we present the idea of inter-analysis refinement selection, where the refinement component of a composite analysis may decide which of its component analyses is best to be refined, and in yet another evaluation we highlight the positive effects of this technique. Finally, we present the results of SV-COMP’16, where the verifier we contributed and which is based on the concepts and ideas presented in this thesis achieved the 1 st place in the category DeviceDriversLinux64